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Cypress Diaries, 2007-08


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Sorry guys for not showing up. Teaching at Grouse this entire spring break. Was looking good in the morning 4 drop in students with 5 instructors, ended up having 1 level 2. Schedule shows I will be done at 1400 Hrs and head to Cypress later. I was wrong, the hill was invaded by students at noon. Ended up with 8 level 1's, then 2 consecutive 1.5 hr privates and wasn't done until 6 PM. The sun was out and excellent carving condition so I just put on my Hardboots and did my runs right there at Grouse. I did a few runs in the morning but was foggy and ended up wiping out and landed in my back on the last run, right side is sore now, will take it easy today, just teaching maybe. That Black beauty 4WD is awesome.

Number of hardbooters/Tues/Grouse:

1 + 1 = 1, Ruwi


I got your pics from my office mail too. You are some speed maniac. You and Roy should hook up together, he is a maniac skateboarder too I heard.

For riding together at Cypress, I will be at Cypress This Sunday, me and Boris normally are able to do some runs before teaching with the rest like Dave, Roy, Pierre otherwise I will be at Grouse until Sat teaching. But you mentioned you are going to Whistler. Maybe we should all go to Whistler one day.

Unfornately I'm phoneless this time, lost my cell last Mon.


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I was expecting either slush or chopped/bumped fresh so I brought the Tanker and (luckilly) Speed Wide. My prediction was wrong - we ended up with super compact wet snow, the kind that looks almost like ice, but when you edge it bites right in for super nice grip. Not even too bumped as the day wasn't busy. Roy and I rode from 4:30 to 8ish, when it started freezing. Daylight is nice and long now...

We saw Dave's monster trenches from earlier in the day, but he must have left before we showed up. Also, we met a mid-aged hardbooting lady on a Nitro, with her son on softies. We chatted briefly to her but didn't ride together.

Roy really looks good on his blue 4WD, he performed some of his best carves so far. For the first time he held his turns a bit uphill.

I still feel out of shape after few weeks of sickness, but was quite in the groove, technic-wise. Speed Wide is quite a workout when I ride it SL style, but nice when I relax a bit and ride the the sidecut surf-style. Rotation relly helps with wider board...

I'll be teching/riding on Friday and Roy would just play whole day long.


Whistler is planed for Sunday April 20th, not for this Sunday. I'll do my normal teaching shift this Sunday. Cypress should be closed by that date.


Nice to hear from you on Bomber. Heard about you (all the good stuff) from George and Ruwi. Care to join us at Cypress, sometimes?

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First off , sorry about missing last nights ride, the legs were out of gas, yesterday morning was a top 5 carving day for Cypress this season, about 2-3cms fresh on top of smooth groom and below zero until around 1400hrs when it softened to the "rubber ice" consistency( that 2-3cms got wet and packed down), the nitro lady also spotted by me. Conditions were so good I rode from 0833 ( first up lions), until 1530 when the legs gassed.

Glad to see my "Dave* was here" marks on midway lasted until you guys made it up.

Now the March 19 2008 report.

Windy , below zero , with approx 10-15cms fresh and fairly fluffy snow, snowing intermittently, that wet stuff from the other day bonded well so todays trees were awsome, visibility variable from very foggy to decent visiblity,

Run of the day any of the tree laps off Panorama that drop skiers right of the half pipe, across pipe road to second tree patch, much less worked over than moons to many skiers working that section today. Legs were hurtin by 1330hrs so home we went,

Tomorrow should prove to be a good carving day if temps stay below zero and no new or another great tree day if some new snow keeps coming down.


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I was expecting either slush or chopped/bumped fresh so I brought the Tanker and (luckilly) Speed Wide. My prediction was wrong - we ended up with super compact wet snow, the kind that looks almost like ice, but when you edge it bites right in for super nice grip. Not even too bumped as the day wasn't busy. Roy and I rode from 4:30 to 8ish, when it started freezing. Daylight is nice and long now...

We saw Dave's monster trenches from earlier in the day, but he must have left before we showed up. Also, we met a mid-aged hardbooting lady on a Nitro, with her son on softies. We chatted briefly to her but didn't ride together.

Roy really looks good on his blue 4WD, he performed some of his best carves so far. For the first time he held his turns a bit uphill.

I still feel out of shape after few weeks of sickness, but was quite in the groove, technic-wise. Speed Wide is quite a workout when I ride it SL style, but nice when I relax a bit and ride the the sidecut surf-style. Rotation relly helps with wider board...

