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Summer Carving Camps


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I'm sure that they exist.......but is anyone aware of summer carving/racing camps at Mt Hood or other venues? To complicate the question even more, my son is only 12.....I know that some camps will not allow an unsupervised rider under 14 or 15. I spoke to Chris Klug (over email) about one month ago and he has not yet considered a summer session. I also intend to call Windells to see if they can bring in an alpine coach. Any other thoughts?

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Windells is just freestyle. I doubt they would bring in an alpine coach and even if they did I'd want to know who it was and get some references before putting any money down.

I haven't done SnowPerformance yet, I was going to in a week then a screwed up my ankle, but am planning to done it next December or possibly this summer.

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Guest Randy S.

You should check with Gavin at Snowperformance. He runs a 1-week carving camp at Hood in the summer. Last year it was more geared toward adults, but Mark Harris had a bunch of his team kids there. I'm sure he'd work something out. http://www.snowperformance.com

Also, Lisa Kosglow and Anton Pogue plan to run a surf and carve camp in Chile this summer. The dates are still up in the air, but should be sometime in August. There's an adult one and an all ages one (although you may need to go with your son on the all ages one). Lisa will probably post something here on Bomber once they have the dates/prices finalized. You can contact them at worldlocals@yahoo.com or 303-641-5134. Lisa was one of the coaches at Gavin's program last summer and is great.

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We do offer carve/race camps at Timberline during the summer. We have not yet finalized dates but will most likely do one or two camps beginning in late June/Mid July. Once we decide on the dates I will post it here as well as on the Snowperformance site.

If anybody wants to be kept up on our scheduled events and be put on our email list feel free to contact me at rideon@qwest.net. We always guard our client's privacy and never distribute the addresses to anyone.

Also, I know it is just ten days away but if anyone is interested we also have a few slots open for our Spring Carve camp at Sun Peaks from March 28th thru the 31st. We will have the run of the place and the conditions and carving terrain are fantastic. If you want to view comments about our camps you can search for some previous postings about Snowperformance. Client feedback has been extremely positive. Hope to see you at one of our events.




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Thanks for the comments so far......it seems that my son enjoys

an aspect of snowboarding (racing, carving)whose demographic is more adult oriented.

Windells seems to be a place you can send a child and still feel comfortable.....yet freestyle is their strong point (my son does now compete in halfpipe as well). I have also heard, however, that many kids get distracted by the "off snow" fun (paintball, skateboarding, etc.) and spend too little time on snow.

I checked Gavin's website and it does seem geared to the older rider (not in need of supervision), but it also seems more in line for which I am searching. Maybe I'll just have to take my laptop and "work" from the hill. I did send him an email and will call.

....or....maybe I need to hook Patrick up with a team that is going to a carving/racing session, or offer to pay one of our coaches (G-Team in Minneapolis) to take a group as Mark Harris has done. Kent - can you take off from your new job yet? :)

I will quiz as many coaches as I can at the USASA Nationals next week....I intend to hang around the SL and GS courses most of the time. Any other coaches here going next week?


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Guest dragonfly jones

You'll have coaches from Colorado, UT, CA, WA the Ice Coast, Ohio etc.

I have been emailing Jessica from the G team and it is good know she is bringing a steady crew.

Feel free to ask questions of any coach - we are all professionals and can always be counted on to help.

Chuck B

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Chuck...thanks for the comments. Kent Smith, Patrick's alpine coach, specifically said to look for you (he was very complimentary) at the hill in new Mexico. I'm confused as to the best method of waxing for the "heat" of Angel Fire and Kent suggested you might help.

Patrick and I continue to be amazed at how friendly his new "carving family" has been....you're right....everybody is always willing to help.....the atmosphere is so positive .

Traveling to Summit County at least twice per year, we have aspirations of attending an alpine weekend or two next year. We always hear such good things about your team and the quality of racing in Colorado. Having experienced the skill levels at this year's Trofeo Topolino in Italy, Patrick's ready to step up his game......and it's clear that the help he needs is there for the asking. Thanks

We look foward to seeing you and the rest of Patrick's "carving family" at Nationals (he races Friday/Saturday - Breakers 12-13).

Good luck with your team this year.

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I had one of the best times i have ever had on snow last summer at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camp. The age of campers ranges from about 11-18. The camp is great for some of the younger riders out there, and has some awesome coaching for snowboard racers. I was totally suprised when my coach began listing the people he has coached in the past full time (Lisa Kosgrow, Lynn Ott, Jaysey Jay, and others) as well as the fact that he was the Korean National Snowboard Team's head coach. If your son wants to go to a summer snowboard camp to learn how to carve and race, then i would recomend this camp. the website is mthood.com

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