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blast to much narrow... an alternative ?


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I'm actually riding a hot blast 158 (8,7m radius). I love it so much ! but i have large feets, and a strong angle cause me more and more pain to my knees, and if i decrease it, i slide ...

wich could be the solution ? i'm looking for a 21 cm width board whith the same stifnness and the same dynamic than the blast...

I was thinking about a custom from donek (axis seams not to be enougth stiff)

Any other id ???


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Guest Pre School Rider

They still make the Shine (under the "Hammer" namebrand),and while it's not as stiff as the Blast,it isn't as narrow,either.I've actually found that I can put Volkl V-Flex Lifters on a Shine,thus allowing some of my students softboot access to a true carving board usng 3-strap bindings at angles in the high 40's. However,if you want similar stiffness as the Blast,and that nice boosting 'pop' off the tail,look at Prior boards.I can't say whether Prior will make you a racer-like board as wide as you want,but maybe having them look into a stiffened 4WD for you.Ask,they do make custom stuff still,as does Donek and Coiler.These three companies all make really good stuff,so you won't go wrong if you ask for the right things from them.Keep in mind that with Prior and Coiler,the Canadian exchange rate is favorable,too.

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i assume you are canted on the blast. i ride the same board- 158 8.7sc- and tend to have those problems when i am un canted. i have a size 13 us foot and when i run a cant on the back binding the angles dont bother me a bit.

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Guest junecarver

i would also recommend the prior. you can ride them hard like the hots, i was very surprised at how dynamic of a ride I got. they are wider, with a little more sidecut and flex, but nice and stiff off the tail.

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yes, but it has exactly the same Waist as the blast !!

So it doesn't solve my problem at all ...

I'm afrais the 4wd not to be enougth stiff for me compare to the blast ...

(it's difficult !! :D )


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Guest junecarver

the waist may be as narrow, but the extra tail and shovel make it a whole 'nother animal compared to a hot. that provides a lot more stability, but the springiness still allows some great edge to edge snap. i have to say i am a hot snob but the priors really impressed me. you should also go a little longer than a narrower stiffer board, because of the extra sidecut and they are a little softer up front.

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Guest Pre School Rider

One option that Prior might consider would be to make you a 4WD that is a 'custom flex',closer to the Hot Blast overall. Or,maybe they've got older,wide molds for 'fat' WCR's? You'd have to ask them if these ideas are reasonable for them to consider. I had previously mentioned the Hot Shine (waist of 21cm),but it is softer than a Blast by a good amount,though still a good carver/weekend warrior in it's own right. Volkl's Cross 160 (waist of 23cm) comes to mind,because it's edge grip is RennTiger-like,and it's a bit stiffer than most any other BX board I can think of. The only 20+ cm waist 'Race' board that I can recall recently was the Burton Speed. Any others anyone can toss into the ring?

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Guest Pre School Rider

I really like all three of the makers (Prior,Coiler,Donek,as these are people who Create boards,not just 'build+sell' them) listed here so far.Both Donek and Coiler make great boards.The thing here is the 'feel'.Hot and Prior,both are snappy boards that have huge amounts of energy return,and that energy return is easy to tap into.Doneks have pretty good 'pop' off the tails,but don't quite leap from turn-to-turn the way Priors do.They ride 'crisp',are sure-footed,but don't seem eager to get airborne between carves. Coilers have deep reserves of power,but the dampening,definately mutes the snappiness in the flex.Coilers,btw,seem unflappable on icy stuff,something I adore about them. So Coiler and Donek are great boards,and are available in 'custom' specs,but that 'pop' off the tail that the Blast has might lose a bit of flavor in translation. Still,those are viable choices in terms of quality and bang-for-the-buck...

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I'm sure Prior could stiffen up a 4WD for you. As a matter of fact, my wife uses a 159 4WD that was originally a custom for someone else, and it is very close to the flex of the 164 Blast I had a few years ago (maybe even a bit stiffer). And as Eric said, there is lots of energy in the tail, it is a very "happy" ride. Should I sell you her board at a good price to convince you?

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Originally posted by FOB

yes, but unfortunately, his order book is full, and he cannot deliver anything before december 2004 !

yeah, but..if you live in the states there wont be much snow til then anyway! I wouldnt want to ride my brand new carver on thin coverage...would you?

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