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Hey all-

Im new on the board an thought Id introduce myself:

I used to be an expert skier that started boarding a little over 10 years ago. Unfortunately my gear is also about 10 years old. Im riding a Burton Balance 160 with Burton bindings but forgot which model, they were the stiffest available at the time. For boots I current have a pair of Deeluxe ID that I have hillbilly engineered some plastic intermediate liners for (between inner and outer boot) I can manage to carve this set up fairly deep until the speed get too high and chatter will blow an edge, especially the heel side. The plastic in the boots stiffen them up considerably and I ride a stance of 47 and 33 goofy. I got to there because the carve seemed to keep getting better the more angle I got, then I couldnt get the high backs turned enough after that.

Any way Ill be lurking around and reading and Im sure some bug will catch me and convince me let loose with some cash for some newer gear even tho Im notably cheap.:D So I may be asking lots of stupid questions.

Ive pasted a pic of a toe-side my wife shot last weekend... Im also like messing with photos so this pic is combined from 3 shots lined up in Photoshop.


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Welcome! Is that a photo from Mammoth? don't forget to check out the SoCal forums and see when we go up :)


yep, view the pic larger from my flikr and you can see the "mammoth" on the edge dulling device in the terrain park (where I never go). Thanks for the link, I live in SoCal but Mammoth is "local" and I have passes this year. There seems to be very few that carve out west? So it would be cool to meet up with some folks.

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With all the help you'll find here you will want to change your name to 2stoked!:biggthump

Get on the classifieds and get some not so new gear. Boots, bindings, board can be had for less than 3 bills if you're not into the Burton hatin' thing (check Hobie's current setup now for $200!! if you're a 10.5 boot; ask about those bindings) . A little more will get you a glass classic (think 3-6 yr old Coiler, Prior or Donek) cause everyone seems to be ditchin' glass for metal. Look at Raichle SB boots and maybe Burton raceplates or F2's but be sure to search here to hear about many people's dislikes of these not so costly ,functional choices. Also read some of Jack's excercises; you can work on them with your current setup.

You're carving a line already so come on over!

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I think for financial reasons I will stay on the softies at least this season then possibly shop for a board that could possibly go both ways, Donek razor?

The 2nd day I boarded I used hard boots, it was a rental option at mammoth back in the day and really preferred the hard boot set up over the softies rented. Thinking back, Im not sure why I ended up with a soft set up, I think it was because I couldnt find any hardboots or anyone that knew squat about them in mammoth and certainly not SoCal. I should post pics of my hillbilly set up (you'll see I have no shame) but hey its working for now.

edit: btw, 2stroke is from my bike preference, d37 enduro.

edit again: for info if it matters, Im 5-10, 155 size 9 foot.

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There seems to be very few that carve out west? So it would be cool to meet up with some folks.

I think that we have a large group of carvers that ride out here in SoCal. Just stay tuned to the message board and you will be surprised at the amount of carvers here. Most of them, except for Arclite :), are more than generous to let you use equipment if it is available. I know that I have some hardboots that would work in a pinch and there are a few boards floating around out there that would be great for a person starting out would find accomodating. Bindings? between Burton Race Plates, Snow Pros and the occasional TD1s we can put together a package for you to use.

Welcome to Bomber, BTW, looking good in the picture!!

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Familiar helmet..Were you around in mid-January running laps on Broadway and Stump?

If so, you were RIPPING the chop!

No. I was there the zoo crowded week after x-mas and did 5 days last weekend. We are often on Broadway and Stump with the kids. BTW my wife is easier to spot, aka Cotton Candy. She is doing pretty good now that her ski boots have broke and she has to ride more.

<a href=" IMG_0752ps" title="IMG_0752ps by 2_stroke, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4035/4369594744_d3f648e2c9.jpg" width="500" height="357" alt="IMG_0752ps" /></a>

Here is my boy on his second day. Cant say for sure yet but if I had to guess, he'll be a baggy pants park maniac before laying trenches...:freak3:

<a href=" DSC04605" title="DSC04605 by 2_stroke, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2774/4364834436_0b4f7905e4.jpg" width="500" height="334" alt="DSC04605" /></a>

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