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Academy Awards - Best Picture

C5 Golfer

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Can anyone enlighten me as how or why such a violent movie “The Departed “ won best picture? I thought it was one of the worst movies I have seen this year. Sure acting , directing all that was great – movie story, plot , scenes, blood, cruelty, and executions – that was bottom of the barrel crap but of course that is just my opinion.

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Can anyone enlighten me as how or why such a violent movie “The Departed “ won best picture? I thought it was one of the worst movies I have seen this year. Sure acting , directing all that was great – movie story, plot , scenes, blood, cruelty, and executions – that was bottom of the barrel crap but of course that is just my opinion.

I thought the plot, story, acting, and directing were all pretty good, though it was mostly a remake of an arguably better Hong Kong film. I don't think it was Oscar material, but the academy oftens rewards people if they have been shortchanged in the past. Goodfellas lost to Dances With Wolves?! Taxi Driver lost to... Rocky?! Ugh. Not that's any consolation to the films that should have beaten The Departed this year. I would have loved it if Little Miss Sunshine had won.

The amount of blood and violence is unrelated to how good a movie is, in my opinion; if the violence is unnecessary or pandering, that's one thing, but Deliverance wouldn't be the same movie without "those scenes" in them.

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Hi Ken,

I agree with you. My wife and I both thought "The Departed" was a great movie experience but also both thought "Little Miss Sunshine" was the best picture of the year...of those nominated. We both think "Akeela and the Bee" was the best of the year and were sad that it was completely ignored.

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I'd really like that particular 2 hours of my life back. You could see every gag in the movie coming a mile off, and the whole road trip thing was done to death in National Lampoon movies in the 80's. Ugh. Now I know why I never go to the movies - if I'd paid to see this I'd be really unhappy. At least on the plane I could switch it off...

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Scorsese pretty much established benchmarks for movie violence with "Taxi Driver" then "GoodFellas" Having since been one-upped by Tarantino, I guess he felt he had to raise the bar with "The Departed".

Maybe I am just getting too old and not liking all the violence in today's movies - Tarantino's Kill Bill for example. Maybe if our "real" world was not so violent and paralleling the movie set (or is the movie set paralleling real life :confused: ) it wouldn't be so bad but it is almost like adding fuel to the fire. Again. it is just my opinion and I do not expect others to have the same.

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I did not think The Departed was nearly as violent as, say, Goodfellas. There were a lot of rapidfire, sudden executions but again, that's just taken from the original Hong Kong movie.

I have a little bit of a problem with glorifying violence in media, but I don't think The Departed did that. Tarantino glorifies violence, as does, say, John Woo, but I think both of them do it in their particular artful ways that it sometimes becomes fun to watch again. Okay, the ear scene in Reservoir Dogs is just horrible, but Kill Bill is alright...

Maybe if our "real" world was not so violent and paralleling the movie set (or is the movie set paralleling real life ) it wouldn't be so bad

I guess for me there is a huge difference between fictitious violence onscreen and in real life. I don't mind seeing a good guy kill a bunch of faceless badguys in a movie, but I don't like seeing anybody get even a little hurt in real life. Watching Chow Yun-Fat double-wielding pistols and taking out literally hundreds of people in a John Woo film in a beautifully orchestrated balletic gunfight is the same as watching the Death Star explode; just good, cathartic, fun.

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I don't mind the violence if it's integral to the story. Take "Saving Private Ryan" for example and compare it to "The Longest Day". While I enjoy both movies immensely, Private Ryan really puts you in the moment. It's gut wrenching and the violence makes it so.

Now "Kill Bill" was just stupid with the severed limbs and gushing blood. The excess almost made it funny. Maybe that was Tarantino's intent. IMO, Tarantino has yet to make a film that surpasses "Reservoir Dogs". Violent yes, but that film had a lot of style.

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Now "Kill Bill" was just stupid with the severed limbs and gushing blood. The excess almost made it funny. Maybe that was Tarantino's intent.

Yeah, I think he was paying homage to (stealing from) the ultraviolent Japanese and Chinese action sword flicks. The severed limbs and gushing blood are not new to those genres.

IMO, Tarantino has yet to make a film that surpasses "Reservoir Dogs". Violent yes, but that film had a lot of style.

I agree. That ear scene was still hard to watch.

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Okay, I'll log in my opinion. I thought "Kill Bill" was pointless and pathetic film making with gratuitous violence to attract audience and a rediculous story. The movie was a joke. Frankly, I think Tarantino is a hack...IMHO

"Goodfellows" and "The Departed" included violence because, as Skapegoat said, it was integral to the story...realistic stories I will add. And let's not forget "The Aviator" a movie that did not include violence but was a lesson in brilliant film making as it re-created actual events and eras in American history. Scorsese's films are memorable and classics. Scorsese deserved best director for "The Aviator" but the politically correct Acadamy decided a "B" movie about euthenasia was on their list of "causes" so he was passed over.

But I have to ask if those that don't like violent films saw "Akeela and the Bee".

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Can anyone enlighten me as how or why such a violent movie “The Departed “ won best picture? I thought it was one of the worst movies I have seen this year. Sure acting , directing all that was great – movie story, plot , scenes, blood, cruelty, and executions – that was bottom of the barrel crap but of course that is just my opinion.

The Departed - best movie I saw this year by far!

Little Miss Sunshine was like being slowly tortured.

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I just finished watching the departed, I did not think it was anymore violent that goodfellas or Taxi driver. violent, but not one of the most violent movies I have seen. I am glad that they finally gave the old man his props. Best movie I saw this year - Clerks 2- and it did not even get a nod.

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I thought that The Departed was an excellent movie (they should just NEVERE EVER EVER try to have actors pull off Boston accents again-that was painful :angryfire , but Matt Damon did it well :lol: ). The violence was an integral part of the story-welcome to Boston (or the Mafia in general). I wasn't a big fan of seeing DiCaprio's broken hand beaten to hell on the pool table (I think that shadows and screams, then a cutaway to his shattered cast would have been just as effective), but I found that much more bearable than the ear scene in Resivour Dogs-I still get kinda sick when I hear "Stuck in the Middle with You". I felt that the violence in The Departed was in the same leauge as the violence in Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and...any of those other movies like that (can you tell I'm not really a movie-goer?). It's like the damned Poker Scenes in the new Casino Royale-they're there and need to be, but you can't help but wish that they weren't.

Now, just mindlessly violent movies like the Saw franchise, Hostel, etc., are just pointless and in horrible taste.

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