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Cypress Diaries, 2008-09


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At least we know now that you are still alive and still riding! We have to hook up sometimes before tit's over.


You beast, you sailed and rode at the same day. I've never achieved that. You rock.

Glad you liked the 3800. Next time try her with h/boots!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I missed 4 days in the row of CASI L2 course - too busy and tired...

We had all sorts of conditions and lots of fun.

Today, Fri Apr 10, was my first outing after the course. Took the kid out for skiiing. This time I dragged my Mrs along to watch us (and to babysit kid after, while dady is snowboarding ;) ) She wouldn't put her skis on for the dear life... Don't know what happened to her spirit, she used to like it years back. I guess broken ankle and titanium in it, from few years back, makes her woried about skiing again...

We showed up late, 11ish or so... By the time I started riding it was all slush, but quite dense. I mostly rode the steeps, bumps and "monkey" business required for CASI L2 riding retest in 2 weeks...

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Was @ Cypress Friday morning too from 9:30 to about 12:30.

Today's weapon was the Prior 4WD 169. Mostly Collins & Panorama. Did Crazy Raven once, and also Midway.

Warm. Wore sweatshirt. Snow got sticky around 11:30.

Was also @ Cypress Wed, Tue, Mon, Sat, etc., etc., etc. Actually I'm there a lot!

Last week thursday was about 12" pow, which was fun. The weapon of the day was the Dynastar 3800 163.

So Cypress has announced next year's pricing: $259. The entire mountain will be closed for the entire month of February, as well as the first week of March.

I'm considering buying both Cypress and Grouse passes. How's Seymour for carving?

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I'm considering buying both Cypress and Grouse passes. How's Seymour for carving?

To my fellow carvers at Cypress:

There will be no Black outs at Grouse next season. In fact it was announced while riding the tram down that the resort will operate 24 hrs during the 2 week 2010 event. Lets all gather during the black out at Cypress very early in the morning while still dark and leave as the regular morning riders are starting.:ices_ange


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To my fellow carvers at Cypress:

Grouse resort will operate 24 hrs during the 2 week 2010 event. Lets all gather during the black out at Cypress very early in the morning while still dark and leave as the regular morning riders are starting.:ices_ange


wud be awesome if "Peak & Lower Peak" connected to "the Cut" all the way :ices_angeand extend the bottom Cut too, maybe a view hundred feet :eplus2:


Roy(drank too many horse's pain killer for my aching :oback bone)

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Got myself a Grouse Y2Play pass. Don't know if I'll get a Cypress pass, which go on sale in July.

Cypress is open today (rain though) & tomorrow, then they take a break for two days, reopening Thursday for the last weekend.

Full privilege pass holders can take a buddy for free for the last four days. However they'll only have Lions & Sky chairs open.

Right now I'm waiting for wind. Models are saying 23 knots at Boundary Bay today, so maybe some windsurfing.

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Got there for 9:00. Hard packed. Plus really awful grooming. There were three inch curbs everywhere. Plus huge chunks of snow. Some runs weren't groomed all the way across, leaving the sides ungroomed.

Maybe they had a really big end of season party last night, and the groomers were loaded.

The Canadian National team was on PGS. They had gates set up. But they were only there for about an hour or so.

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Easter BlueB(unny) was spotted hopping in the steep moguls of Upper Bowen for 3 hours solid!

Very funny weather... In the morning it rained/sleeted at the base, turning into the snow just 100m up the chairlift. I think there were less then 100 people in the mountain... On top, there were tons of untracked, hmmm, well, almost decent pow, turning into heavier halfway down, then totally sticky stuff bellow the top of Midway. At about 12:00 somone pressed the switch and snow turned into rain, everywhere.

I rode mostly bumps, preparing for the riding retest at Whistler, but managed to stick in few pow runs, some carving of the slush, few straight airs of a natural kicker, and even some tree runs!?!

I tested 2 freeride setups, both with 45/25 angles (Joerg would be very proud of me!):

3800 169 with Snowpros on top of Palmer Plates;

Volkl Cross 167 with Snowpros.

For starters, the surf stance works great for hardboot freeriding! At one or 2 missjudged landing I felt my knees around my ears. With classic 5-10 deg splay I would have knocked myself out... Way easier to swing , which works great for bumps and trees, both.

