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Roger Clemens

C5 Golfer

Is Roger Guilty or not?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Roger Guilty or not?

    • Roger is guilty of using banned drugs
    • Roger is just a good guy - drug free
    • Don't give a Sh!t

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charging kids $20 bucks for an autograph ? weak:(



"I wanna tell the children that they are no shortcuts, through hard work and determination you can achieve anything you want"

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I don't really care of Roger juiced on not....I think it's interesting that he "swore off" trying it because of health concerns then let his wife use hGH for a magazine shoot....

What I do care is that the Astros had this Brian McNamee joker on their payroll, at the behest of Roger, after his 2001 incident with the woman he was humping while she was dying of a rufie overdose...definitely not the mark of a class organization. And don't even bring up the fact the Yankees employed him, too-George Steinbrenner is hardly the dictionary definition of class

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Health care coverage....

Until the US as a society decides what exactly our responsibility to our fellow Americans is, there's going to be no solution to the health care mess. My perspective is a tad bit different than everyone else's, I take care of uninsured patients for my hospital-I'm a doc. I see middle aged women dying of cervical cancer....and older women dying of other types of cancer....and men having strokes because they have untreated hypertension and diabetes...

So I get to tell them the bad news, then deal with scrounging together limited resources like home health and referrals to MD Anderson (good luck).

That and the fact I've memorized the whole $4 prescription list from Walmart-and I hate Walmart, but I tell my patients to get their drugs there every day when I discharge them

So, Congress talking about baseball is hardly a big concern. Until Joe Bubba decides to not listen to the scary insurance companies tell us how bad things are in Canada, we will not have the will to do what needs to be done. But I digress....

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All Joe Bubba really has to do is go and vote... or not. Once these people are in office, the responsibility falls upon them to get something accomplished be it a better healthcare system or reducing the deficit... at the very least, working on something that serves the population of this country. They signed up for the job and were elected to be the leaders of this country. It is time for them to lead, to decide what really is important to this country and work on it. The fact that they are wasting their working time (our tax dollars) on whether or not some facet of the entertainment industry was pure or cheat is deplorable and evidence that they truly want to accomplish as little as possible.

Skatha, as you say, people are dying of treatable disease. Yet, congress is more concerned about entertainment athletes juicing. That falls on them, not Joe Bubba. However, it is time for Joe Bubba to get pissed about it.

Uh oh, I just realized this thread is headed down the slippery political slope... stopping now.

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kids don't give a chit about baseball any more... or they'd be out playing it.

the only time you ever see kids playing any more is in organized leagues being coached by over zelot rents

if it weren't for adult wannabes betting on fantasy leagues there wouldn't be enough money in pro baseball to make it worth talking about

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kids don't give a chit about baseball any more... or they'd be out playing it.

the only time you ever see kids playing any more is in organized leagues being coached by over zelot rents

if it weren't for adult wannabes betting on fantasy leagues there wouldn't be enough money in pro baseball to make it worth talking about

Hey, I'm an "over zelot rent", whatever the hell that means. I coach girl's baseball. True, in the early 90s, we had 16 teams in our league. We are now down to 5. But, baseball is still pretty healthy. Don't forget, it's a world sport and it thrives in Latin America and Asia.

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Hey, I'm an "over zelot rent", whatever the hell that means. I coach girl's baseball. True, in the early 90s, we had 16 teams in our league. We are now down to 5. But, baseball is still pretty healthy. Don't forget, it's a world sport and it thrives in Latin America and Asia.

no offense intended towards actual coaches, more directed towards rents (parents) screaming, yelling and starting fight from the stands

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Most of my friends/acquaintances with boys have their boys play baseball and the kids love it...

My son loves watching the game but prefers playing football. My son also had a Clements Astros jersey-he refused to wear it when Roger decided the best way to tell the people of Houston he wasn't playing for the 'stros anymore was to announce it on national television at a Yankees game-so much for wanting to spend time with family, huh....

You can't expect class from a dirtbag, he and George deserve each other. A columnist here with our paper suggested Drayton MaClain be visibly supportive of Roger-who was supposed to sign a multiple year "personal serices" contract with the 'stros, a la Nolan Ryan a few years ago. I almost puked in my mouth!:smashfrea

The steroid controversy hasn't hurt the bottom line. I tried to get my season ticket package renewed to find my old seats have already sold-and this with Miguel Tejada's issues, too....

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no offense intended towards actual coaches, more directed towards rents (parents) screaming, yelling and starting fight from the stands

Yep, I have to deal with those all the time. Luckily, with girl's baseball, it's a little bit more relaxed but not always. Two seasons ago, I had stop one Dad from coaching his daughter (pitcher) from behind the cage. He was actually signaling pitch location.

If you want to see nutso parents, try hockey. The moms are the worst.

This is typical. Warning: NSFW language in video

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu-3q4mNmN8&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu-3q4mNmN8&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Clemens signed with the Jays because Toronto was the only team that would allow his kids on the field during warm-ups. He won two Cy Youngs, talked a lot about the great family environment, the great city, etc. and then bolted as soon as he got a better offer. He is much hated in this city.

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I'm more concerned about the millions of US citizens out there with no health coverage. Why are our elected representatives wasting the working time you and I are paying for with this rubbish while there are many more important issues?


the athletes are doing what we pay them to do. ENTERTAIN US

we demand ever increasing levels of performance and pay millions for it. Of course they are going to do what they think is necessary to live up to that. congress needs to quit avoiding the real issues and get to work.

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