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Originally posted by NateW

If you can avoid inferring insult from the headline (not easy considering the source) this is actually an article about the (lack of) early warning communication.

sorry can't do that. F**K al JIZZ eera. Their reporting is grossly biased. Not saying we have the best news reporting orgs either, and I feel it is important to read/listen to a lot of different sources, but please, these guys are so obviously one sided.

hoping their website is hacked and a cool porn link is inserted,


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Originally posted by Barry

Originally posted by NateW

If you can avoid inferring insult from the headline (not easy considering the source) this is actually an article about the (lack of) early warning communication.

sorry can't do that. F**K al JIZZ eera. Their reporting is grossly biased. Not saying we have the best news reporting orgs either, and I feel it is important to read/listen to a lot of different sources, but please, these guys are so obviously one sided.

hoping their website is hacked and a cool porn link is inserted,


Not to start a Flame war but have you read the article??? most if not all if the info/quotes/etc are availabe from other sources but their assemblly of them into a story was pretty good and while the headline might have been inflamitory it wasn't lie nor even a distorsion of the truth...it was a fact, people in Hawaii knew there would be a Tsunami before it hit, they knew where it would hit and the approximate size/power of the waved...that there was nothing they could do is touched on and used as example that the I.O. needs a Tsunami warning center/system.

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Gecko, I think you have accidentally supported my point. Yes, I read teh article. As you said, there was no system in place. The fact that the headline explicity states that the US had anything to do with this is totally absurd- and this supports my point that this "news" organization is disgustingly biased. Why would they put a completely ridiculous headline like that? Must be part of a big freaking consipracy by the US government to kill tens of thousands of people, right? Let's cause earthquakes! morons.

"It's a people problem, not a technology problem," said geophysicist Teng-fong Wong of the State University of New York-Stony Brook.

"Even if you give the tourist resorts in Thailand a half-hour's notice, it is no easy matter to evacuate vast swaths of coastland," he said. "You have to plan and train people. And then do it all over again."

as was stated earlier, consider the source / take with a MASSIVE grain of salt.

supporting rationality and recognizing fundamentalism (of all causes),


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who here anything by AlJezeera you take instant offence...the headline told the truth nothing more nothing less...there was no blame in the statement just a admision of fact we knew...hell, I subsciribe to a bunch of Geology/earthquake related pages and I knew there was a big quake that had the probablity of a tsunami. If that same headline had run in the LA Times, NY Times etc would it have caused you as much heartache. Being an Expat for a decade now I sometimes don't understand reactions to world press...of course this is coming from some who deals with foriegn press on a daily basis.

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Gecko, do you not think that the headline blatantly casts the US in a negative light- for no legit reason. it implies that we somehow could have single handedly prevented this tragedy. this implication is ridiculous. AJ isn't exactly known for considering a lot of different viewpoints (well, I guess for the Arab world, they are) Perhaps this is natural, as they've said their demographic is, of course, comprised of people in the middle east.

no need for generalizations. I have also lived abroad and been to almost as many countries as my age, so i have a clue about the rest of the world and I have viewed americans/ america from their perspective and have also not always liked what I've seen. that being said, I still keep things in perspective and love my country. Perhaps that's harder when you haven't lived here for 10 years.

al jazeera is a revolutionary news organization for the middle east (where only 1 democracy exists). AJ was started in the 90s, so it's obviously still very young. As far as I know, AJ is the only non-censored Arab news org.

let's move on.


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you read it as "the USA knew and did nothing about it"....I read it as "the USA knew and could do nothing about it"... But the words only said "the USA knew". As I said I spend my days dealing with the press, I end up writing/rewriting photo captions pretty much every day insuring that there is no chance of dual meaning.

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I work for a non-profit organization and the things that are always in the highest demand are:

1. volunteers

2. money

Many of us will not be able to get there to volunteer, but we can send money for the effort and to those that can go.

PS: Everyone of us that makes over $20,000US/year is in the top 2% of wage earners in the world!

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