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It's time to kick my training regimen into top gear


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I stopped by the beer store today and discovered that they now carry the full selection from Unibroue. They also had (and yes, I did actually count) 11 stouts, 2 porters, 17 lagers, and 31 ales which I had never tried before.

By the time this summer is over, my biceps will be huge from all of these 12-22oz curls.

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In Santa Cruz, there is a pub called "99 Bottles of Beer". After you consume all 99 pints of beer ($3 happy hour pints, up to $7 bottles), then you get your name on a little metal plaque on the wall. After you drink their required 99 beers the first time, then you can drink any brand of beers for your next name plate. The most plates by one person...56!



p.s. One of the beers is Micky's Big mouth

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Originally posted by bobdea

maudite and troi pistoles(I have no idea how those are actually spelled) are some of the finest brew around

where is this store!

Maudite: Moe - Deet

Trois Pistoles: Trow (throw without the "h") - Ah - Piss - Tull (as in Jethro Tull)



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Originally posted by Derf

Maudite: Moe - Deet

Trois Pistoles: Trow (throw without the "h") - Ah - Piss - Tull (as in Jethro Tull)



And how is Voilà pronounced? :D

I have always hard time when someone tries to explain how something should be pronounced and makes it based on English language, thus making it even harder to understand (at least for me). Perhaps it would have been better for communication, if Spanish were language #1 as its pronounciation is simplicity itself, you just should learn couple of rules and that's it, everything else is pronounced same way as written. But in English you should learn each word separately (and for separate region separately on some cases: if men from down under come and say: "we came here today", then it does not necessarily mean, that they came here to die :)

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Guest jeffnstefanie

..............is great but when you cross back over the border you have to stop at the duty free shop and pick up a case of Molson XXX at 8% or so and it is around $12.00 american.

Its Great !

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