3800 proved a lot nimbler in heavy terrain and floated better. Palmer risers compensated for the slightly fatter waist. It carved through slush efortlessly, without any need for nose loading. However, I was constantly scared that I might fold that soft nose.

Volkl Cross, my forgoten gem, I wish I started riding it earlier this season... It's stiff but still floats ok. Stiff nose is confidence inspiring (won't fold), but you need to work the board a lot harder. It's a better carver, however, you need to load the nose some.

What surprised me the most is that I could actually ride steep, dense trees without sucking big time! Grandpa Wolf's advice on "dancing with the trees" as an emergency manoeuvre worked great. Dave, you'll show me all your secret stashes next year - I'm ready!

Next setup to test: Elan Vertigo 168 with Palmers and 45/25 Snowpros.

I might also try to flatten the front angle another 5deg...

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Last day of the Kids Camp - Luka just had to be there. And I'm glad we made it, as it was a brake-through day for him! Now he can turn both ways, without even knowing it. Whenever I was able to drag his attention to the side of the run, the good old "you go where you look" came into the play. On few he hooked up so hard that he ended up with the tails dowhill :) I'm really looking forward to the next season.

Mostly sunny weather turned into snow just as we were packing to go home, at about 13:15...


Almost forgot, Mr & Mrs Scooby came to our place for BBQ last evening and it started snowing!

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I have some slow down at work, while Roy is still on sick leave for hisd ankle, so this morning we took off to Cypress to catch few extra turns before the final close down... My son was major upset that had to go to the day care while we went skiing.

On the hill, we saw Tony the Cousin too, but couldn't get into sequence to actually ride with him.

Canadian Alpine team was there too, but on the Eagle side, now closed to the public.

Weather was mostly high overcast, with a bit of fog/cloud rolling in at the highest elevations. Grooming was horrible on the Rainbow and pretty smooth on Midway. Snow was pretty hard in the morning with thin soft layer on top. Later it softened into normal spring slush. Bump runs were very choppy and almost frozen for most of the day. I took few of my worst-ever mogul runs :(

I took the newly aquired Pure Carve Maverick woody for a test ride, set with TD2s and suspension at 55/50, as wide as the narrow-inserted board would allow. I had fresh tune on the edges, from last night. It's an interesting board, I can tell it was ahead of its time when designed. It has slightly rockered nose and tail, more then some of the modern boards of pre-metal era. It feels waaaay softer when riding then when hand flexed. While it's fun and forgiving on the green and blue runs with softer snow, it's just plain scerry on steep hard and poorly groomed stuff. I felt that I can easilly over power the board, nose twisted a lot and didn't have the crazy positive hook-up that I'm used to with modern boards... It likes to be driven mostly from the middle. One can do a bit more of nose driving, but needs to stay in the low stance.

Verdict: I won't be riding it much - it would be a show piece with the other woodies and oldies. Maybe just few times a year, when I feel "retro" or I expect nice smooth soft snow...

My other ride was Elan Verigo 168, set with Palmer risers and Snowpros at 45/25. Narrowest stance it would take is still a bit wider then I like for hard boots, but managable. I realised that I had to soften the BTS setup a lot and increase the forward lean. It carved, slarved and bump rode better that way. It's a very good carver, but wider then I like (25.8). Less nimble in the bumps then one would expect. Easy to "monkey" on, and ride switch. I think that I'll carry on using it as the soft boot board next year.

Next ride on Sunday, for the closing day. I hope to see the entire regullar Cypress and Grouse crews!

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10:00 was sunny with clouds and softpack. Hardly anyone showed up, so there was plenty of rock star parking by the lodge.

I did 3 runs down Collins, but can only remember 1.5 runs. Fell on the second run, landed on my helmeted head. Don't remember the third run at all.

I'd be in the middle of a one minute conversation, then find out it was actually a ten minute time lapse. It was like on that TV show "Lost", where the characters would be transported into the future!

CT scan at the hospital was negative.

Back is sore, so I'll skip today. See you at Grouse next weekend!

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Fell on the second run, landed on my helmeted head. Don't remember the third run at all.

CT scan at the hospital was negative.

Back is sore, so I'll skip today. See you at Grouse next weekend!

Give that brain a rest. Sleep on your back (side no no:nono:) & w/o pillow. (old school;) method & it worked:rolleyes:) do it for 7 days.