I'll be teching/riding on Friday and Roy would just play whole day long.


Whistler is planed for Sunday April 20th, not for this Sunday. I'll do my normal teaching shift this Sunday. Cypress should be closed by that date.


Nice to hear from you on Bomber. Heard about you (all the good stuff) from George and Ruwi. Care to join us at Cypress, sometimes?


i would rather join you guys at a venue other than cypress so i'll see you at whistler on april 20th if not before. for personal reasons i have refused to snowboard at cypress since 1998. it was just the excitement of being able to compare my 172 with roy's 168 that made me reluctantly agree to come to cypress in the first place--i am glad that i will now have a chance to do so at whistler instead of cypress.

btw since i can't join you at cypress (because i am a stubborn old man with the memory of an elephant) i will pay for your lift ticket if you want ever want to come up for a carving session at grouse. lunch is on me also.



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Sorry guys for not showing up. Teaching at Grouse this entire spring break. Was looking good in the morning 4 drop in students with 5 instructors, ended up having 1 level 2. Schedule shows I will be done at 1400 Hrs and head to Cypress later. I was wrong, the hill was invaded by students at noon. Ended up with 8 level 1's, then 2 consecutive 1.5 hr privates and wasn't done until 6 PM. The sun was out and excellent carving condition so I just put on my Hardboots and did my runs right there at Grouse. I did a few runs in the morning but was foggy and ended up wiping out and landed in my back on the last run, right side is sore now, will take it easy today, just teaching maybe. That Black beauty 4WD is awesome.

Number of hardbooters/Tues/Grouse:

1 + 1 = 1, Ruwi


I got your pics from my office mail too. You are some speed maniac. You and Roy should hook up together, he is a maniac skateboarder too I heard.

For riding together at Cypress, I will be at Cypress This Sunday, me and Boris normally are able to do some runs before teaching with the rest like Dave, Roy, Pierre otherwise I will be at Grouse until Sat teaching. But you mentioned you are going to Whistler. Maybe we should all go to Whistler one day.

Unfornately I'm phoneless this time, lost my cell last Mon.


hi ruwi

i'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the silberfeil will be at the post office tomorrow. hope we can meet for a few runs on friday at grouse as i want to see you ripping on your new prior 4wd. i won't be able to make it to grouse on saturday as my friends got an earlier flight so we will be heading up to whistler on saturday instead of sunday.

i'll be back thursday so my silberfeil will definitely be here by then and you can try it next weekend for sure.



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Hey Doug, that's such a generous offer. No need for ticket and lunch, though. Letting me try your Silber would do it :D Oh, btw, Roy doesn't have a 168 Silber, if that's what you ment...

Now, no riding at Cypress... can I guess - speedcops? Just stay away from greens and you'll be fine. We all got busted recently, by the same speedcop lady. I think she's on a bit of power trip.


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The Thursday March 20th 2008 report.

I do believe that ULLR has hit the winter switch again ( and happy I am )

Again a few below zero c, windy, snowing, and another 10 - 15 cms on top of yesterdays accum.

The only " downfall " to all this was poor visiblility, however for those who gravitate to the arboreal environs as a second backup habitat the day was stellar, once again travelling migratory pathways normally only done in Dec and January, .

Joey the liftie popped the rope at 0837hrs, tagged the first chair up lions with two other guys, getting lots of first chairs lately.

Very few people on the hill which was surprising considering its spring break for the kids,

The wind and snowfall was covering tracks up back to virgin within 50-60 minutes

Had about a 50 minute window of the fog lifting from 1200hrs to 1300 hrs on lions side ( eagle remained socked in ) then back to fog everywhere,

The legs gassed around 1330hrs, pushed to 1400 hrs and decided a) I need food b) quit before I get intimate with a conifer c) save some gas for tomorrow.

Looks like more precip tonight so bindings going back on the Option North Shore, and I will be taking it easy drink wise at the fundraiser tonight ( famous last words)

Tomorrows a stat holiday, will the usual suspects be out and about? If so bring a tree/powder deck and something carve capable so both bases covered.

Ending Dave* report

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The Yesterday Mar 21 2008 report

Sunny, about 10-15 cms fresh snow, and a lot of people, spent the day poking around in the trees to get away from them.

