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Bode Miller to compete as a snowboarder


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Updated: April 1, 2008, 12:03 PM ET

Pete Naterson, Associated Press

Franconia, NH - The one thing that's constant about Bode Miller is that nothing comes as a surprise. So, perhaps it's fitting that the most successful skier in American history is leaving skiing in favor of snowboarding. Living up to every aspect of his inimitable style, today Miller announced his intent to make the 2010 Olympics as a snowboarder.

Miller will remain head of Team America. He will be replacing retired coach John McBride, who left to spend more time at home, with younger brother Chelone. Chelone Miller is a snowboarder and has appeared in several Warren Miller movies. Also resigning this year to spend more time at home were McBride's assistant, Mike Kenney (Bode's uncle) and Robbie Kristan, Miller's ski technician the last six seasons. Miller is rumored to be recruiting USSA coach Spencer Tamblyn to replace Kenny. The only coach who remained with Miller was Forest Carey, who skied with Miller at the Carrabassett Valley Academy in Maine years ago. With Miller's switch, it is likely that Forest will be cut.

When questioned, Miller defended his snowboarding skills. "I can do a mean Cab[Caballerial]. And, my Haakon flip is better than Terje's [Haakonsen of Norway]." Miller added, "Snowboarders are way more cool. There's no pressure, no expectations, like there is with skiing. I can hang and party, do well or not do well, and it's like, whatever." Whether this is typical Miller hyperbole remains to be seen. One thing is certain given his past -- if Miller does well as a snowboarder, no one will be surprised.

On May 12, 2007, Miller announced that he would be leaving the US Ski Team. However, he still competed for the USA in international competitions. Miller's problems with the U.S. team centered on rules prohibiting him from sleeping in his personal motor home. With the switch, he wouldn't rule out a move back to the U.S. team, but considers that option unlikely.

"There's possibilities there, but it would have to be with some concessions I'm sure on both sides," Miller said. "They would have to do a pretty good job with putting forward a proposal and in the past they've been pretty resistant."

In 2008, Miller won his second overall Alpine Skiing World Cup title in four years, after also winning the title in 2005. This lead the United States to sweep the men's and women's overall World Cup titles for the first time in 25 years. Lindsey Vonn won the woman's title. This year, Miller also surpassed Phil Mahre as the most decorated American skier with 31 World Cup victories. Mahre earned 28. Miller has historically fared well at the FIS World Ski Championships, winning a total of four gold medals and one silver medal.

In 2006, Miller became famous for his reclusive (but outspoken) personality, and his attention-getting statements. On the program 60 Minutes, in January 2006, Miller described the act of skiing "wasted" and compared it to lawlessly driving while intoxicated. He issued an apology for these comments less than a week after they aired. During an interview with Rolling Stone later the same month, he stated his belief that Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, and unspecified other athletes "knowingly" cheated by using performance enhancing drugs. In response, Bonds titled Miller "Little Miss Mis-remember".

In 2005 Bode became the first American in 22 years to win the overall title, since Phil Mahre and Tamara McKinney in 1983. Earlier during his championship season, with a victory on November 28, 2004, he became only the fifth man to win World Cup races in all five disciplines: slalom, giant slalom, Super-G, downhill, and combined. He is also a four-time World Champion in four different disciplines and has a pair of silver medals from the 2002 Winter Olympics.

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hehe agreed that was really well written :biggthump

Miller added, "Snowboarders are way more cool. There's no pressure, no expectations, like there is with skiing. I can hang and party, do well or not do well, and it's like, whatever."

lol :p

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Hey Pat,

Nicely done, and way to go the distance for this one, but it is April 1st after all.

If this is true, and I hope it is, boarding will finally get the media attention it deserves, John Daly style..


I'd love to take credit for the article but it was dreamed up by a friend who posted it in skiracing.com's forum. So far, no one has responded over there!

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