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Usain Bolt (spoiler)


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That was the most incredible performance in track that I've ever seen. Total domination.

Oh wait, you didn't see it live? That's cause NBC was showing the Spain/USA basketball *preliminary* match. Would that have happened if Tyson Gay was in the final or any American with a chance?

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Given that Walter Dix finished third, I think it is a stretch to suggest that there were no Americans with a chance. Bolt was clearly the class of the field, but in the finals, everyone has a chance.

If you want "total domination" then the preliminary game 119-82 rout of Spain by team USA seems to work.

Given the performance of Canadian athletes thus far, I guess CBC has more freedom with respect to coverage.

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How is it mean? Last evening, Canadian television was covering some obscure women's wrestling event precisely because a Canadian woman (who went on to earn a medal) was involved. That is what they are supposed to do...provide coverage with a focus on their own athletes.

NBC does this as well, why are they somehow less credible in their coverage than networks from other nations?

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Oh goodie, I started an argument.

The women's wrestling final on CBC was big news in Canada since it was Canada's first gold. It was shown, live, at 5AM or so and replayed a few times in the later morning. It was a gold medal match and at the time, there wasn't a 100m men's final happening.

USA's domination over Spain was marginal news but I suppose it was interesting to basketball fans and probably mandated by the Nike/Coke hype machine that greases the media.

The 100m final is THE BIG EVENT. It is huge news. Carrying it on tape delay is a joke. Since the basketball game was in the first quarter, I doubt that anyone would have minded if they cut to the race for 10 seconds.

Now you mention Walter Dix. Given that he is a collegiate athlete there was no way for Nike to spin him into a feel good story without his giving up his eligibility, therefore, he is of little interest to the machine.

And judging by the prelims and the semis, the only way for Bolt to lose was to have a chunk of the stadium fall on him while he was in the blocks.

Call me a cynic but all those reasons has me thinking that NBC felt a preliminary basketball match was of more interest. After all, who better to reflect the Olympian ideal than Kobe Bryant? More Kobe, More Coke.

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Real arguments need ad hominem attacks and the like, don't they?

I am a bit sensitive, as my brother works his ass off for NBC sports and is in China as we speak. They have excellent coverage of the Olympics. 'Nuff said.

As for the "hype machine" , what about Bolt holding up his golden Puma spikes and posturing for the camera?

As for Coke, I don't see any fewer ads for that swill here in Canada (where I am right now) than I do in Sodom and Gomorrah to the south.

I don't have to call you a cynic.....just reading what you've written makes that abundantly clear!!:eplus2:

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Real arguments need ad hominem attacks and the like, don't they?

Do you mean to say that your comebacks were irrelevant and weak?

I give you a number of theories as to why NBC chose to cover the basketball game over the premiere event of the games.

You present "nyah, nyah" jabs about the Canadian performance and an irrelevant women's wrestling event.

Who is presenting the ad hominem attacks?

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There were no personal attacks made by anyone. Ergo, there haven't been any ad hominem attacks.

There would be many(myself included) who would take issue with your suggestion that the 100m is "the premiere event of the games". You may find it most compelling, but I don't. Rather, I prefer swimming and find some of what I've already seen in the pool the premiere events of the game. Tomato/tomahto.

Your post would have been equally effective had it consisted of the first line alone. The remainder was clearly meant to be provocative and I took issue with it. End of story.

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Actually, the Canadians are getting a heap of coverage of the US teams, I'm really surprised. I guess they have to fill the schedule somehow, but I think they've covered every single game of the US women's beach volleyball and the US mens basketball team too.That's just what I've seen, I only tape the prime time stuff and run through it the next night.

The girl who won the wrestling medal was a sweetheart. Good for her for toiling away in a sport that, as one of our radio personalities says, "nobody gives a $hit about for more than a couple of days every four years". Coming from a country that wins medals in horse riding and rowing, that's a familiar feeling.

Usain Bolt was absolutely freaking unbelievable. I was a little disappointed that he didn't choose to just pin it and punt the WR right into next week, but I guess he'll be back. I loved Donovan Bailey's comment - "Michael Phelps might be the star of these games, but Usain Bolt is the king". Word.

