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Would you trust the government to feed your family?

Erik J

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I don't like to be the "stand on a soapbox" type but this stuff got my attention.

There is a bill being presented right now that turns over a whole lot of power to a few large food producing companies. Monsanto being one of them.

In my opinion, the bill appears to have good intentions but the players involved have the potential to take control of just about the entire chain of US food production. It looks to me that small US organic farms could be run out of business by not being able to pay the fees involved and if they can, the farm would be subject to buying supplies to run their farm/facility from only a certain few suppliers.

Generally speaking, industrial farms are the ones that have contaminated the food supply in recent years - not the small organic farms.

The bill itself (long)


Pro-HR 875 Links






Anti-HR 875 Links









If you don't like what you read - you can tell your local gov. here


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This is shocking you would ever try posting this nonsense on BOL and I hope the Moderators will put this thread.

The government ALWAYS has its' citizens best interest in mind.

Big government and more government control ALWAYS means cheaper, better, more environmentally friendly products and services. In addition, simplifying options drives the costs of product down.

This is all common sense......matter of fact, look at snowboards; today, there are only a handfull of alpine manufacturers and the entry point is so reasonable.

Please remove.


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This is shocking you would ever try posting this nonsense on BOL and I hope the Moderators will put this thread.

The government ALWAYS has its' citizens best interest in mind.

Big government and more government control ALWAYS means cheaper, better, more environmentally friendly products and services. In addition, simplifying options drives the costs of product down.

This is all common sense......matter of fact, look at snowboards; today, there are only a handfull of alpine manufacturers and the entry point is so reasonable.

Please remove.


Tell us how you really feel, Kent! ;)

Monsanto is one of the most corrupt, "evil" companies on the face of the planet.

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that bill was written by monsanto

the person who's introducing that bill is married to someone who works at monsanto. if I remember correctly

Also, Obama just like W is very friendly to monsanto and ADM. Trying times these are....

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This is shocking you would ever try posting this nonsense on BOL and I hope the Moderators will put this thread.

The government ALWAYS has its' citizens best interest in mind.

Big government and more government control ALWAYS means cheaper, better, more environmentally friendly products and services. In addition, simplifying options drives the costs of product down.

This is all common sense......matter of fact, look at snowboards; today, there are only a handfull of alpine manufacturers and the entry point is so reasonable.

Please remove.


<TABLE style="WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=64 border=0 x:str><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 48pt" width=64><TBODY><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=64 height=17>sarcastic</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>????

one can only hope

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that bill was written by monsanto

the person who's introducing that bill is married to someone who works at monsanto. if I remember correctly

Also, Obama just like W is very friendly to monsanto and ADM. Trying times these are....

Yep hows the HOPE and CHANGE feel now huh?:eek:

like a big stick up yer @$$ no doubt unless your deaf dumb and blind.

I am so sick of the whole red blue thing when everyone of them is the same. This is a Fascist Democracy now, not the republic it was intended to be.:angryfire

politicians are all the same and they are not here to help you. They are here to **** you and take your money.

Monsanto is clearly EVIL and should be stopped in any way possible

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Change" in this election cycle means socialism. Pure and simple. DOUBLED our national debt in less than the first two months. But wait, we have cap and trade to look forward to! I'm sure more than doubling our energy costs will stimulate the economy. Funny thing is, the feds don't consider sucking all this money out of our wallets a tax. And for what? To stop global warming? What a joke. Except, it's on us.

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