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Mammoth and June in December


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If you apply your wax just right, scraping is not necessary - brushing only...

And as far as bailing, yeah, when I ride local i usually only ride until around 1-1:30. That gives me about 5 hours of riding since I'm in line when the lifts open at 8am.

If I travel anywhere like June or Mammoth, then it's all day riding - gotta get my money's worth for driving, room, and tickets... heh

I'm not familiar with only brushing wax. I know there's a lot more mass on the board than I'd care to remove with only a brush. Nor does a brush get much off in my experience.

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I'm not familiar with only brushing wax. I know there's a lot more mass on the board than I'd care to remove with only a brush. Nor does a brush get much off in my experience.

Why would I want to remove wax? That's wasting money. It'd be like filling your car up with gas and then syphoning out the top 1/5 of the tank to make the car lighter... hahaha j/k

Eh, i'm just a kook, but i've gotten to the point where I apply just enough wax (in my head/mind) to not need scraping. The only wax removal I need is to clear the channels/structure in my base.

I haven't had any problems with slow down or getting stuck on the slopes (even at Mammoth on heavy bottomless pow days). It could be that I just don't have a good frame of reference/comparison and don't know what I'm missing...

I used to apply way too much wax to the board and have to scrape off a ton of it. I've gotten a little bit more efficient at it now for my purposes. On an unfamiliar board/base I might need to do a bit of scraping though if the base doesn't absorb as much wax as expected.

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The plate is a game changer, big time. Chunky snow today? Hah! I'll respond more in the plate-specific thread.

I'll try my best to make it out tomorrow, if I can convince the lady friend to watch the place while the windows are being installed :).

More info please!!!

It seems to be the consensus that stopping/slowing down is harder/a re-learning experience. Riders (D.T., inkaholic, and GeoffV) have also reported more difficulty riding at slower speeds and/or in crowds.

*** This was based on the Bomber Boiler Plate***

How is it for the Donek Plate? I'm thinking of ponying up the $400 bones for the plate but might reconsider since the local mountain tends to turn into a zoo at times...

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Got some footage of Greg and I at June today.

Here are some snapshots; I'll have the video up later in the week.

Sorry for the browser overload :o








<embed id="ZeroClipboardMovie_4" src="http://pic.pbsrc.com/flash/ZeroClipboardFV2.swf" loop="false" menu="false" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" name="ZeroClipboardMovie_4" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="id=4&text=%255BIMG%255Dhttp%253A//i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm194/xxxlolwtfbbqxxx/June%25252012-28-10/Screenshot2010-12-28at51101PM.png%255B/IMG%255D" wmode="transparent" align="middle" height="100%" width="100%">

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  • 3 weeks later...

^^^ Great news!!!

Don't rush it though. You don't want to go back on to the slopes before you're ready and make the injury worse...

For some of us there is no such thing as 100% back to normal, but at least try to get back to 90% or something (whatever normal might be... heh, I'm sure the norm has changed over the years).

GL with the recovery.

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