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Burton Safari identification help


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I've been a fulltime carvingbum in Tahoe since 1984.

Now I'm stuck in for the "50 year" storm and reading this stuff is proof that time machines exist and that carving was invented in my hometown. So was freestyle (first halfpipe at the garbage dump in T. C. etc.) for that matter.

You guys rock.

Sorry for the dribble.


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Do you own the pictured boards? Look very carefully at the nose and sidecut (ignore the lines in the background panelling) of the B&W, second from the right.

reminds me of one of the one-off slight asyms.

Yes, I do not recall any of them being asym, however, I was not aware of there even being such a board? It would be great if such a board was in the collection for it's historical uniqueness. I will take a look for this next chance I get. Thanks for the info!!


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I'd like to get my hands on an old Cruzer 165 for retro day.ohhh, the memories.

'87-'88 season at stratton was a break thru on the Cruzer.I still prefered the ski boots and speedy skis to clunky sorels with felt liners.

but, man that snowboarding is kinda fun ! :cool:

WW- PM sent about a Cruiser for you.

This is from retro day at my local hill last year. :biggthump


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That view of the Lake isn't possible from "the Ranch"

So Alpine has a Retro day too?(edit DOH, that's a mudhole- you're rockin Rose now?)

My Kemper fartbag isn't pink goretex...


Goes great with my Apex 170

the graphics that inspired my riding motto

"Embrace the Face"

That is Washoe Lake in the background, picture taken from the slide side of Mt. Rose. I've been a Rose regular for a long time. Randy S. rides at Alpine.

Pretty funny day. Those were the first pair of ski boots I ever bought when my feet stopped growing. I think I used them only a few times before I converted to snowboarding.

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Oh that's right,

the Other Randy

Does banned for life mean no chance of parole?


"Epic" has been stricken from the halls of the Soulcarvers and

usurped by those callous dweebs in the wannabe marketing Dept.

I do not know, I'm not involved in any of that but you can find him over at the Tahoe Carvers forum.

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This whole thing is going is going a bit crazy. I now want to tell everyone assymetrical is the way forward if you are getting a custom board made. It makes sense if you understand mathemathics, the centre of the sidecut should be in the centre of your stance i.e. toes and heels! Increase or decrease the camber of the board to increase or decrease the radius of the turn. Why let metal do the work when maths can. Let the battle begin.

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williamblake, If i can be arsed, i want to explore my loft and get a very customised pj 7( i think the tail is called teal bluebue many might call it turquaise) take a photo, and post it. It was and is the best board i have ever ridden. I know reminisence can be subjective but i have owned every slope from Scotland to cpr ridge and know when stuff works and that did. The reason why i tell thee this is (the photograph) aprove that fasion and have old photos to embarrass myself many times over.

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("Lowell Hart/Bud Keene edition ") pants, back before TNF even manufactured snowboard clothes

if you're down with those 2, I most definately rode with you at Stowe at some point.

Maybe '91/'92/'93 ish ?

what year did the new gondi go up ?

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgE_QNIXh-0&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgE_QNIXh-0&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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I wouldn't say I was "down with" them, as the Jersey crew (with whom I was permanently and inextricably aligned) sorta left a mark that would make the MBHC

(anybody know what that stands for?) crew blanche.


you're not a little asian-esque dude , are you ?

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The two-page spread of Jean Nerva surfing a powder wave on the inside front cover of that catalog is still to this day the best photograph of a snowboarder ever taken. To me it says, "this is snowboarding. you can't do this on skis."

Paul, can you oblige?

Are these the photo's your looking for?

I'll bring the second copy to ECES for you.



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I love this old stuff!

"The Safari is the snowboarder’s snowboard. Never before has a board combined the speed and responsiveness of the Safari. As team rider Dave Alden (Colorado) said the first time he rode the board, “I’ve been waiting for this board all my life.” Dave’s evaluation was verified by his radically improved results on the Safari. Dave won the US Open Pre-Qualifiers and the Utah State Championships, beating the best riders in the world.

Available in Three models:

175 Free riding stock = For the all-round expert level rider or racer

175 Racing stock = for the aggressive racer who prefers a stiffer flex pattern with maximum stability

185 downhill stock = for the racer or free rider who has little interest in riding at speeds under 30 mph."

Not really sure I want to ride my 20 year old board over 30 mph come March!



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Holy crap Paul!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. That's the Burton catalog that got me. I'll never forget being at the Burton tent and bringing that catalog home. I was on a Black Snow "mogul monster" in my backyard drooling over the safari that year. I stared into that page for hours on end - then I got one in '89. A boys dream.

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This whole thing is going is going a bit crazy. I now want to tell everyone assymetrical is the way forward if you are getting a custom board made. It makes sense if you understand mathemathics, the centre of the sidecut should be in the centre of your stance i.e. toes and heels! Increase or decrease the camber of the board to increase or decrease the radius of the turn. Why let metal do the work when maths can. Let the battle begin.

Too good Dude!!! :lol:

Stand your Asym Ground Dude!!! :biggthump

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Bryan (oldsnowboards.com): If you'd like the pictured board, lemme know:

Sorry WB, missed this post somehow.

What is it ? And I am "letting you know!" :biggthump

Great shots, cool history!!

Really want to see the Safari 210cm. I largest I had seen was 204cm to date. Cool!!

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Great thread guys. Love hearing about the old days even if I wasn't part of it. I only took up the single plank in 2002. I remember being offered a Burton Safari in the early 80's for $100 and turning it down. A buddy of mine bought it, took a few turns and figured it wasn't for him.

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Guest droppinIn87

hey guys I have a Burton 210 in my possession and to be honest I don't know much about it I have done some research on it and it seems like an influencial board which makes it interesting to me. If anyone can get me some details, I would appriciate it. Thanks keep shreddin.

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