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Snowboard gates are back at Okemo on weekends this winter


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Hi folks,

(I posted this in the General Section as well)

We reopened the NASTAR venue at Okemo this weekend and I set one of the courses with snowboard gates. I plan to do the same every weekend this winter as long as the course isn't reserved for a private race.

Only one snowboarder showed up today but she had so much fun running the course that it was worth the effort of setting it up.

The fog never let up today and I took this surreal shot with my IPhone.

If you find yourself in southern Vermont, stop by. I could use some coaching!

Pat Moore

NASTAR Coordinator

Okemo Mountain

Ludlow, VT


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Pat - glad to see you are back at it and running on all cylinders. I'll try to pay a visit at some point this year. Had a great summer racing skateboards again. Best of luck to you in 2009!!


Hi Rick,

We had a great weekend. Doug Gould (see photo) stopped by and made several scorching runs on the course and Mo Senene rode his alpine board. It was the first time Mo had ever run gates and he's hooked! In all, we had six different boarders racing.


Next Saturday morning, the course is reserved for a Hopefuls Race at 10. They should be gone before noon and I'll reset the course with snowboard gates. Snowboard gates will be up on Sunday from 10 to 2. You can have unlimited runs for $10 a day.

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Hi Pat

Thanks a ton for helping out last Sunday ,it sure was a blast for me since I was nervous to start with but your convinced me and I am hooked

As for Doug Gould he was great ,I picked up a few tricks of the trade sine I t was my first time on a NASTAR course ,I took some of his advise and it helped I don’t ride as often as I used to so I was a bit rusty but will get better with time ,I will be riding at LOON this Sunday .I hope to see some riders out there perhaps learn a trick or two

So thanks a lot guys .

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Hi Rick,

We had a great weekend. Doug Gould (see photo) stopped by and made several scorching runs on the course and Mo Senene rode his alpine board. It was the first time Mo had ever run gates and he's hooked! In all, we had six different boarders racing.

Next Saturday morning, the course is reserved for a Hopefuls Race at 10. They should be gone before noon and I'll reset the course with snowboard gates. Snowboard gates will be up on Sunday from 10 to 2. You can have unlimited runs for $10 a day.

Thanks Pat - I have actually decided to ditch the snowboard race scene this winter. four sports 24/7/365 the last five years has taken its toll financially and physically...I need a break. I plan to race skateboards full-on again next summer, as I have had some good success with it and the worlds are likely to be in the US this year! I may break free some Friday to just hang out and run for fun with you though. Looks like you got another rider hooked on racing though - good work my man!

Doug - wishing you a ton of good times and good luck if you will be racing USASA this year...rip it up!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's gratifying to see you guys come out and run the course. Doug and Mike were ripping it up last Sunday and I'm trying to emulate their technique. I have a long way to go!

I'll be setting the snowboard gates Fri, Sat, and Sun this weekend and we hope to have video of some of your runs on Friday.

Here's a shot looking up the hill from the finish line on Sunday. Looks pretty gentle but appearances are deceiving.


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From the Summit Quad take Jolly Green and make a hard right before you descend Sels Choice. Then go left and down Blackout. We're half way down.

It's quicker to take the Black Ridge Triple. It's directly above the course. Or you can take the TBar next to the half pipe.

We're expecting a good turnout this Friday. Email me for info on discounted lift tickers for Friday.

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do you have to go through mogels to get there?

There is a narrow strip of unmoguled (is that a word???) trail that you can negotiate to get to the start of the course but it tends to be icy. The easiest way to get there is to take the T-Bar next to the halfpipe.

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Mike - we got some nice video of you. Your runs were ripping fast! I dont 'have the cable to upload it to my PC but will have one next week. I'll post a few of everyone's runs.

Conditions were tough (is it possible to have TOO much snow?) but it was good training. Thanks to Noah for the coaching!

I did get a nice still of one of Doug's runs and a another shot of Mark, Alicia, and Arden. In all, we had ten different boarders run the course today!



I plan to set the snowboard gates again tomorrow and Sunday. There's a private race on the NASTAR course the morning of Feb 7th so I probably won't reset that day but the panels will be up again on the 8th.

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Pat, You ARE the host extraordinaire! We all had a great time running gates, drinking beer and watching the video (in that order!). Thanks to for set’n us up. –Can’t wait to come back.


Mark, you're always welcome! I have to give Arden credit for setting it up.

I was reviewing the videos tonight. You looked good and I realized I need to lower my center of gravity. Camcorders are a handy tool.

It was a fun day. The gates will be set most Saturdays and Sundays for the balance of the season. Note: Next Satusday (2/7) the course is reserved for a private race. Here's a rare shot of the sun poking through yesterday.


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Finally got around to posting a video.

<center> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blip.tv/scripts/pokkariPlayer.js?ver=2008010901"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blip.tv/syndication/write_player?skin=js&posts_id=1751255&source=3&autoplay=true&file_type=flv&player_width=&player_height="></script> <div id="blip_movie_content_1751255"> <a rel="enclosure" href="http://blip.tv/file/get/Gymnast46-GateTrainingAtOkemo645.wmv" onclick="play_blip_movie_1751255(); return false;"><img title="Click to play" alt="Video thumbnail. Click to play" src="http://blip.tv/file/get/Gymnast46-GateTrainingAtOkemo645.wmv.jpg" border="0" title="Click To Play" /></a> <br /> <a rel="enclosure" href="http://blip.tv/file/get/Gymnast46-GateTrainingAtOkemo645.wmv" onclick="play_blip_movie_1751255(); return false;">Click To Play</a> </div> </center>

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Thanks pat

had to right click the link and open it in a new window

first on course

like the quiet upper body and the somewhat crisp lines (I wish)

don't like the closed front shoulder...attribute it to a cloudy day... lots of fresh snow around, err just plain poor body control, but I was having fun :)

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Just a heads up. I won't be at the course on Feb 21 or 22. I wouldn't count on my replacement setting the snowboard gates that day so you may want to save yourself a trip. I'll be at Okemo on March 7-8 but will be racing elsewhere so it's not likely the snowboard gates will be set up.

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