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snowboard journal-latest issue


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Got the latest issue of snowboard journal #003, I did see one picture of a carver. We are now into the second year of this magazine and I have to say it is somewhat disappointing, there is very little coverage in the new rag of the sport of alpine snowboarding, mostly guys hucking themselves off cliffs and drops into pow.

I spoke to Jason Ford one of the founders of the mag today and told him my views and he suggested that if any of the carving community has pics/storys and info to submit to the mag give them a call/email and see about providing some thoughts and info to supply them for submission.

Jason did ask what sort of numbers of people are on BOL, told him I was not sure, just a guess at 250-300+ online, maybe Fin could help with that info, heck possibly he could help provide some stories or pics to get a article about carving into the mag.

Anyhow it looks like we're not going to see much until January and a story/pics from James Cassimus and last years SES 04. Check out the mag/website and give them a call for some of your input, www.snowboardjournal.com.

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Guest Randy S.

It looks as if they'll consider almost any submission for potential inclusion. Perhaps Jack has some good stuff up his sleeve to submit? I'm thinking of working on an article during my upcoming trip to Chile. I know that Lisa Kosglow, who is one of the coaches and organizers, has written a bunch of stuff for Ski Racing magazine, so maybe she'll help me out.

If you've got something good, try submitting it to them.

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Wouldn't something like the SES or ECES make a good subject for a story? It'd probably be best written by an outsider of the SES/ECES organisations, or at least somebody who can convincingly fake an outsider's perspective.;)

But I imagine that they key to getting published is having great photos. Shots showing laid out carvers but that also clearly show the (very picturesque) terrain would be ideal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pcogan

I found the recent issue so disheartening i re-submitted my article on carving to scooter leonard, editor. I sent an article in february, regarding carving in aspen, but received no response.

In re-submitting, which was meant for the "It Was A Very Good Day" section, I asked just who the target audience was for the last article -- a piece about working at a summer camp as a drunken, 18-year-old lout. Seemed to me it was for drunken, stupid teenagers.

I think the snowboard journal is a glossy magazine for rich teenagers; i've given it 3 issues, and i'm out, regardless of what they do with my piece. Nice pix though.

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I sat in my local magazine/CD/DVD/rentsomethingtonightandsipon

ourfreecoffeestore thumbing through Surfer's Path and Snowboard Journal. Guess which one I found I had more in common with? (Yes, I once USED to surf real waves; well, Florida waves; Slater's from Sebastian Inlet, right?).

Now, I live in a high cold desert region, 700 miles/13 plus hours away from anything resembling a shoreline (GSL doesn't count; Mavericks and Steamers is the closet I've found to me). I have 5 minute access to mountains. 8 of 12 months they usually have snow on them.

Yep, Surfer's Path won out. Sorry, that's the way I see it. You might see it otherwise. BTW, Longboard Magazine was next on the sipping list.

Great, I mean great photo and print (stochastic?) work. The Snowboard Journal is like looking at a kick-ass Snowboard Life without all the ads, uhm, except Bomber ads.

Can I get a witness or am I just too old?


p.s. only in America could I write and complain about free sipping coffee and bitch about which high gloss rag I'm reading. Does anyone else see a problem here?

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Guest Randy S.

OK. Whining and ranting aside, what would you want to see in an article in SJ? I'm going to Chile next week for carving camp. I'm thinking of writing an article and taking a bunch of pics. Obviously, there will be pics of carvers (3 world cup team members, plus 8 weekend warriors = lots of plates).

What would you want to hear about in an article? It needs to have an unusual angle (not just a blog of my experience). I'll do my best to make sure its well written, and you can be sure it won't be written from punk 18 year-old perspective. But I'm open to suggestions.

Email me if you have ideas.

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Ok let's put the whining aside.....

Shoot some great pics and get a good story for Jon Foster and Jason Ford to print. I've ridden with you and the guys at Tahoe and I know you can get it done Randy.

How about two sides of the story, 1) guys going to Chile for the 3 world cup team members (which guys will be there) and 2) the 8 working guys going to trench.

Like to help if I can and possibly see if we can have Snowboard Journal management consider coverage on carving as a regular part of the mag instead of once a year out of a quarterly mag.

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Guest Randy S.

I'm not talking about Extreme carving. Just racers. It should be interesting. Thanks for the ideas. I'd love to hear more. It looks like I'll be able to check email/web in Chile so keep them coming.

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I would love to see a freecarve acticle concentrated on the soulful riding of the whole mountain. More of a surf-style ripping and keep it free from the racing aspect since its so disciplined. And an acticle on longboard freeriding (on softboots, since hardboots are overkill on a freeride board for me)

thats my opinion. - Ed:cool:

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