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Personalized Stance help...via video conferencing

John Gilmour

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I thought I might try this out.

I could nail peoples stances while they are at home...provided they have a video conferencing.. ideally through AIM or Ichat (mac).

I figure I'd charge $50 to nail it (provided you can finish within 40 minutes) ... that's less than a visit to a shrink..and it's a lot more theraputic. I'd like to charge $10... but I know if I did that.. I'd only do it for like 3 people before I decided not to bother as it takes a bit of time to do it.

So I'd need you to have a well lit area. A decent video cam (borrow someone's laptop if you like) . And hopefully a full length mirror or someone to help point the camera at you so I can see if you are making the proper body angles....and if your board is coming up on edge too early or too late.

I of course would also have my board so I can show you when the board comes up on edge so you can be in the same ball park.

I can do hard and soft boot set ups.

If anyone would like to comment on how my changing their stance has helped their riding... please post on this thread. Positive as well as negative comments are equally welcome.


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worked for me, the offset seems to make the biggest difference.

one thing I have noticed is that with wider boards that the offset feels weird and I like using allot less otherwise I feel off balance. The Narrower the board the more I like it.

is that normal or are there other factors I'm not seeing?

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Hi Bob,

With a board that is too wide you end up being too "inbound" with the front toe and that front foot has more difficulty participating in a toe side carve.

Also if the board is too wide your rear heel can end up too inbound as well.

The bias should be subtle and you should not have to solely rely on it from pressuring your edges.. after all that is what edge angle helps with in hardboot carving.

Also if you are riding very flat angles for carving, bias has little effect at all.

Ideally you want to be in a position such that you can easily change the carving radius of the board- using the boards edge hold to assist in bending the board- you can further instigate this if you actively drive your knees forward to bend the board. This is very hard to do effectively and long term if your stance angles are low. And when riding wider boards....... your stance angles will naturally drop.

Hope that answers that question about why it feels odd on wide boards.



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you said you're selling your 3800 because it's too wide for your feet, right?

what's the waist width on the 3800? I think you said the board was designed for feet size 10.5 to 13.

Is a waist width of 25.5cm too wide for size 12 boots with catek fr2s? or would "Gilmour bias" be useful?

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you said you're selling your 3800 because it's too wide for your feet, right?

what's the waist width on the 3800? I think you said the board was designed for feet size 10.5 to 13.

Is a waist width of 25.5cm too wide for size 12 boots with catek fr2s? or would "Gilmour bias" be useful?

10.5 assuming you ride a really larger outershell softboot and flat angles.. 13 if you ride a maller shell hardboot and high stance angles.

The front foot area is pretty wide.

There are photos of a 3800 on bomber I think next to some other decks for comparision. The board has a deep sidecut so the waist flares out a lot too.

Catek freerides give you extra lift if you want which is similar in effect to a gas pedal. But you want to set a board up so it rides fairly neutral.. it is possible to have too much edge response.



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check this out for more on Gilmour Bias...


it's essentially off setting your bindings so that they're set up asymetrically. The higher your stance angles, the more effective the bias.

my FR2s just came in today, so I'll be setting them up on my Tanker today and tomorrow. I'll probably test it out on Friday.

Thanks again JG, I'm thinking you just might have saved my leg.

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well 10.5 is pushing it if you want to use it for carving....lol... I can barely make it work with all the leverage of my 26.5 hard boots compared to My rossi Judge with softies.


With my baby feet (8-8.5 US, depending on model) and 21/6 angles I still have some overhang. Board carves like a beast for me. I can make it work with 45/35 and serious underhang too, but using 3-strap bindings... I also think that 3800 has shallower sidecut then majority of freeride/freestyle boards (9.5m radius).

My 2c CAD.

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With my baby feet (8-8.5 US, depending on model) and 21/6 angles I still have some overhang. Board carves like a beast for me. I can make it work with 45/35 and serious underhang too, but using 3-strap bindings... I also think that 3800 has shallower sidecut then majority of freeride/freestyle boards (9.5m radius).

My 2c CAD.

