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Mountain Creek Race Program


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I stopped into the race department at Mountain Creek today (2/25/12) to ask about the rumored snowboard team starting next season. I talked with the department head (I think Alex) and he told me that they are definately interested in starting a team. I am to contact him towards the end of the season to see how or if I can help but it definately looks good for next year. I think there are a few local people interested in coaching as I am also. Spread the word.

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a few local people interested in coaching
I would be really interested in assisting not sure if I have the time to actually coach.How are they going to handle the "customization factor" of race snowboarding? Are they going to commit to new equipment? Or are they looking for donations from the community to start a team?I suspect most of the people on this list would actually have relations that would go out for the team.
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I don't think the coaches are expecting all racers to go out and get new equipment but rather train with what they allready have. I think it is more important to first get particpants interested and then worry about equipment. Being a local h.s. teacher, I can try to get the word out. I have been approached dozens of times from students inquiring about carving and race carving. I have nowhere to refer them to until now. I told the head director that I could help with attracting the proper students but all I need is a firm confirmation that they will start a program. Right now it looks as though it may happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

jtslalom should be the one to answer that.

Here is my answer/opinion:

Great Question! Unfortunately you are asking a bigger question then I think this thread. I think you are in the Masters or higher levels for Racing, which in the US = "no racing" on the East Coast.:confused:

Maybe someone else will say I am wrong. I would love to do the same... I am 35 and I am not a Pro Rider nor do I wish to be (i am a dad).

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I am stopping by the race directors office this week to talk more about the snowboard team. The last time they had one it was a team that anyone could join. Alot of the participants were older(40+) I'm not to sure what the director is expecting but I'll post any info I get after I talk to him.

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also, a friend brought me to a ramapo ski club meeting in ramsey. Very nice group of folks, and very active, lots of trips, but very much ski-centric, but open and inviting to boarders, a very affordable way to stay/ski/ride in vermont. But, their lodge is on mad river glen...anybody now why I said "but"?? That is one of the few remaining "no snowboard" resorts! Not a huge problem as s

Sugarbush is 15 minutes down the road.

I mention the Ramapo ski club for to reasons;

A. could be a viable option as an active affordable club if I had a handful of like minded boarder friends

B. (and more relevant) they had mentioned Monday night "fun racing" at tuxedo ridge which had beer and wingers after for like $15 total. I never made it there this season, so I cant say what it was like. They mentioned a "more serious" sort of racing night at Mountain Creek, I believe that was on wednesdays?

anyone familiar with either of these or interested in the checking out the club next year??

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I know Ron at Tuxedo Ridge, he is the owner of Orange County Snowboards. :lol:

They have a satellite Shop at Tuxedo Ridge (were the OCSnowboards started).

I also heard mention of the Ski "fun" Racing there aka the Beer League started by the instructors. Never actually participated in a race there.

To my knowledge they have no boarders doing the racing. I have on occasions "accidentally" ran the gates.:flamethro

I am happy to meetup there, it's a short ride in the evenings from my Bus Commute stop (Monroe Park & Ride), maybe get discounts on tickets? I would need to talk to Ron about that.

If it is a regular things and we can get numbers I am sure they would be happy to give the Bomberonline crew a special rate.

PM me if you want email information or a formal introduction to Ron.

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also, a friend brought me to a ramapo ski club meeting in ramsey. Very nice group of folks, and very active, lots of trips, but very much ski-centric ....snip... But, their lodge is on mad river glen...

I went to a Ramapo ski club meet where they were showing alpine films in the Ramapo college auditorium. Turned out it was Warren Miller stuff. 99.99% skiing. the ONE scene of snowboarding was a 6 year old sliding down the mound his dad made in front of their house. Oh, that night was nauseating... and then they called out the winner of the season pass at Hidden Valley and I won it ! :)

I thought it a pretty unfriendly crowd there. People who wished it was 1975 again ... when they still had good knees, a head of hair, and their first wife.

As for Tux Ridge... I think I know Ron too. My club races there every year now. I've cut a lot of trail on that mountain !


Edited by sic t 2
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Yes, it's an older crowd in general. But there are families. And they know they need a younger element. About the movie, I personally haven't seen any better ski/ride movies than Warrens. And yes I own a copy of Flight. I don't think any insult was intended there, Warren just trends toward skiing.

Grobm, yes, I'd like to meet your friend and ride tuxedo some Monday, most likely next year as it's getting warm quickly.

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I talked to Andy the race director at Mountain Creek yesterday(3/6/12). It looks like they are going to start a snow board race team for next year. He still has to get some details worked out but I can say almost definately there will be a team. I'm not quite sure what the age group will be for the racers. There will be racing for students and children but I'm sure somehow that they can accompany all ages. I did talk about some type of adult program but again those details still have to be worked out.

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I talked to Andy the race director at Mountain Creek yesterday(3/6/12). It looks like they are going to start a snow board race team for next year. He still has to get some details worked out but I can say almost definately there will be a team. I'm not quite sure what the age group will be for the racers. There will be racing for students and children but I'm sure somehow that they can accompany all ages. I did talk about some type of adult program but again those details still have to be worked out.

what type of "racing" they be talking about ? traditional slalom skier gates ? or boardercross style ?

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