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Broke my board today

Randy T.

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So I was in a slalom race today, it was my second run the snow was pretty soft and the course was getting some decent ruts. I was three gates from the finish line and that gate was at the top of a roller that dropped probably 3-4 feet in elevation after the gate. I'm not 100% positive what happened because it was all so fast but my best reenactment is that I burried the nose in a rut going into the turn launched out of the rut heading right into the stubbie side of the gate and catapulted from there. I flew through the air superman style with the nose of the board pointing down. I estimate that I was at least six feet off the snow because I launched past the roller and then slammed back down. The good news is I walked away with nothing more than the wind knocked out of me and a sore body. My board wasn't as lucky.

If anybody has a slalom board they want to get rid of let me know.




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Ouch. Must have been some realignment of the vertebrae on that one.

My surgery went well and now I'm just waiting for the bone to heal and focusing on the rehab. Looks like I have about 6 weeks left on the crutches. If it all goes well, I am hoping to get some days in early June at Hood. We'll see.

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Guest dragon fly jones

I would love to deconstruct what happened.

What's the condition of those bindings, check the bails and let us know.

I did the same thing on a packed powder day a few years back folded up the nose and blew to board to shreds. That one hurt since it was a custom board job, the body heals but a custom ride, well that was a major hit.

Glad you lived and can fight the good fight.

If your memory comes through describe in even greater detail if possible, it would be greatly appreciated. The info collection is NOT anti bombers at all, it is a study in board failure with all bindings, riders and conditions.

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Grab a bucket of resin, a bucket of hardener and apply both liberally to affected area with your favorite paintbrush. C-clamp it back together and t-nut some inserts in there and she'll be good as new.


OK maybe not, but it'll look good on the garage wall I guess.


Dave R.

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Bummer. Didn't I see that board at SES?

Nope I wasn't at SES if that's what you mean.

I would love to deconstruct what happened.

What's the condition of those bindings, check the bails and let us know.

I did the same thing on a packed powder day a few years back folded up the nose and blew to board to shreds. That one hurt since it was a custom board job, the body heals but a custom ride, well that was a major hit.

Glad you lived and can fight the good fight.

If your memory comes through describe in even greater detail if possible, it would be greatly appreciated. The info collection is NOT anti bombers at all, it is a study in board failure with all bindings, riders and conditions.

The bindings are fine, no problem at all with them and I checked out my intec heals and they are okay too, except that one cable has a kink near the handle of the boot on the side that i landed on so I will order some new cables.

I had two GS races today and after seeing my impact picture and talking to some people that saw the crash I verified that I became airborn at the 3rd gate from the finish, the one behind me on top of the rise in the pic, then landed all the way at the next gate taking out the stubbie on impact. So considering that I flew something like 20 feet through the air around 6 feet high I am not surprised that the board broke on impact. Better the board than my body. The Bomber bindings are solid and held up just fine.

A little duct tape will fix that. :rolleyes:

Did you finish/win the race? :freak3:

I did finish the race, at first I started to get up but realized I could barely breath and I felt like I had broken ribs but once I realized I was intact I got up and crossed the finish line. The bad part was that we were doing back to back races yesterday too so I had to miss the second race.

Randy , How much $$$?

Please include shipping in your price. :lol:

Glad you are ok!!

Bryan, I will make you a special deal on the board. Do you want it before or after I apply the super glue and duct tape? :D

Sooo... did you crash because the board broke, or did the board break because you crashed?

It was definitely a result of the crash. I still don't know for sure what caused the crash but my best guess is that I augered the nose into a rut and it just stuck and catapulted me into the air.

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