I can still rail a 3800 and make it look good (thats why I bought one after I Demoed it...and I bought two powder boards at the same time knowing I would sell one) I got the LAST 3800- they sold out after that ...but I know I'll ride my narrower deck more- it takes too much effort on the 3800 for me as compared to a narrower board that I am not inbound on. Hardboots give plenty of leverage- but it is a little like going over the falls if I really rail it. For light pressureing in bowls... its still absolutely an awesome ride...but I was thinking about a bigger gun for bowls anyhow- and using a lightweight hardboot for that.



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  • 3 weeks later...

With my baby feet (8-8.5 US, depending on model) and 21/6 angles I still have some overhang. Board carves like a beast for me. I can make it work with 45/35 and serious underhang too, but using 3-strap bindings... I also think that 3800 has shallower sidecut then majority of freeride/freestyle boards (9.5m radius).

My 2c CAD.

I just picked one of these up off the classifieds as a cheap entry into the light duty east coast powder board arena. I was so surprised how much I enjoy riding the thing in many conditions. The 169 is quite light for it's size, and was much more maneuverable in the bumps than my old 167 plank. I was also able to hold quite a good carve in softies - actually ripping across a rutted GS course at Middlebury a couple weeks ago after the racers called it quits. I wasn't expecting any carving ability from it, so I'm very please - and that's even with what seem to be pretty high base bevels (by feel). I find no need to change boards after things get chopped up, and it's very maneuverable in the trees.


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TW just got dialed in.. did it by video camera over internet in his den.. So we will wait and see what his verdict is...

I think it came out remarkably good.

Awesome! Today was the first time to try out the new setup since our video conference. Conditions were typical spring conditions in so cal, hard ice ice in the morning , followed by slush in the afternoon. Even with the poor conditions, I was the most comfortable I have been on a carving board. I was able to get much lower and keep better control of my edges. Amazing what a good setup can do for you. Worth the time, worth the money, definitely.

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you should be able to tip your board up to like 70-80 degrees without booting out on either side.. but your rear toe can stick out more because by the time the channel gets to the rear toe... it is already pretty deep...except for glare ice....and you would be on hardboots for that anyhow.

LOL.. you not an eastcoast rider are ya ? ... LOL

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Awesome! Today was the first time to try out the new setup since our video conference. Conditions were typical spring conditions in so cal, hard ice ice in the morning , followed by slush in the afternoon. Even with the poor conditions, I was the most comfortable I have been on a carving board. I was able to get much lower and keep better control of my edges. Amazing what a good setup can do for you. Worth the time, worth the money, definitely.

Glad it worked out... It looked pretty spot on to me- after all that adjusting. After 25 years... you end up getting pretty good at setting it up off snow- and finding out it works right on snow.

Now you just need to get lower and lower and pop up on edge more abruptly. And the board will work with you not against you.

Good luck!



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  • 2 weeks later...

So Mike Rentel gave me a list of what he was riding and I set him up blind- no video camera- just via email. Not my preferred way of doing things.. but he was going riding the next day. He can post his results for a blind dialing in and of course after I get to see him via video as a sort of comparison of video conference vs Blind. I have yet to dial him in seeing his set up.

I hope we get more people dialed in... it seems to work very well. Just borrow anyones Apple Macbook or Macbook Pro for a night and I can get you in the zone.



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AIM works well I also have MSN but MSN does not work with MAC. though I'll have parallels soon enough.

I can also do Yahoo messenger- but the frame rate is poor.

Snagging a macbook or macbook pro is the easiest since all new mac laptops are preloaded with conferencing software and all of the new mac laptops work equally well with AIM or iChat.

Really any computer under 2 years old with a webcam should work. Even if you don't have a web cam some video cameras work as webcams..

No video camera... use your phone as a webcam. If you have bluetooth on your phone and computer it can be wireless.

Just pop me an email and I'll send you my ichat/aim addy

Also don't get so hung up on angles. it is more about where your feet are on the board...inside your boots. Since boots don't all hold you at the same angle and even many bindings don't put your foot in at the same angle

For instance a Drake 40 degree binding might hold your foot at a different angle than a burton 45 degree... and then when you start mixing boots... it all can change.

You settings are different on a board with a 9m SCR vs a board with a 14 meter SCR

Thankfully most seem to be on a Bomber TD2 ,F2 or Catek OS or OS2, with Raichles or Heads.


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