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New Web Site for used gear


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Hello everyone.

I have been a regular observer of this website ever since my kids started to alpine race about 9 years ago - man time flies. They have accumulated all sorts of equipment. We have purchased Raichle boots from Bomber and I have conversed with several of you over the years. BOL is a great site.

After looking at the gear pile up and listening to other parents talk about what to do with the stuff their kids have grown out of I decided to launch a website for preowned and used snowboards and related gear called -- www.boardsbootsandbindings.com

This site is designed to connect buyers and sellers of used gear. So I think that if you want to sell your gear - why not add another selling stream - post your stuff on my site.

My kids have grown and they have graduated from various used race boards to Coilers. My son loves them and rides nothing else. Bruce Varsava of Coiler can vouch for this site. My daughter started last year on a Coiler owned by Patrick Farrell of the Canadian National Team - she is now in line for a PR Coiler for GS races from Bruce.

The kids have ridden Rossignol VAS, Volkl Renn Tiger, Coiler, Burton FP

So I look forward to hearing from the sellers. I think that my site can compliment the BOL classified section and as many of you say - "help empty the quiver"




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Neil, You made a good observation, so I talked to a reliable source who has been running a similar web site model for 4 years.

This is what they told me -

"we recommend payment only through paypal or escrow.com - both of which offer protection for both the buyer and the seller."

I am looking into adding additional security features for both buyers and sellers.

I, personally have sold some items thru the site and used paypal for the transactions. No Problems so far. The buyers are happy.

Maybe Fin or Jack can comment on how this site handled the same concerns when it started out.


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An observation from having been in the ecommerce biz for a decade. Too many clicks to get to the meat. Click...click...click...only to find there is nothing in the category. You might want to consider consolidating the listings and ditching the categories until you get more listings.

For a model of simplicity, you can't beat Craigslist. I hope you don't mind the feedback.


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Maybe Fin or Jack can comment on how this site handled the same concerns when it started out.

We don't. Because our classifieds are really just another forum, they are pretty much self-policing. People's overall reputations here as forum members translate to trustworthiness as sellers/buyers. Members are free to post responses to item listings, so anybody can point out concerns with items/prices or unknown sellers. Sometimes this turns into a flame war, but usually it's okay and keeps the classifieds honest.

I'm not recommending you start a forum, because that's a whole other ball of wax, and the internet doesn't need another snowboarding forum. That's just why our site works. If I were in your shoes, I'd use google and craigslist as models for simplicity. Keep the pages uncluttered.

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Thanks for the feedback, it is always appreciated.

I was thinking the same thing - so feedback like this is good- if a page is empty now, it can be unpublishedt and then published when items come in.

Consolidating all the gear on one page until it gets bigger does make sense.

I will give it a go - I will let you know when its changed.


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