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Another season ending injury


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Well, after trying to ride at SES, and several times at Mt Shasta since I got back with a "bruised" hip from a fall on clear ice, I went back to the doctor for the fourth time and insisted that something was broken. I'd feel pretty good then, in the middle of a run, I'd suddenly have this terrible ache in my thigh. After some more x-rays, and a CT scan, it turns out that the Greater Trochanter (the hump on the outside of the Femur) is in about 5 pieces. Apparently it's something that doesn't show up until a couple of weeks later. Luckily the 18 or so runs I've managed to get in after returning from SES didn't displace any of the pieces since my Orthopod said they were too small to screw back in place. He also says I should have been on crutches and non weight bearing for 3 months. After being misdiagnosed for six weeks he wants me on crutches for the next six weeks but, if I haven't made it any worse with everything I've been doing, my cane will have to continue to be enough. Maybe I can make it to SES again next year, injury free.

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Ouch. Luckily you cought it before anything worse happened. You said misdiagnosed...did someone look at it previously, or had you not take it that seriously?


edit...never mind I rered the first two lines. Was it the same Doc?

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I went to the ER the day I fell, knowing that I had broken something. They took x-rays of my hip and the ER doctor and imaging Dr said it was fine. About 5 days later I went to my GP because it hurt so bad, he looked at the original x-rays and said it was fine. While I was in Aspen I went to an Orthopedic Clinic and told them my story and that most of the pain had moved to the outside of my knee. They said they thought my hip was just bruised and took x-rays of my knee and gave me a Cortisone shot that didn't help a bit. So I toughed it out for a couple more weeks until I'd had enough.

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Yeah, golf is out for awhile. There's too much snow on the local course right now anyway. I mentioned to my wife today that if Bachelor stays open late enough, I could still get in a few days there near the end of April. Bless her heart, she said "if not Bachelor, maybe Mt Hood". This after I was layed up last spring with a broken Talus!

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fracture doesnt show up for a few weeks? bull****.

I've been told when going for an x-ray immediately after an injury occurred that the x-ray won't be conclusive - that if it shows negative I should go back in 10 days time for another x-ray as sometimes breaks don't show for a week or so. And that's exactly what happened - the first x-ray was negative - the second was positive.

another medical system failure. bummer.

Maybe, but not for the reason you mentioned. Assuming the situation is the same for a hip (trikerdad) as it is for a thumb (me), upon getting a negative x-ray the doctor should have told him to go back for another x-ray in 10 days time. Or at least one of the other doctors seen after the initial x-ray should have suggested this earlier. And perhaps practiced the precautionary principle of treating the injury as if it was broken.

Anyway trikerdad, get well soon! It must have a been a great bruise. Here's a skateboard-induced one: http://charliedontskate.com/bb2/viewtopic.php?t=2233 (don't click unless you're comfortable looking at a naked man's arse)

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interesting. Can't see how a fracture might now show, except maybe swelling around it makes it look solid?

no idea. I hope Im wrong (they do fail, far too often these days) but the most important part is that it's been addressed now and will hopefully heal well!

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fracture doesnt show up for a few weeks? bull****.

another medical system failure. bummer.

hope you heal well!

Hate to say it, but plain xrays miss a significant number of nondisplaced fractures. Not visible. You did the right thing - if it still hurts then:

repeat xrays >>> CT scan >>> MRI

is the order of investigation.

It is not a "medical system failure"

this is not meant to be provocative - but everything has limitations.

And CT is a sh*tload of radiation. "How did I get leukemia?"

...just thoughts...

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Bummer. When my fib went out at SES, I knew two things right away. It was broken and I would get 1 month maybe 2 months at the end of the season so it wasn't a complete loss.

Regarding fractures not showing up on xrays... I can think of two reasons why this can happen. 1) on some non displaced fractures, the muscles surrounding the fracture guard or spasm effectively pulling the bone into compression tight enough to close the fracture so there is no gap to see on the films. This kind of guarding also accompanies dislocations which can make reducing (resetting) the dislocated joint very difficult. I think that xray techs will sometimes put light traction on a limb during an xray to get the fracture to open up just a little so that it shows better. 2) the angle from which the xray is taken can make a difference. I had two different angles taken of my fibula, but the fracture only showed on one of them. It's reasonable that you might not see the fracture in multiple angles.

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Agreed about the angle the x-ray comes from can make all the difference. I broke my thumb and the two x-rays I had taken that night were fine, but when it wasn't healing 4 weeks later they took another set, and with my hand flipped over it was as plain as day.

Tough call , Bill ... hope you heal well and fast.

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