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4th Strap or Booster Strap


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I'm looking for a bit more compression at the top of my 3 buckle Raichle 123s. I like the softer boots for freeriding, but I was getting a bit of shin bang last season.

The 123s have a velcro strap where the 4th buckle would be on 4 buckle Raichles. I'm going to replace them with either an additional buckle or a booster strap.

The price would be about the same for the parts or the strap. Install of the booster would be easier. I'd probably need to get a boot fitter to install the buckle option.

So, which is preferable? I'm thinking that, given that these are freeride boots, the boosters would be the way to go. A bit more forgiving than a plastic strap, but better than the nearly worthless velcro.

Any input?



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I fighted in beginning of last season with shin bang, as I moved from Rossis freecarve board to more narrower and stiffer F2. I guess that it was mostly due to bigger stance angle, when I decreased stance, then bang was smaller, but then I got overhang. I tried Booster straps, but even they seemed not to help, my rear foot still suffered quite a lot. What really helped for me, was heel lift on back foot, after installing that problem was solved. Problem seemed to be, that my riding 'style' or setup required big forward flex from rear boot and it forced shin against boot (now I ride with position 2 in rear boot).

Don't know, whether you have same problem, but here are my 2 cents anyway....

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I too upgraded my 123s with the 4th buckle. I did it myself, and you can too, I guess. Just remove the original rivets (that hold the velcro strap) carefully, using a pair of pliers or similar. The rest is a piece of cake, as replacement buckles come with screws, not rivets.

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