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PNW mini-session!

Jon Dahl

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Crystal Mtn. is looking good for Monday 25th. Art, C5, Jim, Keenan, possibly svr, mawsea and myself. Tuesday is a Tanker day at Baker! No commitments for Whistler?? C'mon guys, this will be my first trip up there, don't make me ride alone! This is going to be a everyone pays there own ticket at the hill gig. The kind of numbers needed for ticket deals is not there, I need to look into lodging in Canada a bit more. Tuesday at Baker for a freeride day would let us go to Bellingham, there is a wood fired pizza place in town that has good reviews, a little beer pub on the way into town (drinkin' w/o me, sorry!) and it's closer to Whistler. Just thinking out loud. I'm going to post on the B.C. ride board to see if anyone up there is interested. If anyone is planning to do the full thing, post up here. Also, need to designate a meet up place at Crystal, the big entrance area gets crowded sometimes.

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Jon, as of today, I am good for the 25th at crystal and the 26th at Baker sounds better to me than Stevens as the conditions should be good to ride hemispheres and shuksan arm around that time and am heading down to portland and MHM for a couple days as well.



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This is the official change of venue for Tuesday, the 26th. Bring your beacon, probe, and shovel. Backcountry access is through controlled gates, and beacons are checked. The arm is good lookin' riding right now, can only imagine it will be even better in February! Now, who else is in for Tuesday?? I can provide a 181 Nitro swallowtail if anyone needs a big board to ride, or (gasp) let you ride my Tanker....I am not sure if it can be pried out of my hands, though.

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Hello, new to the hardbooting thing but have been snowboarding for a while now.... would love a chance to ride with other people who know how to carve.

You are in the right place. Get with some of the local riders to bring you up to speed fast. Locals are the source, BOL is the place. Enjoy!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, no word from Bryan, so as of today I don't know if he will join us. The schedule is still Monday, Crystal mountain, lookin' like a big crew and all carving. Tuesday is Mt. Baker, avy gear required. I may be going to Whistler/Blackcomb by myself, unless someone posts up soon. I'll be emailing everyone who posted about thier particulars, and setting some meetup places, too. I will be posting again soon, so watch this thread!

UPDATE: I just recieved an email from Dean @ Prior. I may be able to get some demo boards for our little gathering! I will not know for sure till after the 18th. I specifically asked for a WCR metal and an ATV. This is still in the MAYBE stage, keep watching. Also waiting for a reply from Crystal as per the ability to get some special grooming or first early chair, so if you have any suggestions pm me.

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I am definitely in for Crystal and Baker and might try to do MHM as well. Looking forward to seeing everyone there and will bring my new 08-09 tanker 200 with me and swap boards for you to try it out. Can't wait to get there...see you all soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

11 days and counting! I just recieved an email from Crystal Mtn. We can get group tickets for $51 per, if we can come up with close to the 10 I told them was coming. This is a $7 savings per person for a small group, which is a corporate price for a larger group. I do have to hold these in reserve with a credit card, so I'm not going to do this w/o a commitment. P06781 isn't able to come up due to a prior commitment, big bummer! So pm me offline, if the numbers come together we can get the special price.

We will be meeting at the lodge, when you get to the stairway in, look for carving boards. I will be there early, hopefully 8.30am-ish. Art will be there too. No promise of first tracks or special grooming for us, even though they promise they will be grooming for the day.

For Mt. Baker on Tuesday, meet place will be the lower lodge, White Salmon. I'll be there early, 8.30 am or so. Look for a bunch of Tankers. SVR will be showing off his 08/09 200, I'll be on my 02/03 pearly white 192, and at least one other 200 will be there, Refried's. I can bring a swallowtail, as can refried. Pm me if you need to ride one. Bring your avy gear, they check beacons at the gate above chair 8. Still haven't contacted the head of ski patrol, if it comes together, we could get a little guided tour! If not, we can guide ourselves. I'm thinkin' the wood oven pizza place in Bellingham afterwards, any ideas post 'em up!