The Today Mar 22 2008 Report

Sunny, no new, about minus 2c in morning warming to around plus 2-3 by 1400hrs,

Considering it was a sunny saturday there were "few" people on the hill

Hero corduroy the whole day, a few wales to contend with

Run of the day a tie between Upper Bowen Groomer and Raven 3 (groomed),

Roy out and about both days

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Hey Guys, for a change we are still riding in the deep south! In fact we will close many hills with 100% coverage. An inevitable shame. We enjoyed great carving conditions today under the sun.

I'm wondering if they (Jeff) have started building the SBX course yet?

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Hi Rob!

Same thing here we'v got almost 5m of snow, and still comming down, well enough to take us into May. However, mountain anaunced the closure for 13 April...

They started building the cross course last week. I didn't check it out yet. I might have time today.


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Whow, what a day!

It started with ~10cm wet fresh and still snowing, lots of first lines found on the steeps of Bowen, Rainbow and even Midway. Crowds very small but lot of fast riders, so the freshies were getting chopped up very quickly. Snow slowly stoped and fog rolled in, but patchy. Somehow we managed to stay on the slopes with good visibillity almost all the time.

As the day progressed, we moved to Black mountain side, hit the steeps of Raven, all chopped up already, and then settled on the Fork and olympic PGS. Funny enough, less steep runs almost got naturally groomed and compacted (wet snow) by passing traffic. Blue runs chopped up but carvable. Dave found few good tree runs too.


Dave on ATV,

Roy on 4WD,

me on Tanker,

young Geof on UP!?, bailed out after couple of powder runs to take softies.

Once again my Tanker proved to be one of the most versatile boards out there. Floated nicely in fresh and carried on carving through chop like no mans business... Funny enough, I dont really find it "powder carving" like 4807 that hooks on the tail (feeling that I like so much), but rather surfs the pow with a bit wishy-washy feeling at the tail. Maybe the bindings should go one set of inserts back for pow...

I had the greatest scare of my snowboarding career:

On completely empty Upper Bowen (black diamond), I spotted a nice big roller, straightlined and took of for about 30ft of flight. To my astonishment, as I took off, I saw 2 people standing 15-20ft bellow roller (steep landing). I managed to kick the tail and change my line just by a tiny bit. Luckily, the girl started moving very slowly. The 2 motions combined vere just enough that I flev over her tail instead of decapitating her. I stuck the landing but was so frozen and terrified that I crashed few meters below. Dave who watched from behind and above and Roy from the chair lift, couldnt understand what a hell was going on. I came down the slope into the lift loading area sheaking badly. I took another run to take the excessive adrenaline out of the system.

Lessons relearned: never hit the blind jumps without spotter; never stand where you can not be seen from above.


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Ahhhh ----Boris:

Repeat after me, "I promise not to hit the meatgates....I promise not to hit the meatgates".

I did the same thing at Sunshine in Banff fifteen years ago - a couple on their holidays from Britain were extremely lucky to be able to return to England without a big hospital bill.

That'll teach them - remember, Darwinism always seems to work in

our business.


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Upper Bowen :

Boris came down from West side followed by Red Helmet (Dave*). Dave* slow down and give distance.

2 Meat "Female" Gate coming out on the bottom of the tree line (probably came from Lower Bowen) and decide to stop:angryfire & chit chat in the middle of the run below :smashfreathe roller.

5 or 6 turn ending on the East side, Boris going straight down facing South and took the tanker fly over the roller.

Nose up, saw the Red bottom color of the board, @ the moment tail leave the ground ( I believe Boris already saw the meat gates before the tail left the ground) tail kicked, moved more to the East side, now board is paralel East-West and up in the air flyin straight down. Luckily "Meat Gates" dicide moving to West. Tanker nose pass not more than a foot, thn lost view behind the hill....

Ending Report

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The Mar 27 2008 report

Up early to about minus 2c, high overcast, no new,

Corduroy stellar some great carving, Off piste still some very smooth soft pack with the odd stash "O" fresh in the tighter stuff, rode the 179 4x4 , should have snagged the 171 ATV for todays ventures off piste.

Started snowing/hailing around 12ish, got about 2cms of accum

Fog rolled in around 1330ish and stuck, legs were shot so quitting time about 1415hrs.

It was still just below zero at quitting time so tomorrow should be very good regardless of snowfall.

Things to note- PGS/Fork roped off for BX track construction today, not sure how long that will go on for.

