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Cypress Diaries, 2008-09


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Hell I dint even notice myself on there yesterday at work, I guess my brain was to busy counting the money from the superstat and the stat holidays.

Just woke up and have the decision, snowboard or overtime,,, and website is late with 0600 hrs snow report. aaaaggggghhhhhh!!!

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I wouldn't be too excited for super deep stuff tomorrow... Forecast calls for very light rain/snow tonight and tomorrow. Currently not snowing at Cypress, and warm. Last night's stuff will be already compacted by tomorrow. Mixed conditions at the best.

Check the snow line or web site in the morning.

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What a day!

I judged the conditions right and brought the Vamire to the mountain. I could always swithch to my teaching board 3800 with softies as pow/slush/bump backup...

I was rewarder by hero hard groom on almost all runs! Started on Midway, as usual, switched to Rainbow after few runs. Upper stretch had few rocks, so one had to go carrefully. Below was fine for hard ripping. Saw Dave very briefly - he didn't notice mu waving from the chair. His body language/riding style looked pretty unhappy. Maybe irritated with the rocks, or by the wrong board he brought (looked very wide). He dissapeared to Eagle/Raven direction to the potential old pow stashes...

As there were no lessons to teach at 10:30, either, I stayed on softies to practice that a bit. On heel side hard wipe out, twoo, ooups three, hay, what's going on here!? Boot out of course. I reduced the bias of the front foot and increased the angle to 24 and it solved the problem. However, a bit too late - my snow-shovellers back is sore again...

No lessons for the afternoon, again (30 instructors on the line up helps!), back onto the h/boots and Vampire for further destruction of the Midway.

Managed to do a really diled in continuous run, ending in slow-go area, just to stop in front of our deputy-director lady :( I had to (deservingly) eat up preaching about hazards of speeding thru slow areas, but then she finished the speech with a "nice riding by the way!". :D

Yet another instroctoress approached me about bringing a spare set up for her and teaching her. Later, young instructor Jeff (who used to h/boot with us last year), told me there were few more instructors wanting to learn :D Holly smokes, so many fired up wannabes, by the looks of it I'll have to bring quite a few spare setups ;) It seems I'm doing something right...

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Unhappy yesterday? Yup tweaked back pushing old lady's car out of snow the day before. Took a few tree runs , kind of hairy, enough coverage but a ten cm "soft crust" with 6 cms on top , break thru that and you would be eating tree bark. Just wasnt feeling the hardpack/corduroy love either.

Today loaded up on Ibuprofen , feeling much better. Cypress road not that bad but the effin morons with summer tires trying to get up hazardous, I witnessed 1 full 360 to stop, 1 90 degree tail whip to recovery , and 1 sweet straight into the ditch maneuver.

snow level about 300 vert feet above works yard.

On hill windy, fogometer reading of 4/10, snowing heavily, with 12-14 cms accum, and another 6-10 by quitting time at 1300, temp about minus 2-3 c.

3 laps on PGS with powder on groom

4 laps over on Raven 1-2-3-1, all rocks covered nicely.

After that things went arboreal, punched a bunch of tracks into the panorama trees from trumpeter on to southwards. I am 99% sure I have been the first one into most of my lines this season, enough on top of the "crust" for good tree'in, things are still quite tight as the snow pack hasnt worked its way up the trees to create more space. Dont fall over as its currently settled powder with no firm base underneath, Definitly do not get caught in a flat spot, took over 10 minutes to go 100 feet skiers right of the half pipe. That was some hard flippin work. Also watch out for the little mini clifflets , , ussually they are rideable steep sections, right now just vertical rocky patches 10- 30 feet in height.

Did not see any of the usual suspects, did not make it over to Lions side, Things to virginally good on Eagle side.


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I'll have to resign as the local "weather man". After the dry night conditions and 6am

report saying -4, no fresh, my forecast was for a hero groomed day. So, Roy and I showed

with Kessler 162 and Virus 175, just to find a blizzard at full swing. There was already 5"

of fresh before they let us in to do the first tracks...

One is to be said about those rockered noses - they work in fresh, even on those narrow

boards. Well, at least way better then the traditional race boards. We never stuffed the

nose, except when hitting terrein features obscured by fog.

Later on, we ran into Dave. He's face was already happily glowing after few runs through his

secret deep stashes in steep dense trees. We carried on togetehr for the rest of the morning. Great day, indespite the lower visibility and wrong boards.

As this snow is not slowing down at all, Roy will have all that pow for himself tomorrow - Dave has to work and I'm babysitting. (I'm jellouse).

My next ride will be New Years Day.

