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Okay, woman at work gave me 1st book of the trilogy to read...I made sure I read the first 100 pages (give the book a chance I thought)..eventually I had to skim/skip read, as getting bored ...I just could not finish the book thoroughly, thoroughly bored...have given the book back...

Now if I want to read about - IMO - weirdos, where I can really get in the psyche of a weirdo, then I would go for Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz, an absolutely amazing and enthralling read... what a clever, clever writer...

...just my 2 cents worth:biggthump

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Did you tie her up yet?

Haha very funny...firstly I am female and not of that kind of persuasion in any form....How shall I put this....I'd rather snowboard:biggthump

...I stupidly, was looking on this site at the 50 shades of Dulux grey...wondering why someone would post such a pic here ...I thought there was a private conversation going on in the background...:smashfrea.....doh! ...To try and justify my stupidity....I do not have a TV and rarely listen to the radio...but I did notice on some websites something about '50 shades of grey' which kept appearing but I ignored...

I hadn't heard of this book until it was being discussed by the women at work (the men like to eaves drop;))...and it was quite funny to see some of them blushing...however, the women were being awfully vague and talking in too many euphemisms (considering they had read the blinking book), so I got straight to the point with my curious questions..hahaha...

...when I handed the book back to the woman who loaned it to me she said,

"what did you think of it?".

"I couldn't finish it, I was bored, the writer does not have much intellect and doesn't know how to get into the psyche of Mr Grey ; there aren't really any other themes woven into...."

she laughingly interrupted, "s*d those bits all I was interested in was the s*x."...she's now onto the 3rd of the trilogy...what can I say, each to their own...:eek: ...

...BTW she has recently acquired a new boyfriend :1luvu: and she is very, very happy :) I have been privvy to some of her antics during her quest of obtaining one...hahaha,:lol: including seeing her 'eyeing' up some of the men in Tescos where I have had to move out of the way (me being tall) so she could get a 'better look'...It's been hilarious bumping into her...all I was trying to do was get some cat food:eek:...although at the time I was in the Marmite isle while she was after Raspberry jam...these are our new 'code' words if we are talking about the male species..."have you still got plenty Raspberry jam?" I ask, "yes, loads" she replies... "and how's the Marmite going?"..."empty...they never seem to restock the shelves", I tell her... hahaha , we do have a laugh....

So will you be the first male to admit that you have read the books;)

C5 Golfer, this Unbroken book recommendation is it the one to do with the Olympic runner re WW2? :)

Has anyone started a SNOW watch thread for this season yet? I am now weather watching:biggthump

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C5Golfer....Unbroken is now Amazon ordered...sounds like an inspirational book...cheers:)

Great --- did you watch the interview videos on Louis and the Prison guard..? they are on the web when you do the search of his name,

Hopefully this is not a thread jack.. since we are talking books here..

If you like that -- also read Seabiscuit.-- by the same author. She does a wonderful job on both.

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Hi c5Golfer

Strangely enough, I had heard about Seabiscuit but not paid any attention really...but I shall now..it's always good to be introduced to new material:biggthump...it was a guy at work that got me reading Dean Koontz... at the time I couldn't stop reading John Grisham books.. he was probably sick of me coming into work talking about mass torts :rolleyes:...

....come to think of it, there could possibly be a mass tort against the central banks recent base-rate fixing scandal...I'll email John... see what he thinks...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

With regard to the video of Louis and the guard no I have not watched it yet..I shall spend some time tonight having a look on YouTube...but just now from a glimpse I ain't quite in the mood re hear about the torture...:eek:

...I admire and respect Louis already..what a guy:cool:

My current book is.. Arnold Schwarzenegger..The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding...hahahaha...true tho'..Guy at work lent me this on long-term-loan:biggthump I am built like a skeleton and have decided ..ENOUGH!.. I now need real muscles:eplus2:..he's being a bit of a personal trainer to me...so this book is more about looking at PICTURES than reading:p...so INSPIRATIONAL too...this is now my main Summer sport...:)..much to the revulsion of most people at work.. who cringe at the thought of a female with muscles:lol:

Anyway, thanks for heads-up on Louis Zamperini...my second Summer hobby (the recovery phase of bodybuilding;))....who are your favourite authors? What are you reading at the moment?

p...llleaze don't tell me Hello magazine:o

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Hi c5Golfer

Strangely enough, I had heard about Seabiscuit but not paid any attention really...but I shall now..it's always good to be introduced to new material:biggthump...it was a guy at work that got me reading Dean Koontz... at the time I couldn't stop reading John Grisham books.. he was probably sick of me coming into work talking about mass torts :rolleyes:...

