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Holy crap ice storm from he'll


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Wow, not for long with that 6 hour battery! Doh!

Dude that sucks. Hope it's fixed quick for ya.

Nah car charger helps with that

It's making me reconsider living offthe grid, I kinda like the quiet neighborhood.

The moon through the ice laden trees looks amazing.

Ilost a mess of fruit trees, and our telephone pole is down, the lines are on the ground in four spots In a half mile to the main road. It's a mess

Getting faster at typing on this thing!

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Just got done working, we had power all day but there were sooooo many people with no power. We just happen to be a restaurant, so all those without power left home to eat out. We were absolutely packed - it was great. I'm going to cut down a few telephone poles on my way home, maybe use a few transformers for target practice.:eplus2:

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I'm so glad I moved to Colorado...this reminds me of those two nightmare days in December last year when it took 7 hours to get home from work thanks to Boston traffic.

I guess I can't complain about my one and a half block walk to work now, eh??

Good luck to you guys (both for travel and for good ski conditions!)

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I'm so glad I moved to Colorado...this reminds me of those two nightmare days in December last year when it took 7 hours to get home from work thanks to Boston traffic.

I guess I can't complain about my one and a half block walk to work now, eh??

Good luck to you guys (both for travel and for good ski conditions!)

funny Angie, we were talking about that yesterday, friday the 13th storm when it rained , got colder and froze and then snowed enough by 4:00 to gridlock Boston completely, people just spinning their tyres and nobody could get around them...everywhere. It was my wife's birthday we had reservations in the North End for dinner.Took her 7 hours to get home as well.

We're going to do the North End tonight for her birthday, a year later.

I hope and everyone else sorts out that mess. it's like 14* with the windchill and wind is blowing, trees are probably still snapping from the extra weight




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Full week by tomorrow night

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Sorry to hear that Bob,

We lost power here ten miles from Mt Sunapee Thursday evening and finally got it back at about 7 PM this evening. the two houses across the street had power back on Sunday eve. We are on a major trunk line that runs down the back of our house dead end street then jumps RT 103 to supply about 1300 people.

the crew that came to close the breaker on our pole behind the house were surprised by the arc and said wow that's a big load! they were from Michigan and had been here for six days.

hope you get your power back soon too.


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word, bob. hang in there.

4-8 inches coming your way, let's rally at wachoo. Got those free vouchers deals to use up before 12/24.

maybe pick up a 12'r of the Wachoo blue brew at Kappy's :cool:

I was just chatting with Karl aka slalomskater, he wants to ride

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I checked in with big bob a few days ago. He says he's got a generator but no water except melting snow. Plenny of firewood for heat.

funny, he says it's nice to be able to just flush.

Sadly, the Unitil power company really screwed the pooch on getting people's power back on and bob is a bit off the grid.




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weathers warmin up today


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