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Mont Sutton Dimanche 15 Fevrier


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I'll be there around 10am with the Rod Roy buses.

Looking for any carvers... maybe even an instructor...

Got to fix my technique, I've been riding a stiff asymmetric for too long.

I can carve, but I know I can improve a lot.

Je devrais etre la vers 10 heures avec les bus de Rod Roy.

A n'importe qui qui fait du carve / race meme peu-etre un instructeur (niveau 2+?)

J'ais probablement ben des defauts a corriger...

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Morning was ok, not much sun on the mountain...

except as the day went on, the trails turned to ice.

I can deal with ice, but only when racing down, problem with racing is trying to avoid all to slow / unsure / moron skiers etc on the hill.

Basically, I killed my quads by 1430 after hitting the brakes too many times on ice.

at least next Sunday is Mont St-Anne, and they are expecting snow!!


Setting my boot angles more tilted helped with my heelside carves, when I had set them upright, it was locking my legs / knees.

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Sorry BulletProof, I misundertood about the tilting / lifting.

I misread !

Went to Bromont this morning ... Just gave my Prior her first ride .. will need some adjustments too. Rear leg tibia and knee were killing me ..

I hope that goin' from 47R51F to 49R54F will somehow help me next time.

It's pretty hard to loose the bad habits if you've been freeriding on soft boots for too long .. for me at least. But we'll be there :)

Take care

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Ernie !!

I'll take your offer sooner than you think ! :)

I spent all day on #3 for both boots. A more forward lean will probably help me. Will go to 4-5 on the next ride. But the new angle and shorter stance will help too. I thought I had pretty much the same setup then when I did the demo, but I was wrong.

Conditions were pretty good. Driver was not !

But the board got out ! At last !

So you had some good time at St-Sauveur this AM ? Your conditions looked pretty much to what Bromont had ... recycled and recycled snow.

But with a few rocks to watch for ..

I'll let you know early for a possible session. Be ready for a few pints afterwards !


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I'm always ready for beer.. I know a few good places for beer !

I'll help you dial in your stance if you haven't figured it out yet... we could do evening also if that works better in your schedule. I like morning better for carving. I'm still not working for the next 2 weeks.

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hum, we've got to setup a meet!

I guess we all need some tweaking...

next sunday I'm @ St-Anne's, that will be the last trip with Rod Roy. Evenings may be tight but should be possible a monday or tuesday late afternoon/evening.

I've got the business card for the snowboard instrutor @ Shark's demos (level III).

Now if I can just change my bindings...

keep me posted!

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the guy @ the demos is Cédric Bissonnette.

I'm not sure if taking a day off from work can be an option (went from engineering dept. manager to becoming the eng dept...).

Next monday afternoon should be fine, I work in St-Eustache and could drive up early afternoon from there.

If someone feels like doing some old-schooling, I can drag along my Burton PJ 5.6 asymmetric (regular).

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