....come to think of it, there could possibly be a mass tort against the central banks recent base-rate fixing scandal...I'll email John... see what he thinks...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

With regard to the video of Louis and the guard no I have not watched it yet..I shall spend some time tonight having a look on YouTube...but just now from a glimpse I ain't quite in the mood re hear about the torture...:eek:

...I admire and respect Louis already..what a guy:cool:

My current book is.. Arnold Schwarzenegger..The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding...hahahaha...true tho'..Guy at work lent me this on long-term-loan:biggthump I am built like a skeleton and have decided ..ENOUGH!.. I now need real muscles:eplus2:..he's being a bit of a personal trainer to me...so this book is more about looking at PICTURES than reading:p...so INSPIRATIONAL too...this is now my main Summer sport...:)..much to the revulsion of most people at work.. who cringe at the thought of a female with muscles:lol:

Anyway, thanks for heads-up on Louis Zamperini...my second Summer hobby (the recovery phase of bodybuilding;))....who are your favourite authors? What are you reading at the moment?

p...llleaze don't tell me Hello magazine:o

video -- must see is -- http://www.keynotespeakers.com/zamperini/video.php

reading right now -- Empire of the Summer Moon -- true story of Quanah Parker and the Comanches during the 1800s in Texas.

Fav autors of mine are for novel -- Lee Childs -- who writes about a wondering guy Jack Reacher - who alway encounters trouble without looking for it, and the bad guys always get their due in the end. A movie is in the making now of one of his -with Tom Cruise -- bad choice for the character in the book IMHO - staring as the good guy. Good series if you like that stuff.. getting more than even with the bad guys outside of the law. :-) Also like Clive Cussler.

Koontz is great, S King used to be great...

true law type books -- goods one by Vincent Bugliosi-- he is the best.,

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From your book suggestions, you certainly don't appear to be one of those people who live life by burying your head-in-the-sand;) I've been criticized in the recent past for talking about out-of-the-sand issues :freak3:....I must get a subscription to Hello magazine...people talk to me more if I comment about so-and-so's cellulite :biggthump

I watched your video link re Louis....hmmm...was interesting that the Bird/Japanese guard would not meet him when he went back all those years later...in the Bird's (one and only) public interview, he did not apologise and didn't come across with any remorse, he just stated facts as he remembered them...Maybe you see this differently?

...it was great that Louis got the opportunity to carry the Olympic flag at the Nagano Games...a bit of closure......I am in no way religious but I was very glad that Louis found meaning in God...it help him turn his life around...happy days...I'm still waiting for the book :)

As for Empire of the Summer Moon... similarities going on here...with mentally tough tribes/people.. considering this book also entails ruthlessness and savagery:eek: ...apparently..as not read it...

However, I do watch some online videos about Russell Means, an activist for the rights of Native American people. It's interesting how years ago, people literally fought for their rights whereas nowadays people's rights seem to be taken away by stealth...

In the meantime...I must dash...I've got to find out why, "this time it will last forever", front page of Hello....where ARE you if you don't know that:D

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The remorse question.. I think the guy Bird was a nut but also programmed by his country’s beliefs all thru his life, especially when young. If I made more comments about him and many others like him, this thread would go political, which would not be good.

I agree on the religion comment you make. Would include this.. if he had not found what he found in meeting Billy Graham, he might have found the Bird, killed him which was his quest at the time, and then found himself back in a Japanese prison – I was so afraid that was going to happen as the book described his life. That would have been very very sad.

Yes on the savagery of the Empire of the Summer Moon, but that is not why I like it. I am fond of the 1800-1900 era of the western USA. That period of time shaped our nation as we know it today. Since I travel thru that Western part so often – I feel one should know its history to appreciate the lay of the land. Like standing on the hill at Custer’s Last Stand looking out at the Greasy Grass, , seeing all the trooper grave stones where they fell and visualizing what both sides went thru during that fateful period of time. Sad we treated the Indians so terrible at the time – and vice versa – but we did not know any better. It was all about the $$$ -- which is the same today… the names have changed but the ruthlessness has not.

comment on V Bugliosi – I don’t read his stuff because the murders or tragedy – I like his stuff because of the law proceedings and his cunning use of the court system. Not many lawyers can convict a guy with circumstantial evidence – he did.

