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Sigi Snowboards Site Updated 2007/2008


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Maybe its me, but that site sucks. Won't work in Safari or Firefox. Just to be sure, I even updated my copy of Flash. Nothing. Can't see a thing. The main page of boards shows, but click on any of them and its blank. I hate all-flash sites anyway (they seem to be all over the place in ski and sb sites), but when they don't even work, it pisses me off. Some of the rounded tail versions look like they'd be awesome pow boards. But I'm not sure I'm going to drop 800 euros on one. That's a lot of dollars.

Oh, and their link to allboardsports is broken too. Bola, you there?

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Maybe its me, but that site sucks. Won't work in Safari or Firefox. Just to be sure, I even updated my copy of Flash. Nothing. Can't see a thing. The main page of boards shows, but click on any of them and its blank. I hate all-flash sites anyway (they seem to be all over the place in ski and sb sites), but when they don't even work, it pisses me off.

Think the shop/site isn't that ready yet. The last site (2006/2007) worked fine with me. So I think within no time the site will be updated. I had some contact with them these days and they told me that the first boards were distributed this month to the dealers and will also be possible to order their boards through their site.

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I rode some of the boards during the SG Invitational last spring.

Really great stuff. The 18.5m radius of the GS (hard) was a bit too much for me for freecarving, the slalom with 12m Radius was exceptional. I didn't find the time to demo a 178race though. (I asked some teamriders which board to recommend me for GS racing and they recommended me the 185, unluckily there were no soft or medium (T) boards in 185 available.

This year you can get one for your muscle power and weight which is definitely great. As said above the snowboards are built the same way as Elan race stock racing skis, blows away most other boards in finishing quality. You can see the both titanal sheets above the sidewall like on good race skis.

I rode for 185 only the pro modell cause the soft ones in 185 weren't available. Can't recommend it for an average guy with 70kg to go for it. Better take a T or the standard race which is the softest. The build is the same for all of them, only different material thickness to make them softer or stiffer I assume. The pro modell is as said the real deal used by SG sponsored riders, so take it only if you feel ambitious to go for the top.

I then tested the slalom 162 in hard and soft (not medium), both times with different Hangl plates. They blasted my imagination away. Both great on ice and in the slushy snow we had with 10°Celsius and sunshine without a single cloud in April. I couldn't imagine a board that would ride so damp and easy. I wished I could have used it for the race with my team agains Sigis team. I don't know any other slalom board I felt so confident on. I never got stuck on the turn like I do on my F2 Slalom, just releasing the turn when you want it. Got me closer to the flags than hours of training. For racing I'ld probabely take the soft for icy conditions, otherwise medium (T) which I haven't yet testet though. Pro was best for freecarving. But better I start saving soon so that I can at least ride one of the boards next season. I especially like the long radius of the slalom board, as the straight line down is simply faster but a short GS board just doesn't work for me in slalom. The 12m radius felt like 9m radius board when pushing hard anyhow.

There were quite a load of professional racers that were stunned by Sigis boards and will change over once their Kessler boards are run-down. Especially as many feel confident that the boards will provide a longer life than Kesslers.

The next time i want to give the Cross Pro a testride, seems to me like a nice Boardercross weapon. Sigi really seems motivated to provide an alternative board for every Kessler.

Edited: - Just noticed that the normal Race modell is available in 154, 140 and 125cm too. They are developped with the Styrian junior race team/ HAK Schladming AFAIK cause noone, not even Kessler produced real kids raceboards anymore. I could try to get more info about them as one kid out of our race team switched to Schladming.

Warning: Here in Austria we might be a bit crazed over Sigis boards though, as Sigi heavily pushes junior raceboarding by giving away boards to the most talented young boarders, invited them to the SG Invitational out of the money he had won at a local race series just one week before the weekend and off course as he gives those not scoring big fis-points an alternative to driving to Switzerland just to pick up a raceboard. He's been the reason for many younger kids to get into racing and to making our sport more popular. But not only as with the SG-Invitational he organizes a terrific event for pros and amateurs, I think it might become the biggest alpine gathering up from the maybe 120 people this year to maybe 500-1000 as many people I've met said that next year they'll bring along many more people due to the great athmosphere and 3 days partying and snowboarding. Hope Ischgl and Red Bull will then sponsor the whole thing for 500 people the same way they did for the smaller crowd this year.

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