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Loud and unruly


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I went to Mountain Creek today (12/16/09) with my 2 kids ages 4 and 7 to get our season passes. While patiently waiting on line I was quickly reminded of some of the other clientel of MC. Using any swear word as an adjective or adverb seemed to be the common lingo. One guy on line even went as far as to get loud with a security guard over the fact that you must now take an on-line test to get a park pass. Well here goes another year.

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We are definately a polite bunch out here....... first time I walked into a 7-11 here in Denva 18 years ago the clerk said " Hi, how are you doing? " my less than a week removed from the east coast reaction was "YOU TALKINTAME!!!!???

I have lost a bit of my edge. Glad you had a good time out here


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I know what you mean jt - no ****in respect anymore. The **** that comes out of peoples mouths makes me want to **** myself. If I had a ****in ****stained dime for every ****ing curse i heard, I'd be mother ****in rich. Kow what the **** I'm ****in **** sayin ****?

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I ****in hee ya EricJ. These motha ****as won't shut the **** up and quit swearin dare ****in ***es off so I guess om gonna half ta stot kickin some ****in **s or maybe just my own. In either case I went riding again today (Friday 12/18) for about 2 hours. Conditions weren't bad but there was only one trail opened and it started to get packed. However, things are definately looking good for this weekend. They should have quite a bit opened and with the impending storm I would guess that alot more will open by Christmas. I will post the times I will be riding. See you soon.

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jt - that sounds ****in awesome. I look forward to tearin some **** up. Lemme know when the **** yer goin - it would be great to make some ****ing turns with you again. **** **** cock.

Work is crazy for me right now. I might get out once or twice by xmas - and then it's on as long as my herniated guts stay in place... and my slipped discs...and, and, and. I hope they figure out this stem cell crap soon. I need a buncha new parts. ****

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