Run of the day Raven #1 aka crazy raven ( the only groomed over there)

Looks like Joey the liftie now has boots and a board and is ready to join the ranks.

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The March 28 2008 report

Dave* will be sleeping well tonight.

High overcast, below freezing all day, a bit windy, and approx 5 cms new overnight with maybe a few new cms over the course of the day.

Hero cord to be had all day long, off piste remains soft pack with the odd patch of fresh from days past.

Took spare gear up for Rod ( the coppertop helmet), turned him loose on an old 163 Alp with raceplates and 413s, he took to it well , a few soft boot tendencies to break per usual, looks like he has put HB gear on the to do list.

We put him back on the softies around 1130 and started poking around in the trees, Got introduced to a secret not so legal tree stash that I can not believe I have missed the past two seasons ( that will teach me to listen to signage),,, something tells me my pass is going to get clipped before seasons end, ( note to self: make sure no ski patrol sees me going in or coming out),,, stellar

Ended the day on Raven, #1, #3, #4 were all groomed well ( as was upper bowen), as we have had consistent sub zero there has been no melt freeze so things are staying very tasty indeed. Rode continuously to 1515hrs, no lunch break, Damn those wings and beer tasted good at days end.

Roy: you must have scored that Rossi U/T off craigslist, I would say take it up to try , I have one and the only way it would come out tomorrow is if we had 30cms and minus 8 degrees C, I stuck with my 79 4x4 today and it was doing just fine in 60cms of steep tight trees, so bring your 4x4 up as primary ride.

Joey the liftie , he still needs bindings I believe, his days off are mon/tues so I wont get to ride with him.

Dave* will be riding tomorrow and sunday, legs getting a bit thrashed , have been on board 17 of the past 18 days ( squeezed two days work in with a grouse night ride after work that one night)

George is now hooked up with some 125s ,,, we are expecting big things from you now buddy...Bring inclinometer on sunday, Dave* is very curious about Raven 4 aka back on black.

End of Dave* report

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4WD will be the primer. Most likely won't be no more fresh more thn 10 cm, wht abt Lime Proton-172 for Lower Bowen?

Joey - Finally:rolleyes:!! Welcome:biggthump.

U have my "Frischy" use that first don't wait:sleep:till u have yr Ibex.

That binding still can take u playin hard:eplus2:, been using that binding with my 200lbs for quite sometimes.

C ya @ Midway 830am


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The March 30th report

I got up to Cypress at 0900 with my new Raichles and was armed for bear- a Winterstick 164 Severe Terrain and my trusty 164 Oxygen Proton.

After a couple of warm-up runs to see the differences in these new boots, I hooked up with Ruwi, Roy, Doug from Grouse, Boris and Dave* by 0930.

I was originally on my ST, so Dave* asked me if I wanted to bash through some trees for some powder poaching....

It was still light and untouched, and close to a foot of fresh, we just had to do it. I got to blast some of my old tree lines and Dave* showed me what can be done with a Prior 172 ATV with the right motivation, solid technique and some very quick reflexes. It was very cool to see him rip quick lines through the trees like he was running gates- nice flow.

Me, I was trying my best to keep up, but the underhang of my new boots and the ST was like trying to turn the Exxon Valdez. So at lunch I left Dave* and a new Cypress convert named Peter to go up to the top of Sky chair while I went back to the car and switched boards.

When I hooked up with them on my racing deck, Dave* took one look at my feet and said , "Where I'm gonna take you, that deck might be a poor choice". He had been shown a secret powder stash from an elder of the tribe and sworn to secrecy. I laughed and replied, "With enough speed bro, you can plane over anything and rise to the occasion".

So this newly revealed secret stash is all that and a bag of chips- powder up to your knees, trees spaced out just enough for some rhythym and flow, and a slope aspect that guarantees some speed to carry you over the rollers. It was like dropping into the final approach to the Death Star in your X-wing fighter - if you stayed on top of it, you were OK, but miss your line by one tree, and you were gonna eat powder.

We sessioned the stash for the rest of the afternoon, and only saw one other person besides our threesome in there- new lines every run, still light and fluffy because of the shade in the trees and bluebird skies. Perfect.

I bailed at three in the afternoon because my legs had been reduced to Jello, but Dave* and his new padawan were still going for the gusto.

With hero snow like we just received over the past three days, I sure hope that Cypress keeps the chairlifts running until the end of April.

Thanks Dave* for the great new boots - I'll be doing EC's in no time now!:p

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