Looks like I am going to Whistler alone, however I will be meeting up with bumpyride there for more off-piste riding. If anyone else is coming, please pm me. I will know next week about demo boards from Prior, after SES is over. Not sure if I will need to sign the title over for my firstborn child or what, but I will keep you all in the loop. If it works out, we may get to demo a Metal WC or two! Stay tuned, if you haven't committed, please let me know, if you have, thanks, and lets make this HAPPEN!!

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Hey Bryan, are you coming up for this?? If so, bring me up a Tinkler!!

Jon, update. Sorry, I am now certain that I will not be able to attend.

I will not be riding at OES either. This is indeed a dissapointment.

Thank you for the invitation! My brothers to the North ROCK!!!


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11 days and counting! I just recieved an email from Crystal Mtn. We can get group tickets for $51 per, if we can come up with close to the 10 I told them was coming. This is a $7 savings per person for a small group, !!

Jon, I will be there but I have s season pass so my going does not really help you out much meeting your 10 person tally.

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Jon, I am not sure if I will be able to ride during my visit as I suffered an ankle injury two weeks ago playing rugby and have been trying to let it heal and then I tried to ride saturday, but could not even ride 300 meters without excruciating pain. I am still going to come as my tickets are not refundable, just not sure if I can ride. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for x-rays and will let you know how it works out.

cheers and sorry for the bad news.


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Man, that REALLY sucks! Snowboarding is NOT a spectater sport! Keep me in the loop, guy, we will be anxiously awaiting the x-rays. I'll send you a message later, I'm at work....playin' computer hookie..

OK, just got word from Prior, they will not be sending us any demo boards. Big bummer for me, but I suppose there isn't enough people showing for them to bother. Woulda been nice, though. If we could build some momentum, maybe next season??

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still looking forward ...I finally got to try out my new hard boot set up this weekend and loved it...problem is my front boot popped out of my race plate not once but three times which ruined my confidence....so I was wondering if I got to crystal early if any body would be able to spend a few minutes with me dialing 'em in? I looked at it this morning and noticed the plastic screw on the toe clamp was not screwed all the way down..could that be it? Or if any body has spare bindings they could let me borrow for the day? Also I have a freind who would like to go to Crystal if that helps with the tickets... he was a hardbooter back in the day....

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Both Art and I plan on being there around 8.30-8.45 am. Either of us would be happy to help. On the ticket thing, I would need everyone who is coming to confirm, then I'd hold 'em with my debit card. W/o confirmation, I'm not going to hang it out there, and I'm sure you can undserstand why! It will be fun either way, and a few bucks, well, I can live with it. If you need to, I can bring my Snowpro bindings, and you could try 'em for the day. They will be on my Tanker.

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Regretfully, my injury from rugby turned out to be more serious than originally assessed. I have a fractured left fibia and am down for at least 4 weeks so will not be able to attend the PNW session. I was looking forward to seeing all of you, but I am going to take the doctors advice and try to get healthy as soon as possible and stay off my foot until then. Look forward to hearing about the session and please post pics.



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Regretfully, my injury from rugby turned out to be more serious than originally assessed. I have a fractured left fibia and am down for at least 4 weeks so will not be able to attend the PNW session. I was looking forward to seeing all of you, but I am going to take the doctors advice and try to get healthy as soon as possible and stay off my foot until then. Look forward to hearing about the session and please post pics.



I am really sorry to hear about this. Are you still making the trip over, or not? Do heal up well, and if you have any Baker beta for me, pm me with it. Get well, and I'll make some Tanker sized turns just for ya"!

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Im still planning on going. The catch might be a kid at home with influenza, so it will depend on his condition come monday. Jon, as far as tickets I wouldn't worry too much about the group thing. Kind of like herding cats and if the weather turns sour, nobody feels bad if they want to bail. See you guys monday, leave the politics at home:D:sleep:

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