Today April 19, 2009: BlueB, Crucible, Ruwi, CarvingScooby & Gabriel.

BlueB will have the detail condition & story...

:eek:Missing Dave*, Tenorman, Pierre, Speedster, xy9ine...

Have a good summer and see ya at Grouse on the April 26th and Whistler...



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Tony, I hope you feel ok. We need you in top form for next Sunday at Grouse!

Those concussions suck. I still remember the time/mind lapses I had after a big fall at primary school - scarry stuff.

After that big hit, it's probably time to replace your helmet.

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Due to the Sun Run in the city, mountain was almost deserted. Roy already listed our group. It was grewat having he "traitors" Ruwi and George riding with us again. Our child prodigy, Gabriel, was visiting too. One has to admire him for the spirit and willingness to do alpine. He folowed me on skinny race board, down the heavy spring bumps on black diamond run, thumbling and skidding, but never complaining. And he wanted more, and more, and more... Way to go bud!

High overcast, warm, but not too much.

Carving conditions were kinda ok in the morning, somewhat soft but compact, but softened and loosened pretty quickly. Rainbow was poorly groomed but carvable. All of the Bowen with yummy bumps, I just couldnt have enough. Midway superbly smooth and almost untracked (one had to go down the bumps or to cut through some sparce trees and crud to get there).

I mounted Roy's F2 ElDiablo with Palmer risers and Snowpros 45/30. It proved to be the best tool for what I have to do next Tuesday... Although narrower and stiffer then 3800 or Cross, it is lighter and more agile, yet floats the nose nicelly. You just have to work it a bit more aggressive in the moguls. I somehow liked the "sub-freestle" waist - easier to tread though tight bumps and less bad leverage when you overrotate the board... Carves great too. Very loosened BTS is also great for this freeride application.

Well, another Cypress season came to the end. As usual, thanks to the Mountain and all the staff, to my good riding buddies, to snow gods, to my son for becoming my skiing buddy, to Robert McMillan and Kids Camp for letting us in on drop-in bassis. I'm looking forward to the next season already!

Next ride: Grouse, Sun 26 April.

No excuses, guys! ;)

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It was really nice to ride at Cypress again.

I got to the mountain at 7:30, just as they opened the Cypress Road. I went really early partly to avoid the masses who were doing the Vancouver Sun Run downtown, and partly because I was set on doing a backcountry lap up Cypress before the lifts opened.

I brought a Winterstick 166 ST with Snowpro Race bindings and my Raichle Concordia AT boots for the backcountry riding- figuring that this set up could do double duty for Spring riding with the Cypress crew later on in the day.

I was able to snowshoe up to the top of Sky chair, carve down the NW couloir, then hike the Baden Powell trail back to the main lot by 0945.

Just as I was putting my backcountry gear back into the car, Canadian Olympic Squad members Alexa Loo and Kimiko Kareski carved down to the parking lot after doing training runs on the PGS course. They looked cool in their speedsuits...

I was able to hook up with Boris and crew by 1000- it was nice to ride with 4-5 other carvers with plenty of room on the slopes. After three runs, I was called back into the backcountry by one of my telemarking skiing buddies who was skinning out of bounds. I left the carving crew and went back up to the top of Sky chair AGAIN. The ascent was a lot tougher because the snow was slurpee soft, but it made descending through the moguls much more forgiving.

I skipped lunch and joined the carving crew again in the afternoon- but by 3:00 my legs were starting to feel like Jello.

Two Ibuprofen with my dinner and life was good.

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It's always fun riding with the pros. Thanks to steep/mogul riding tips from George. I gained more confidence riding the bumps with a squared tailed alpine board (UP 168). Boris as usual is an inspiration to watch. Roy (Bionic Man) riding again after that accident :biggthump awesome(thanks for the pass). Gabriel gaining more and more skills. Will see you again at Grouse. I only have one complimentary pass to spare to Roy. Anyone else who purchased online the Y2Pplay will have one complimentary pass. Please adopt a rider from Cypress.


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i have one to!!!1:) whoever needs it ask=)


Since your Y2Play pass is for youth, then your complimentary pass is for youth as well if I'm not mistaken. I used to get a family Y2Play pass for 3 family members and we ended up having 2 adults, 1 youth passes (my son being a youth).


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