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Motorola Droid / Android OP/ Google


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Any BOLers using this phone and it's Android APs yet?

Almost surprised their isn't a thread already.





Curious what you think, ideal if someone has had/has Iphone too for comparison.



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My gf got one and it is pretty slick. As far as smartphone features, it does appear to top the iPhone in my opinion, and it definitely is quite fast. Browsing is great on it compared to my Blackberry Curve. App selection is decent, but the quality of some apps is currently questionable. I am sure that will improve with time. The feel of the unit itself is very solid and the hardware looks good. While the keyboard takes a little getting used to, with practice it works good enough.

The one big BIG negative is the lack of Bluetooth voice dialing. This is a very important safety feature, and is absolutely required in California since even touching your phone while driving is considered illegal. It appears to be an Android OS limitation and there are no current plans to fix this. Her 5-year old RAZR previous to the Droid has had this forever. :smashfrea

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Thanks for the info. No voice dialing seems lame? Even my old clunker has that, although I don't use it allot. Sounds mostly positive. Some of the reviews say the camera isn't as good as they make it sound. Another said it was a "Heavy box". The open source is a interesting change. Seems like that would foster more involvement from the developers?


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yeah, open source is nice but if the SDK is crap and developing applications for the platform is PITA then it does not help a platform competing with iphone/app store.

A friend of mine was talking about android and how the company he works for was going to develop some apps but it proved troublesome where as with the iphone it's pretty straight forward and according to him easier because whatever language is used for the iphone (guessing objective C) is better than dealing with java.

the palm pre is alright too.

I have used the g1 and it's a nice phone that does everything a iphone does if not more and it's easy enough to use. I'd get one if I was not already in bed with cupertino's phone

okay, now I'm waiting for Kent to show up and say there's microsoft phone OS that's better and the only people that don't like it are ones who have not used them.

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People just wanna be cool.

Mobile phones drive me nuts and I'm not very passionate about them. To me, it's a comodity and should be a voice driven device. I've been given numerous (over 20) touch phones and simply can't use them (I need buttons). The Treo 700w was cool, IMO.

People get so hooked on devices rather than the services which they provide. I am passionate about cloud services and the longer term impact on device agnostic technology. I don't want to be tied to a device, but do want access to my data/information/services across all my needs.

It's funny. We have double digit unemployment and skyrocketing bankruptcy, yet people will go toss down $199 on an iPhone at the drop of a hat with a fat contract....when they could get a FREE phone and a lower cost provider. I was pissed when Apple lowered the price (I'm a Shareholder).

That all said, the numbers speak for themselves. The iPhone gravy train is pretty long...

The Android is certainly more interesting than the iPhone with a more robust roadmap. Who cares about apps anyway? Gimme a service!!!

If you've seen a Zune HD, you're in the ballpark for what's in the works.

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yeah, open source is nice but if the SDK is crap and developing applications for the platform is PITA then it does not help a platform competing with iphone/app store.

A friend of mine was talking about android and how the company he works for was going to develop some apps but it proved troublesome where as with the iphone it's pretty straight forward and according to him easier because whatever language is used for the iphone (guessing objective C) is better than dealing with java.

the palm pre is alright too.

I have used the g1 and it's a nice phone that does everything a iphone does if not more and it's easy enough to use. I'd get one if I was not already in bed with cupertino's phone

okay, now I'm waiting for Kent to show up and say there's microsoft phone OS that's better and the only people that don't like it are ones who have not used them.

As well as writing all out applications you can write scripts using some of the simpler languages. Allot of the APIs can be accessed with Python, which is a language I'm very familiar with. I think this would be fun to play with.

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yes, although it could be argued that smart phones provide the one of the cheaper and most accessible gateway to the internet

kent, you're right, the zune HD is the right direction and it's all about services and hardly about hardware.

What's the down low on MS anyway? they still seem to be pushing windows mobile..... seems like the zune HD platform is the one to follow, I'd not mind it on my phone.

one thing I don't get is why they kept the name, the original zune has bad name.....

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This is where I need to be careful with my words.

Mobile 6.5 is still a v6 release. Some pretty cool phones:



As for what's next. I dunno..lots of talk.

