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Yellowstone Club Montana


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I wonder what's going to happen in the homeowners association.

Sure would be pissed if I owned a multi million dollar shed there. If the mountain becomes public, that might even be preferable to it being fully closed. In this credit environment, it might sit inactive.

If I owned a place ther, I'd be buying a sled. Actually, it could be ****ing wicked if you were willing to go that route. If you were a homeowner / member, who could / would tell you to stop?

Here's an idea. All the BOL members could get together and buy a house and a few Summit 800's.

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Isn't it pretty remote?

Is there a close-by urban centre to feed it?

Probably doesn't matter anyway... Getting anything but private equity financing (also rare) would be hopeful, especially to operate a ski hill.

Somebody meet me there. We'll sled, NoBoard, break into a mansion and enjoy some free accomodation.

After "NoBoard Fortress" (YouTube it) it could be the next "closed session" we film.

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