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Season Ending Crash For cfj04

Thor VonRippington

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Had my first look at the outer portion during a redress of the bandage. The PA goes - wow - looks like they had some items to clean up in there - uh oh!!!

Today my exogen unit arrived. A few questions for those of you with experience with them

1) Does it need to have direct skin contact in order to properly function? My leg is still a steril environment since the wounds are still not 100% closed - close but not 100%

2) The instructions reference warnings as to safety for fractures which involve hardware/screws to repair.

Any advice?

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Had my first look at the outer portion during a redress of the bandage. The PA goes - wow - looks like they had some items to clean up in there - uh oh!!!

Today my exogen unit arrived. A few questions for those of you with experience with them

1) Does it need to have direct skin contact in order to properly function? My leg is still a steril environment since the wounds are still not 100% closed - close but not 100%

2) The instructions reference warnings as to safety for fractures which involve hardware/screws to repair.

Any advice?

If there is smoke coming from the opening, turn it down a couple clicks :smashfrea:biggthump

Sorry, electrician's twisted sense of humor

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It doesn't matter if the metal is magnetic or not, a metal detector will pick it up either way. What matters is whether or not the material conducts electricity, not whether it's magnetic. All metals conduct electricity. (to varying degrees.) so they will be picked up by a metal detector.

Well..... My wife has so much hardware in her ankle, it's not even fun to look at the x-rays. Yet, she never trigered the detectors on the airports. We've been on 4 international flights since she had became "bionicle".

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Well..... My wife has so much hardware in her ankle, it's not even fun to look at the x-rays. Yet, she never trigered the detectors on the airports. We've been on 4 international flights since she had became "bionicle".

The units used in airports are very sophisticated and can discriminate the type and amount of different metals. If you'll carry it on your next flight, I'll make you a titanium (non magnetic) zip gun at my work, and we'll see if you can get it through security.

To all doubters, I will explain how a metal detector works. In high school we learned that when you pass a conductor through a magnetic field, it induces a voltage in the object passing through the magnetic field. A metal detector "detects" fluctuations in the magnetic field caused by conductors passing through it. As long as the material passing through the field will conduct electricity, it slightly alters the magnetic field of the detector and is detected.

there you have it,


Dave R.

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At least for me - no thanks to the zip gun experiment. Especially since my wife works for an airline. However, if you want me to try your titanium on any of my bike parts - I'm game!

Is it Friday yet? (the day I have my post op appointment)

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So - I'm the Professor, your Skipper which makes Thor Gilligan? I can't wait till you call him "little buddy"

I haven't been to the office once and so far work's been very tolerant. They've gotten so use to not seeing me that it seems like busines as usual.

I do have secure access which helps

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Z - Thanks for the information

Bryan - 2 pilots fighting over a penny.

Good one! Had not heard that. Comes from having a wife in the business?

Also Electrician / Flying related joke.

Flight Attendant: Sir, why are you clutching a "Fish Tape"? Please stow it under your seat or the overhead bin.

Nervous Electrician: No way! This is for safety. I KNOW that if we go down I can just run this out and it is guaranteed to hang up on something!!

Swear words removed for public display.

Want to tick a pilot off? Just call him a flying bus driver. OUCH!! They hate that.

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It comes from knowing pilots


Hear about the new plane coming out. It only requires one Pilot and one German Shepard to operate it. The pilot is their to make cetain the dog is fed and the dog is there to make certain the Pilot doesn't touch any of the controls

That's all folks!!!!

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Today was my post-op meeting with my Surgeon.

The Good - surgery went well and I am now in a removable boot instead of the god-awful splint

The Bad - no weight bearing for another 4 weeks - I knew it could happen but I had my fingers crossed for sooner. I see the Dr. 2 days before SES so now my hope will be to "walk" while I'm there.

The Ugly - wow- just two weeks and my range of motion is heavily restricted. Me gotsta get the juice on in the gym to make it right.

Oh - the bone stim program - he was all over it. I asked and his immediate response was "insurance won't cover it". His eyes lit up when I told him I already had one. He's a big fan of them

Thanks to everyone (except Thor since he's the culprit :lol: ) for the well wishes, the great ideas and understanding. Thanks to Thor for still giving me my daily riding reports and his friendship.

I'll see some of you at SES for some food, drinks and good laughs.

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