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I rode tonight (thursday 1/7) at Mountain Creek on Devils Bit. Coming up on the chairlift I noticed some one ripping turns on a hard deck. At first glance I thought it was EricJ but to my surprise it wasn't. It was a kid named Justin. Well ofcourse we rode together for a few really good runs. EricJ, Cafercr, and Shawn you gotta see this kid ride. Needless to say I had a blast riding with him and hope that all of us can ride together. Justin if you find this post please try to post other days you will be riding at Mountain Creek as I and hopefully others will also.

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I had a great time riding too. I was at Camelback this weekend riding in the USASA Comps. I'll let you when I plan to head back to Creek.

I rode tonight (thursday 1/7) at Mountain Creek on Devils Bit. Coming up on the chairlift I noticed some one ripping turns on a hard deck. At first glance I thought it was EricJ but to my surprise it wasn't. It was a kid named Justin. Well ofcourse we rode together for a few really good runs. EricJ, Cafercr, and Shawn you gotta see this kid ride. Needless to say I had a blast riding with him and hope that all of us can ride together. Justin if you find this post please try to post other days you will be riding at Mountain Creek as I and hopefully others will also.
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  • 5 weeks later...

hey whats up guys, im mike and just found this site a while ago. im 25 and grew up in vernon and started hardbooting there, i guess 10 years ago, havent been there these past 2 years. would love to meet up during the week after v day.

did you get justins last name because i may know him.

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I don't remember his last name but I think it was mattice, he goes to Sparta high school. Great kid and great rider especially for a 17 year old. If you are looking to ride please post the day you can come up. I also grew up in Vernon and still live here (I'm just a bit older by 15 years) but I do ride about 2 to 3 days a week. I would love to make some turns with ya.

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makes sense. the guy who introduced me to hardboots over 10 years ago is a family friend and a math teacher at sparta, also joined the schools ski team as a board instructer. so hard booters coming out of sparta hs seems connected.

im in bergen county now so dont know how much snow is gonna hit and stop me from driving. what days this week are you planning on riding? maybe wedensday? i went out to campgaw right after the big storm and i couldnt hold a turn, not enough speed on the small hill and powder was so soft i was just pressuring right through it. ha, i had to bomb the park to get speed and carve between the tabletops, turned a lot of heads, they all thought i created a new snowboard.

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Thats kind of funny mykcuz because I was a Sparta High school math teacher from 1999 to 2003. I was also the coach of the ski team and coached on snowboard hard boots. I caught alot of %$#t the first year I coached but gained a little respect because I could carve. Who is the math Sparta teacher you are referring to because I know I was the only one on hard boots during that time frame and I don't think any are now that I know of.

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Hey Mike,

You had me going for a while. I didn't know who you were at first but now that you have spelled it out for me. I don't think I will be out tomorrow but Wednesday morning I more than likely will. Hey I was meaning to call you, do you still have that Hot Logical Asymetric board? If so do you want to get rid of it. My buddy is in to collecting old gear and would probably love to have it. Call me at home if you get a chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm actually a newbie to snowboarding. i've been skiing for close to 20 years and only this year started snowboarding. east coast skiing has just become too boring and well...easy. so i decided to try a new challange. i've been out a few times, but unfortunately no where rents a hard boot setup which is what i want to do. do any of the guys you ride with have any junk setup for a 6ft 165lb size 9 boot? i would love to at least try it before plunking down $400-$600 on my own. ilan.

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