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An extra teaching day for me... However, not to many people early in the morning and 20cm of fresh rsulted in few hours of wild play on 4807! :D Got among 1st tracks on 5 different steep runs! There were a lot of old bumps under the fresh, that made for less then surfy ride. I made it to Black on Black (Raven 4, double balck) relativelly late and got surprised by very few tracks!? I realised why just as I hit the steepest part - tons of rocks still showing through :( Damn skidders!

One misslanded jump under the Midway resulted in a bad thumble. Funny enough it somehow realigned my back injury from snow showeling!? Feel better today.

Still no students at 10:30 lineup. Switched to softies and 3800 for a bit of bump riding. Lots of fun, but it just resulted in sore feet, as usual.

Spoted Roy on his Tanker. It turned out that he had an earlier start from home then me, but arived way after? Man decided he didn't have enough boards in his car, so he turned back to pick more :freek:

First lesson came in at 12:00 - private, 2 kids 7 and 4 of age. Ouch. We still managed to have some fun, though. COuldn't quite teach them to turn or stop, but older one was actually able to ride for about 50m without falling by the end of the 2 hours! Little one was another story, just not enough muscles for the task. I bet she still did better then mom, who got out with another instructor!

Going to the cafeteria on the break turned out to be a bad decision. Everyone got summoned up to offload Rossi skis and gear for their pro demo day. At least I got to meet Rossi rep hwo helped me get the 4807s 2 years ago. Of course, he confirmed there are no more left new ones left in N. America.

Final lesson, 6 addults. One chubby tall lady couldn't learn how to get up - more excersise for my back...

Got home at close to 7pm, all beaten up...

I might ski tomorrow with my neigbours' kid, while she's babysitting mine.

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Another pow day! No students in the morning - what a hard day in the office ;)

I kept it simple 4807 with plates and hit the steeps. Goot among 1st tracks on Upper Bowen.

15-20cm fresh over last days soft moguls. Quick excursion to Rainbow - dissappointmnent - tthey groomed it early in the morning, so just few inches of fresh. Back to already tracked up Bowen for another mogul run, then over to the other side to Raven. Bumpoed into Roy and Dave and we proceeded to "rodeo" run the steeps of Raven. All heavilly hopped/bumped,

except for 1/2 of Raven 3 that was in the same condition as the Rainbow. Had to leave the

boys there and report back for teaching...

I brought a truck load of easy carving boards for the interested instructors to try. They are all parked now in our gear shed. Jessica was very quick to jump at the opportunity. She was in luck - I even had the boots that fit her! We did couple of runs down Collins. It was such fun to watch the style transformation from freestyle to alpine. By the 2nd run she could already rail at lower edge angles. By the 3rd run we corrected the heel side shoulder/hips/feet alignment. Still a bit of work do on toe side alignment and quite a bit on transitions. She didn't quite enjoy the fit of the boots, but loved the experience. Quite ready for the Dark Side, I would say!

It kept snowing whole day, with a horrible wind and snow storm hitting in the late afternoon. All part-timers got dismissed early.

Aftermath of the day: 47cm of new snow.

Next ride Tuesday evening...

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Boris, no we don't know each other. I'd love to go riding with you guys, but not in weather like that. :)

I'm planing to go on Saturday and Sunday, but it all depends on the conditions. I'm not sure if I'll bring my HBs or SBs. I've been only twice and both times I brought my softies, since it was IMO softie conditions.

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Ola Boys

Sorry for skipping last tuesday night,, a bit late getting out of work and website said rain,

The Todays conditions

Around minus 3, snowing heavily on arrival with 1 cm fresh on top of a frozen up cord. By Quitting time at noonish about 10-12 cms more accum and quickly tapering off.

Off piste kind of wacky the odd nice patch of fresh on top of a 15 cm thick frozen crust, ,

Very few people on the mountain today.

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Sorry for skipping last tuesday night,, a bit late getting out of work and website said rain,


Had Prior AM as my savior, kind of:ices_ange

Float on higher speed and nose shape kinda safe for awhile :o but short turn sunk, to much on nose sub!:angryfire Gosh, I wish had Tanker/Swallowtail, what was I thinking :smashfreaLast for 90 min, soaked!!!:freak3:

The Todays conditions

Around minus 3, snowing heavily on arrival with 1 cm fresh on top of a frozen up cord. By Quitting time at noonish about 10-12 cms more accum and quickly tapering off.

Off piste kind of wacky the odd nice patch of fresh on top of a 15 cm thick frozen crust, ,

Very few people on the mountain today.

Gosh, wish I don't have to pay the bill:rolleyes:

See ya on the slope.



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