I am in couch potato heaven this week.:1luvu:

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Actually the only people, who see Olympics live are spectators. CCTV broadcasts program to its own channels with 20 second delay and all other get 30 second delay. Due to "technical reasons". So 100 meters (and 200 and 110 hurdles) are already over before you hear shot.:confused:

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They have excellent coverage of the Olympics. 'Nuff said.

Then why did we only get a "cliff-notes" version of the women's individual gymnastics final where USA went 1-2 for the first time ever during the primetime evening coverage the other night, while last night we were treated to what seemed like a solid hour of some Croatian woman running a marathon? It was like watching paint dry.

Even if they showed the gymnastics live, "excellent coverage" would have been showing it again in primetime more completely and with more drama. Instead we got snippets rushed together. It was easily one of the top 3 feel-good stories of the games, and NBC blew it.

As for Bolt I think he's going to regret celebrating 15 meters before the finish when his record gets broken far sooner than it would if he had broken 9.6.

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Then why did we only get a "cliff-notes" version of the women's individual gymnastics final where USA went 1-2 for the first time ever during the primetime evening coverage the other night, while last night we were treated to what seemed like a solid hour of some Croatian woman running a marathon? It was like watching paint dry.

Even if they showed the gymnastics live, "excellent coverage" would have been showing it again in primetime more completely and with more drama. Instead we got snippets rushed together. It was easily one of the top 3 feel-good stories of the games, and NBC blew it.

As for Bolt I think he's going to regret celebrating 15 meters before the finish when his record gets broken far sooner than it would if he had broken 9.6.

Now you're in trouble with the Romanian members of BOL. That woman was Romanian, not Croatian. I love watching the marathon. I could watch it for the full 2.5 hours. I was feeling Paula Radcliffe's pain last night.

I'll give NBC some credit for getting the Tyson Gay interview. Gay showed some real class in his "no excuses" response.

Did anyone else think swimming commentator (Rowdy Gaines?) went a little overboard before Dana Torres's 50m semi? For those who missed it, Torres asked an official to hold the race while a competitor changed a torn suit. It was considerate but not an "INCREDIBLE ACT OF SPORTSMANSHIP!".

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Now you're in trouble with the Romanian members of BOL. That woman was Romanian, not Croatian. I love watching the marathon. I could watch it for the full 2.5 hours. I was feeling Paula Radcliffe's pain last night.

sorry watching marathon running is like watching someone flog themselves in slow motion for +2hours...hell it's torture just watching it.

I'll give NBC some credit for getting the Tyson Gay interview. Gay showed some real class in his "no excuses" response.

I liked the walter dix interview where he says "I have never run against someone like that (bolt) that guy can run"

Did anyone else think swimming commentator (Rowdy Gaines?) went a little overboard before Dana Torres's 50m semi? For those who missed it, Torres asked an official to hold the race while a competitor changed a torn suit. It was considerate but not an "INCREDIBLE ACT OF SPORTSMANSHIP!".

overboard yes but still cool of Tara

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Since these games began, I've had the opportunity to watch coverage in two other nations and I can say that, in my opinion, the job done by NBC has been excellent.

Carrying this out from the other side of the globe and many time zones away is an enormous task. That coupled with the fact that this is indeed a business with sponsors who have demands of their own only compounds the degree of difficulty.

It seems as though some individual viewers are annoyed that they weren't asked by NBC what specific events, venues and times that they wished to view. I am sure that during the winter games, many here would like to see additional coverage of alpine snowboarding events. Fact is that most people would prefer to watch the sexier boardercross and pipe events and that is exactly what they get to do.

Satellite television is indeed available!

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Now the Jamaican women sweep their 100m race. From a population of 3 million. Wow. I hope that's not a spoiler for NBC viewers.

The major network's failure to cover alpine snowboarding has been discussed on BOL. No doubt it will be the same in 2010 which is why we should all be there - Live!

But I will say again, the 100m men's final isn't some niche event. It's big and should have been carried live. I didn't watch the NBC feed all day but did they pretend it didn't happen before they aired it in primetime?

