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No Wind Turbines on the Peaks of Possum's Pouch


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another edict from the legislative body known for copious amounts of hot air - including the famous debate on whether or not the "Plot Hound" should be named the state dog. (yes... they did it...)


This self-professed "Greeny" is kinda neutral on this one.



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Tough call, ain't it. It's easy to want to put up wind turbines in ugly places like Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Eastern Colorado (aka Western Kansas). It gets harder when you have to choose between green energy and green scenery. I think the decision to stall a bit might not be so bad because, once you build 'em, they ain't coming down for a long time.

I like the far offshore turbines, but how do they hold up against hurricanes?

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Personally, I think that if they are done properly, turbines can be every bit as beautiful as the scenery. It's not like they steam noxious gasses into the landscape or blacken the surrounding area. A wind farm of 300 foot turbines on the horizon at the beach would be damn mesmerizing to watch.

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Where I work had 130 or so windmills installed over the last year and a half. They are not pretty at all and there are a number of locals who are very unhappy with them. The one county to the north of Bruce county has barred them. I am back to work tomorrow, I'll take some pictures this week and post them and everyone can judge for themselves.

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the locals would choose unsightly wind turbines over hundreds of mountaintops being removed and hundreds of miles of creeks being killed in the name of cheaper mining costs.

It is always a trade off as to what pollution we are willing to tolerate.Visual is perhaps the least tolerable but also the least impact to health and overall quality of life and longevity.Air,water,soil,noise and visual pollution are all things we deal with here in our mining valley.I'd take a hundred wind turbines any day over the constant diesel fumes from gravel pits,the noise of backup beepers,the site and destruction of clearcutting,the poluting of the rivers and creeks....

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I like the far offshore turbines, but how do they hold up against hurricanes?


There are lots of physics and engineering types on BOL, but so many people are "sleeping" this time of year, I thought I'd post the above link.

I like the idea of coastal wind farms a lot, and I'm a "rark staving" beach preservationist." Our Outer Banks are a product of wind and wave - historically there were windmills during early coastal settlement.

My bet is this - if the worst doomsday scenarios should prove true - if 15-20 years from now, planet warming has so screwed up rain regimes, etc., that continental agriculture is suffering - and there are the distant rumblings of massive population migration north and south - laws like the N.C. "ridge preservation" act will fall like match sticks.

We'll be swarming to turbify, and re-forest, and cover large swaths of dark surfaces with photovoltaic fields, and doing just bloody anything we can to slow down the burgeoning global sauna.

I'll probably not live to see that - if indeed it happens - but if I do, it'll be "cold comfort" to say, 'We told you so'.

Damn muggy in Possum's Pouch tonight...



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Did you notice the video of the run away turbine in the comments section for that article?

I've seen it before and that's what made me wonder about hurricanes. Not that there's much to hit around ocean based wind farms except other turbines.

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Did you notice the video of the run away turbine in the comments section for that article?

No, I didn't see the implosion video. Scary as Hades.

Wish I could get some feel for the scale of that 'mill. Are those two "humps" to the right of the support column cars or trucks? Can't tell.


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