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You better hope they don't ship with FedEx.

That's really odd. Having shipped thousands of boards I've experienced a lot of carriers. We stopped using UPS because of the alarming number of lost and damaged boards. This was back in the 90's so things may have changed. We shipped USPS for almost 10 years, seeing only one board damaged the entire time. We've been using FedEx air for 3 to 4 years. To my recollection they lost one board for about 4 months that went to Russia (terribly difficult destination anyway) and damaged one other. My guess is the package was improperly addressed or was missing your phone number when it came back to you.

FedEx home delivery is another story. These are subcontract drivers who own their own vehicle and could care less about what they are doing. I've had nightmares with them. If you ship FedEx ground, you frequently wind up with these numnutz.

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I buy and sell quit a bit of bike and board stuff, and for boards,US Postal Priority has been the best bang for the buck for domestic and Canadian shipments.For big,heavy boots however,I've found UPS to be a far better deal.Our UPS guy is a dick though, and will literally toss packages on onto our lawn no matter what the package says about the contents.

Our good old fashioned Post Office has a couple of people who know everybody and treat us all like good neighbors.That's worth a lot these days.

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So, about 3 years ago I purchase a server with 3 day delivery. Cost was about $8,000.00. The supplier ships DHL. Now, we had prohibited DHL shipment because they lost (completely - no possible way to track it) a server the year before. It showed up about 2 weeks after being shipped beat to hell and we refused delivery. But, whatever, the server was shipped before we knew the shipper. 3 days later, no server. We need it asap, so after looking for it for 1 day the suppler ships another server 2 day, DHL. 2 days, no server. AND they cannot find the first server - still. These are boxes that are about 4.5 feet long, 2.5 feet wide and a foot thick or so. Weigh about 60 pounds. I rip into the supplier, and they over-nite a server to me - yep - dhl. 2 days (that is 2 days, not overnite) later all 3 servers are delivered. Thats about $24,000.00 worth of servers.

all we could do was ROTFL. We kept the newest server (latest to ship) and had the other 2 returned. The supplier picked up all the costs for all that wacky shipping, and we got our server about about 2 weeks after we thought we would. And we affirmatively BANNED DHL shipment. Have ya'll heard that DHL has shut down USA package delivery operations? Wonder why . . .


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eaglez, believe me, I wasn't thrilled with the idea of shipping my boards. I even considered taking the 5 hour drive (one way) but figured that would be pretty crazy 20 hours driving. There's no one in my area I would trust, heck they don't even know what an Alpine Board is down here. This particular tuner is regaurded as one of, if not the best.

Donek, The tuner recommended FedEx as that's what he uses exclusively and has never had an issue before, just my "luck" I guess. Yes, it is FedEx home delivery !!

Same old story I guess, 6 to 1, 1/2 dozen the other, but I will NEVER use FedEx again. :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire

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eaglez, believe me, I wasn't thrilled with the idea of shipping my boards. I even considered taking the 5 hour drive (one way) but figured that would be pretty crazy 20 hours driving. There's no one in my area I would trust, heck they don't even know what an Alpine Board is down here. This particular tuner is regaurded as one of, if not the best.

Donek, The tuner recommended FedEx as that's what he uses exclusively and has never had an issue before, just my "luck" I guess. Yes, it is FedEx home delivery !!

Same old story I guess, 6 to 1, 1/2 dozen the other, but I will NEVER use FedEx again. :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire

FedEx home delivery is nothing like the usual FedEx. As I said you are dealing with a dispatcher who's telling someone who is not even a FedEx employee to deliver the board. The home delivery service should be shut down. My regular driver informs me that she hears all kinds of horror stories about it. FedEx ground is only reliable when delivering to a business. If it's going to a residential address, it gets routed through home delivery and that service is abismal.

I purchased a printer last year that wound up being routed through home delivery. I was informed that it would be delivered the day before I left for vacation. It never showed up, so I called dispatch and had them hold delivery until I returned. The moron attempted delivery every day I was gone, dropping it on the door step each day, ringing the bell and then throwing it back in his vehicle. When I received it, the case was in pieces. If price is an issue and time is not, the postal service is the best. Their priority service is as fast as FedEx 3 day and cheaper, but I have to drive to the post office.

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