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You are correct regarding the coverage of alpine snowboarding and the need to be there to see the action. I believe the tickets go on sale October 1st or thereabouts.

I heard them say "earlier" today, but I could be wrong, so I can't definitively answer the question of how it was presented.

I too will say again, NBC covers what they think people want to see and often that selection seems unusual. Truthfully, I don't think that there would be an enormous number of people in their viewing audience who would be dismayed at watching the 100m on tape delay. I really don't.

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I`d be surprised if we don`t get coverage of all the snowboard racing in Canada. From what I remember from the last Olympics, we got all the semis and finals of the PGS and the SBX, because there`s Canadians racing in all of them. Sure, it was 4am or something stupid, but it was all there, I watched it when I came home from holiday.

What the hell is with NBC`s ìf you`re not American you can`t watch`BS on their websiteÉ I know this is post 9-11, but that`s ridiculous.

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I give you a number of theories as to why NBC chose to cover the basketball game over the premiere event of the games.

i'm wondering when the 100 final became "The premiere event" of the olympics. that is rather absurd. maybe since the US has been a dominant force in the sprints for so long, therefore a lot of television time (in the US) is eaten up with coverage of these events? there are far more interesting events than the 100, and much more difficult. calling it the premiere event is an insult.

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i'm wondering when the 100 final became "The premiere event" of the olympics. that is rather absurd. maybe since the US has been a dominant force in the sprints for so long, therefore a lot of television time (in the US) is eaten up with coverage of these events? there are far more interesting events than the 100, and much more difficult. calling it the premiere event is an insult.

I didn't think I was insulting someone. Who can I apologise to? The archers? The sailors? The synchronized swimmers?

Okay, here's a test. I'll bet most people off the street can name more male 100m gold medalists than any other individual sport at the Winter or Summer Games.

By the way, all the media polls back me up. 100m men's final is the most watched event at the Summer Games (other than the Opening Ceremonies).

Allee: the web videos are covered by the same country-specific broadcast rights as the TV coverage. I was in Denver last week, trying to watch CBC videos and I was blocked out. For once, the shoe was on the other foot.

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Okay, here's a test. I'll bet most people off the street can name more male 100m gold medalists than any other individual sport at the Winter or Summer Games

I think your'e wrong, at least with respect to the US. People here will come up with the names of Eric Heiden, Mark Spitz and now Mr. Phelps before they remember ANY 100m medalist. You've already indicated that you would be happy to watch the entire broadcast of a marathon...that makes you extremely atypical with respect to the general population (this is NOT a criticism, just an observation). Most people in the US don't follow track and field, even the 100m, with any regularity or particular interest.

By the way, all the media polls back me up. 100m men's final is the most watched event at the Summer Games (other than the Opening Ceremonies).

I just did an informal poll of 23 people here in the operating room lounge, none expressed any dissatisfaction with not having seen the 100m final live. The majority didn't see it at all.

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I think your'e wrong, at least with respect to the US. People here will come up with the names of Eric Heiden, Mark Spitz and now Mr. Phelps before they remember ANY 100m medalist. You've already indicated that you would be happy to watch the entire broadcast of a marathon...that makes you extremely atypical with respect to the general population (this is NOT a criticism, just an observation). Most people in the US don't follow track and field, even the 100m, with any regularity or particular interest.

I just did an informal poll of 23 people here in the operating room lounge, none expressed any dissatisfaction with not having seen the 100m final live. The majority didn't see it at all.


Found this on wikipedia (from an independent source):


4 American football: Super Bowl 95 million

5 Olympic Games: men's 100m metres 87 million

6 Olympic Games: men's 200m freestyle swimming 66 million

It's a UK source but since the Super Bowl is in there, I have to believe it's an international list.

Most people in the US don't follow track and field, even the 100m, with any regularity or particular interest.

Who follows swimming? Or speed skating?

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2004? International? I was referring to THIS year and a US audience. Otherwise, your data is convincing.

Again, with Phelps going crazy, LOTS of people were following swimming.

Actually, the sky here is anything but blue this morning!

And by the way Skategoat, I apologize for my earlier sarcasm/incivility. It wasn't called for.

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