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prior 4wd vs wcr


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i've newly re-discovered the joys of alpine hardware. i've been riding softies for the last 5 years (currently on a palmer titanium), and pulled out my old option c165 for kicks (i rode alpine gear for several years previously), and was blown away by how fun the alpine gear was. the option is a great board (at least by my limited perspective), but getting a bit beat; now i'm pondering a replacement. i'd like to support prior, as he's local (and they're good people; we bought my wife's last board at the factory). i'm curious how the 4wd & wcr would compare to my current board (it seems to sit in between the two in terms of width). as i like to hit a variety of terrain (steep, pow, bumps as well as the fast groomers), the 4wd seems an obvious choice, but i'm still curious about the wcr, as i like aggressive boards (and would pull out the softboot gear for big snow days anyways). anybody with experience with both (or even better, have ever ridden the option)? cheers!

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Hey, welcome on Bomber!

Where do you ride, Whistler or one of the local Van mountains? There's a gang of hardbooters riding at Cypress...

I've got the 4WD 174 and WCR 181. Different rides.

4WD is just great in variable terrain, a real one board quiver. Somewhat tight turning radius.

WCR just plain rips and it's better for bigger arcs. Better edge hold too. You can ride it as aggressive as you wish. I don't like it much in soft or slushy stuff.

I would almost imgine that your Palmer mounted with plates would be somewhat similar to 4WD, just slower edge to edge...

Maybe look into the new titanal WCRs. Tey've got small rounded of tail and softer flex then the old WCRs. Chris has also got the template for 21 waisted wersion, so you'll get best of both worlds - versatility of 4WD and aggression and edge hold of WCR.


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I've got a 4WD 178 and a custom 180 GS (basically a WCR, but slightly different geometry and (I think) more camber). I'll go with Boris on pretty much everything he says.

The 4WD is a great all-mountain freecarving board, but in smooth, well-groomed conditions, the 180 GS is just awesome. First time I rode it, I got to the bottom of the mountain and exclaimed, out loud, "Holy sh!t!" Edge hold is incredible, and the board is very confidence-inspiring. Not to mention fast. :) But if conditions are soft, it digs in pretty easily, and if you're not careful you can find yourself catapulted over the nose.

Granted, both of my Priors are quite a few years old now, so I can't speak to how the '08 model 4WD and WCR compare. But I'd imagine the differences are similar.

Since you'll break out the Palmer in softer conditions anyway, my advice would be to go with the WCR.


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thanks, guys. interestingly, i had an fantastic evening on cypress the other night on the option in dumping conditions. fresh turns to be had every run; i was really surprised how good hardbooting in the fresh was. definitely re-hooked on the gear again (the palmer will most likely be neglected). a demo should be in order (i'm really curious as to how my ancient board compares to the new gear), though i rarely get up to whizzler these days. we will see...

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I'd be very cautious on buying a Prior's 4WD specially the 179 length. :biggthump

I have one, It causes great pleasure, much more cost each year in lift tickets cuz you will find more reasons to go, more gas will be spent, more time off will be needed, you will find other areas in your life will come to a complete stop or pause due to you are on the mountain too much... So be afraid, be very afraid!

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... i had an fantastic evening on cypress the other night...

Ha, so you ride Cypress, great! One more to the brotherhood. Look me up at Instructors hut any Sunday. I often rode on Tuesday nights too, recently. On Saturdays look for Dave - bright orange full face helmet, or Pierre on Swoard.

You are welcome to try my Priors, or any other alpine I've got.

Also, throw the plates on that Palmer, you might be plesantly surprised... What length is it?


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i saw one guy last sunday morning (fun carving conditions) on a red deck; who'd that be?

i was actually curious about using hardboots on the palmer, as i've never been totally happy with the soft setup i have. not a good pain to performance ratio. i actually pulled out the dusty alpine gear because my softboots were giving me that much grief. my hardboots are ancient (burton mgx's) but super comfy. can you get away with decent plate angles (i'm running 50*/45* on the option) on a wider bx board (~24.5" waist) and still get enough leverage? guess i should just try it. oh - it's a 163. sorry for the plethora of newb-ish questions. i've been boarding for over 2 decades, but have only dabbled the last handful of years due to conflicting recreational / life activities, and am currently out of the loop. cheers!

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There were 5 h/booters including you, then. Pierre told me he spoke to someone new (you?). Pierre was on a Swoard, dark red or maroon if you wish, board. I was also on a red deck - bright red WCR 181, but I sport the instructor's jacket on Sundays.

I think you'll get away with those angles. You'll have a bit of underhang. If it didn't feel right you could always drop by 5 deg or so. This Sunday might be pow again, so the right day to try it. I'll be on 4807 swallowtail or Tanker with plates if conditions are fresh.


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Hello XY

Dave* of the orange full face is actually up on hill saturday to tuesdays ( once in a while I miss a day if whistler bound) , if you see me just yell and say its XY

As to the boards

I have a blue and orange 164 palmer channel Ti and I can say with confidence it rides nothing like the 4x4. The Cannel Ti is very skittish and nervous at high edge angles unlike some of the other wider BX decks I have ridden.

Now the Prior 4x4 I cant say enough good things about, much like C5 or Boris,

I personally own two 179s, it is for me a do anything board except for powder ( I am fat , it sinks ),

I have a few different WCRS, two old gen 185 WCR square tails, long SCR, stiff not great in tight traffic, ton of fun if enough room to let them do their thing, way too much board for me at my skill level.

I recently purchased a 177WCR trad construction with the metal style spoon tail. great little deck, lots of pop, 11.9 SCR lets me do anything with up to and including boonie bashing, not as forgiving as the titanal version that I demoed but it is quickly becoming a "go to" board on hardpack days. It rides like a very high strung 4x4, it likes to be flogged hard, if you relax on it it will punish you ,

I have a stiffened up ATV that is a personal fave, think fat 4x4/skinny BXer, probably a closer ride to the palmer just way more stable on edge, it is however getting close to duplicating an existing ride of yours. ( I ride fat BX style decks all the time just with a bit of underhang, not an issue, just a bit more effort to roll on edge, bonus you never boot out)

Based on your statement of riding you cant go wrong with an appropriate size 4x4, I would reccomend demoing a few WCR before dropping cash and see if you like the "high strung" WCR vs "mellower 4x4", square tail vs "spoon" tail WCR, titanal vs trad construct WCR, and try a few different SCRs and lengths, if doing a lot of local hills ie Cypress the 177 WCR with 11.9 is worth short listing if you already have the palmer ready to go.

I ussually have 2-3 boards in my truck so stop me and we can turn you loose on something ( very easy if normal foot and riding 27 mondo SB series at 295mm, dont even have to monkey with binders)


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