I'm still heartbroken over the 1st Zune. Surprised that Zune was an end to end solution, albeit with several hiccups. The current Zune (device/service/marketplace) kicks serious serious ass. 10 out 10 friends who have used my Zune prefer it over their iPod. Toss in the subscription model and it's A LOT cheaper to own a Zune than an iPod. But....as you're aware, the numbers don't lie.

What does that mean for a phone? I dunno. Really depends on what you call a phone these days. An iPhone isn't a very good "phone"...but a pretty cool tape measure or gaming device. What is the role of a phone? The value of having a phone is about having a number (or ID). Yet, it's more about where you are and what you're doing (presence) rather than what device you could be reached at. Of course, sometimes you don't need to be reached....but rather have the abiliy to access information. That is why many people use Twitter and Facebook rather than send emails. The same will hold true for voice in the future. ;o)

From a technical perspective....All of the "popular" devices are one key flaw: they are not based on the company's core technology (i.e. Android vs. Chrome). Was Google nuts? I think so.

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yeah iphone only recently was able to send pics! i think its a handy tiny computer but not a great phone. i don't own it, but my buddy does and his reception sucks. much better at searching the web though than my phone ;)

thanks to whoever posted that the droid doesn't have voice capability... that's ridiculous for a cell in this day and age. although, hell, people can't even drive with their bluetooth in anyway. :p

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yeah iphone only recently was able to send pics! i think its a handy tiny computer but not a great phone. i don't own it, but my buddy does and his reception sucks. much better at searching the web though than my phone ;)

thanks to whoever posted that the droid doesn't have voice capability... that's ridiculous for a cell in this day and age. although, hell, people can't even drive with their bluetooth in anyway. :p

the reception on mine is as good as if not better than my LG and motorollas.

the visual voicemail is nice too. one huge gripe, not being able to switch out batteries.

early on with one of the iphones there was a firmware issue that made reception wonky, perhaps it's not updated?

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I played with one the other day.

Its "OK", but APPS cost $ and I love my Verizon - LG VOYAGER :1luvu:

It is such a reliable phone and has good talk-to-power consumption ratio and both button dialing, and a touch screen.

It makes sense to navigate, and isnt graphic driven.

I guess if someone has to have a "Mini PC" in their hands, a cell phone would work, but If the Android came with Bluetooth dialing and Music sync to an earpiece, and a 4 megapixel camera, it would blow away any any all competition. I would have paid for that, as there is not any phones out there with a good camera on them.

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Well, I went ahead bit the bullet. Just arrived, so if you hear me fumbling around trying to answer that is why :freak3:

Time will tell.

Initial impression?

Compared to my old phone.

Heavier, bigger and allot more expensive.

Good news it still fits in my side pocket!!

Exponentially higher number of features.

It will take me a bit to get the hang of it.

I think it will be really handy!!

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I played with one the other day.

Its "OK", but APPS cost $ and I love my Verizon - LG VOYAGER :1luvu:

It is such a reliable phone and has good talk-to-power consumption ratio and both button dialing, and a touch screen.

-Currently I have NO APPS, so some will be better.

It makes sense to navigate, and isnt graphic driven.

???Google maps with voice nav?

I guess if someone has to have a "Mini PC" in their hands, a cell phone would work, but If the Android came with Bluetooth dialing and Music sync to an earpiece, and a 4 megapixel camera, it would blow away any any all competition. I would have paid for that, as there is not any phones out there with a good camera on them.

Don't "Have to Have" a mini-pc, but it could be very handy.

5 MEG camera, although the lense is the size of an eraser (tiny)

The rest of the features you mention I don't know yet. Music sync to earpiece? As in uploading? or just connect? I think it does that.

We will find out. I have a Burton jacket with Motorola music system built in. Arm controls etc.

Hi Dave, not sure which phone you refer too? Your's or the Droid?

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  • 2 months later...

yeah, looks like one of the better phones from what I can tell. still would have a long way to go to offer the iphone experience but it looks like the base to do so is there unlike the android platform.

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I played with a Droid and a BB Storm 2 for about an hour. I selected the BB because the camera on the Droid sucked. I also didn't know if the Droid would work with my Bimmer's bluetooth feature-I knew the iDrive works with RIM/BB.

I didn't even know that Bluetooth wasn't an option on the Droid. Thank God for my BB selection.

Oh, and the BB is pretty bulletproof too.I've dropped it far more than I dropped my Samsung.

I love my BB-and true to Eddie Izzard's rant, I threw the instructions away without reading them....

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