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Prior WCR Metal or the Schtubby???


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Congrats on that kind of success. I've just purchased a used Oxygen Proton 172, and hope to learn on that. When I get good (or at least better enough,) I'll talk to you and put in an order for either a All-Mountain or PureCarve with metal, and use your wisdom to get the right specs for body type and my riding style and preferences. Probably a few years off. So please please please stay in business until then.

Alternatively, find a hardboot rider who needs one of your boards and can do HTML work, and offer to trade a discount on the board for them updating your website for you. (I'd volunteer, except I'm more of a C coder, and probably couldn't fix a webpage if my life depended on it.) It would also be really cool to have a section about all the special boards you've made, how they ride, and how people have raved about them. But of course finding that person would take more of your scarce time, ....



My new plan for the site is plain black and white text with the required info and a few pictures, maybe a chart or two. Its all you really need and everybody( except the web designers) save!


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No one would speek up for Prior metal? Well, it's on me then. Great boards!

I rode a 183 with proto progressive scr. It was the easiest smoothest board of that size I ever ridden! Maybe even a tad smoother then Virus Vampire. You don't feel irregularities in snow, just watch that nose dis-engage and re-engage automatically, as required.

The other one I tried was FatJack 177, big stiff monster, that still rode like a champ. It ECed like a beast and gave me a pop between fully laid out carves! Gargantuan edge hold.

I loved both boards enough to buy a nice soft 173 to be my ice ride. Still have to try it.

I have never tried a metal Coiler, though.

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I was hesitant to post on this thread because I have a metal prior wcr 177 but I never tried a schtubby so I cannot give you a comparison but I can tell you what the prior did for me. I’m in my 3<SUP>rd</SUP> season of hardbooting now and I bought the prior near the end of last season, used but in like new condition and at a very good price and that was the main reason why I bought it, thinking that at my skill level at the time I might not be good enough to ride it but eventually I would get better, well, the first day on it I was a little afraid maybe, but it was pretty easy to ride also considering it was the longest alpine board I have ever been on, then I started to go faster and try to get lower and the board was holding on ice, cutting through crud, easy to initiate turns and easy to get out of turns, probably because of the round tail, dumper and quieter than any other board I tried before, long story short the prior gave me the confidence to push myself and he made me a better rider or at least it made my progression easier and faster, right now I only have 10 days on the prior but I was riding with a few friends last Sunday and they could definitely tell the difference in my riding from when they saw me last year before the prior, and a couple of them made some nice comment about it and yes it feels good when someone notices you are getting better. It’s possible that I could have had the same results if I bought a schtubby instead of the prior but I can’t answer that, I only heard good things about the schtubby and all the coiler boards and after I got my prior I went to mammoth with a friend (much better rider than me) who just got a schtubby and I got to see him the very first time he used it and after 2 or 3 runs he was already doing full blast extreme carving on the schtubby on icy condition and it was a pleasure to watch him.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

After saying all this I’m going to ride as much as I can this season and work on my skills and technique and I’m already considering ordering a custom coiler next year <o:p></o:p>

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Bottom line: If you've never had a metal board before and are looking for something that's both easy to ride and something that you can push your limits on, either will make you happy.

Having said that Carvingchef bought his Prior 177 from none other than myself :) Two years ago I never would have imagined selling that board, but I really like the direction that Coiler has gone in the past couple seasons.

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i should add that i love my Prior, the only reason i'm considering a custom coiler for next year it's because the prior was built for Mike T and i'm about 25 lbs heavier, i would like a longer SCR (prior 11.9) i would like something with a wider waist (prior 19.5) so that i don't need to have such high angles for my 29.5 boots and eventually i would like to learn how to EC

I looked at PEN which are made by Prior, similar to the WCR but with a wider waist but i think you are limited to their standard specs, but now that i'm improving and i have a better idea of what i want in a board i can call Bruce with a lot of questions and i'm sure with his experience in building custom board he would make something catered to my needs

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