I better go and see who has cellulite around here.. Enjoy the day

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Hi c5 Golfer

Nice reply, apologies if I made it sound that you were just interested in blood and gore:o I do agree it really can be about the writer but at least you immerse yourself in some reality;) I have to admit in the Dean Koontz Dark Rivers of the Heart, the nutter CIA bloke went around shooting people in a totally strange fashion but the writer got you to understand why and there was even some evangelical type logic to it....:eek:...as for his 'relationship' with his 'girlfriend'...this was a crazy story line but again the writer gets you to understand why they're together....chuffing fascinating...:)

I am not particularly well read and my history is rubbish but as stated before it's good to be introduced to new material...so I will be virtually following your trail across western America too :biggthump

What's the latest gossip then ....:p

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Hi c5 Golfer

Nice reply, apologies if I made it sound that you were just interested in blood and gore:o I do agree it really can be about the writer but at least you immerse yourself in some reality;) I have to admit in the Dean Koontz Dark Rivers of the Heart, the nutter CIA bloke went around shooting people in a totally strange fashion but the writer got you to understand why and there was even some evangelical type logic to it....:eek:...as for his 'relationship' with his 'girlfriend'...this was a crazy story line but again the writer gets you to understand why they're together....chuffing fascinating...:)

I am not particularly well read and my history is rubbish but as stated before it's good to be introduced to new material...so I will be virtually following your trail across western America too :biggthump

What's the latest gossip then ....:p

no apology needed -- no offence taken -- just thought I would add why I like some of the stuff. I also like some of the Koontz but could not get into Dark Rivers. One of my Favorites of his is "The Watchers"

A good one on USA western Indians... "The Last Stand"

If you read a bunch of Western USA books about the 1700-1900's you understand why we have such a facination with firearms in this country. Seems nothing was done until a trigger was pulled.

But then if you want more enjoyable reads -- 50 years of the Corvette by Lifffingwell is recommended.

No gossip here.. just trying to win a few more golf tournaments - won 2 so far -- 5 more coming up in Sept.

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C5 Golfer

"If you read a bunch of Western USA books about the 1700-1900's you understand why we have such a facination with firearms in this country. Seems nothing was done until a trigger was pulled."

Good point, I have always wondered why Americans often comment (especially at the moment with the 'powers that be' trying to 'stage' situations in America where they can justify taking away your 2nd Amendment - I think that's the one for Americans to have the right to bear arms? Thomas Jefferson, 1776?) at the situation here in the UK where we don't have that law. A bit of history certainly helps put things in perspective.

Congrats on winning some games :biggthumpAre you a pretty-good-golfer then? A sport I know nothing about but a few people at work do their golf rounds...my closest claim to golf fame is that I don't live too far from Gleneagles :rolleyes: and I was in the local pub one year when there was the Scottish open and there seemed to be lots of golf groupies, blonde hair, tanned legs and the 'little black dress'...all over the Golfers (who ever they were:rolleyes:).. quite an interesting evening of people watching :lol: This snippet of 'gossip' just shows how shallow I can be:sleep:

Oh well looks like I'll be at the library tomorrow am :biggthump

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Unbroken, arrived yesterday..no need for trip to library...:)... currently on chapter 11...

...so far...educational...addictive read...tugs at the heart strings...holding my breath...heart racing..heart nearly stopping...and the book is only warming-up:eek:

...I think a health warning should be written on front cover;)

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Unbroken, arrived yesterday..no need for trip to library...:)... currently on chapter 11...

...so far...educational...addictive read...tugs at the heart strings...holding my breath...heart racing..heart nearly stopping...and the book is only warming-up:eek:

...I think a health warning should be written on front cover;)

Great - glad you are enjoying it.. RE: the author ,, if you like her get her other book -- Seabisuit.

Yes I am a very addicted golfer..unlike any other sport. this one you get to play against yourself and like snowboarding you continually improve with each turn or each green.

I thought it was a dumb game until I tried it at 50 yr old... and now play 4 or so times a week.

enjoy the rest of the book. Let me know what you think when you finish.

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