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SkES 2012 Daily Rub In!


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Woohooo! It’s Snow King Expression Session time once again!!! The SkESers are on their way! While we await their arrival at SkES house here at the base of Snow King, I thought I would post up links to previous SkES events for anyone not familiar with the premier event of the season! :-)

SkES 2010 http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?29141-SkES-Daily-Rub-In!

SkES 2011 http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?33290-SkES-2011-Daily-Rub-In


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This year we’re doing something a little different at SkES - we are, quite literally, taking a page from Shane McConkey’s playbook. Robb Gaffney wrote a guide to Squaw Valley’s most radical lines and Shane made a game of it called G.N.A.R. which stands for Gaffney’s Numerical Assessment of Radness. It looked like way too much fun (and here at SkES we’re all about fun) so we decided to adapt the game to carving at Snow King. We’re calling it C.N.A.R. - Carver’s Numerical Assessment of Radness.

This year’s SkES participants have all received their copies of the rule book and are intently studying all the official ways to prove their carving radness.




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The participants are already seeing some good point earning opportunities! Yeah - Ride Like a Girl and Standard Bindings - that’s 200 points a day guaranteed! And we are seeing some points we probably won’t be earning - not in good enough shape this season to ride open to close. We’re not worried about the cubicle carver penalty just yet (although all the posting involved in putting on SkES may put us in the danger zone someday....) And we won’t be getting kicked out of SkES House - we know where to find the meaty rib bones that keep Rabbit happy!



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Below is the entire C.N.A.R. Rule Book in pdf for anyone who needs to see the whole thing now. The rest of you can just watch it unfold....




Also links to the original G.N.A.R. game, both the book and movie.




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yes! i'm part of the club!:biggthump does this mean i get 100 points every run, or just 100 for the day? if it's every run, i'm set here in the land of 300 feet vertical.;)

reading the SkES rub in will help the pain and sadness of not being in aspen next week. thanks for the entertainment!


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What? No wardrobe points? OK - gloves could be considered wardrobe, but only if you consider duct tape to be a fashion accessory.

Well, there are points to be earned by riding all day in a pink onsie - you can only earn those once each year though. If you need more wardrobe points you can write your own rules. :)

"snorts" -600 for a wipeout? I'll be in the negatives on every run!

Oh, but there are so many ways to earn points - no worries!!!

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whats the penalty for carrying ski poles?

In this game there are no penalties for carrying ski poles, though one can gain points every scored run with some enthusiastic pole whacking. :D

yes! i'm part of the club!:biggthump does this mean i get 100 points every run, or just 100 for the day? if it's every run, i'm set here in the land of 300 feet vertical.;)

reading the SkES rub in will help the pain and sadness of not being in aspen next week. thanks for the entertainment!


It's just 100 points per day, but that's an easy 700 points for a week long event!

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Let the Games Begin! :biggthump

Weather Bear is declaring the Game of C.N.A.R. for SkES officially open, and we even have balmy above-zero temperatures for the start! (Weather Bear also promises the fog will burn off soon. Good Bear!) All the participants have gathered and they’re just bursting with enthusiasm. It’s always so good to have the crew back together - old friends and new gathering to share their passion for carving! They practice their radness yells on the deck just for fun (no points earned, of course - we don’t care how rad you are on the deck!) and then the whole troop heads to the slopes.

We’ll check in later to see how the game is progressing.




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They practice their radness yells on the deck just for fun (no points earned, of course - we don’t care how rad you are on the deck!) and then the whole troop heads to the slopes.

What? But... but ... everyone knows that it's "all about" how you look on the deck! You need to perfect that double-fisted beer or the tequila body shot, and 2.30pm is a civilised time to be doing so!!

Well, "I" care how rad I am on the deck anyway. Break out the cute hat.

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What? But... but ... everyone knows that it's "all about" how you look on the deck! You need to perfect that double-fisted beer or the tequila body shot, and 2.30pm is a civilised time to be doing so!!

Well, "I" care how rad I am on the deck anyway. Break out the cute hat.

That's where I look my best!

This sounds like an excuse for a hot tub party!!! :biggthump:p:ices_ange

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The normally gregarious SkES carvers are busy studying their C.N.A.R. rule books on the first chair of the day. Looks like we’ll be earning Death Slalom points today if we can survive unscathed - there are racers everywhere!!! :eek: Appears to be a bunch of ski academies gathered for race training.




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So the whole crew decides to head over to Kelly’s Alley to see what’s happening there - hoping to find fewer racers. Yes! It looks much better! We all let out a Radness Yell for real - “Hey, check us out! We’re going to rip the **** out of this groomer!” C.N.A.R. points, baby!

The grooming is a little spotty, but still we do find a few nice patches.




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