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wish i would've seen this yesterday. orederd the Crackberry Storm 2 because it was free. I'm a virgin blackberry user - the HTV would've been an extra $100 so I'm hoping for the same apps on the crack soon? I think it just means there is a new crackberry coming soon - it's usually the only reason they give away stuff for free. should be a descent phone...I'll post info after Tues :)

Next: "posted from my crackberry" after degree granted from blackberry international

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You and Fin should enable the WAP-enabled/BB-specific vBulletin mods if possible ;)
Have no idea what that means....

Thanks Skatha! Do you know where I can take a class to learn how to use it? :rolleyes: Think I might need it.

Kieran - as long as there are no bunnies I'm ok with being shunned LOL

Tomorrow's the Big Day! The Arrival!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I vote for a blackberry.

Very good email system, intuitive operating system and it's so simple to set stuff up.

However, the storm is not the one to go for IMHO; get the curve or the bold; the full size keyboard, just works, that's why I don't like most of the phones out there because I type a lot and use the BB as a psuedo computer for my emails; a touch screen like the iphone or similar is just slow for the typing for me anyhow and doens't work as well on the emails, but that might be different these days.

BB messenger really helps for the worldwide stuff; I have friends all over the world and it is great to tlak to them for free. We use in meetings as well.

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decided to keep the BB Storm and am learning a little bit about it. Kieran, how does the messaging work? Does the other person also have to have a BB or Verizon?

The keyboard is a little annoying and is taking me a while to get used to it, but both phones I was looking at had a virtual keyboard so I suppose I wouldhave this problem no matter what. I do like getting my emails on the phone, that is more helpful than I thought.

Skatha, maybe we need an email or phone session to help me with some of the features that I probably don't even know I have :confused: Can you enlighten me?

Thanks for everyone's help! I'm on my way to the new millenium in phones HA HA

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I usually just text message. I email, too, but I haven't gone thru and added everyone's email to their contact info

I looked at the BB Messenger system and it looks to be email based

I hope you've got your FB account set up. I also added some sites to my bookmarks. Like the webcams at WP!:1luvu:

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I'm a fan of crackberry. Been ongoing for maybe 3 years, give or take. It's always been sprint, so I try to get the phone with CDMA/GSM capacity. I got a preference for the keyboard type as opposed to the screen-typing.

welcome to crackberry world, michelle :)

as for BBIM (the blackberry instant messaging), it only works between all blackberry users.

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I usually just text message. I email, too, but I haven't gone thru and added everyone's email to their contact info

I looked at the BB Messenger system and it looks to be email based

Verizon has backup assistant which at some point synced with my outlook, so I have emails to some people. But usually I text.
I hope you've got your FB account set up.
What would life be like without FB??? However, it doesnt' always update on my phone which is probably ok although I don't know why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
I also added some sites to my bookmarks. Like the webcams at WP!:1luvu:
Is that an app, or a bookmark on your browser?

Anyone else have helpful hints about BB that I may not know about? Shouldn't be hard since I know very little except what you see on this thread HA HA

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  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't tried this. Why is it different from texting? I have unlimited text so it shouldn't matter right? Or is it faster?

Sorry, been away for quite some time with my girlfriend for a week!

Anyhow, no it wouldn't matter. It's more of a preference, really. With BBIM, you will -know- if the person has read the message or not (it's indicated with D or R -- D=delievered and R=Read in past tense).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok people. Now I have the Crackberry, and need some help!

I am trying to download apps for my phone. I've done it from AppWorld and gone to the web site and tried to send it to my phone. It appears that it is working, but I can't figure out where it puts it! Where do I find the downloaded app?

It's not on the home screen

It's not in "downloads"

It's not in "application center"

It's not in "applications"

WTH? Where are they? I've done 2 now because i thought the first one just didn't work, but seems I can't find either of them. :confused: frustrating

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  • 2 months later...

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