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Hit by a ski instructor


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I took my five year old daughter on the lift for the very first time today. My local mountain has a lift and area designated only for beginners. Since there are so many people in the beginning area I ride directly up slope of my daughter. This way if any one is to hit her they would have to go through me first and I would slow them down. Well about 3/4 the way down with my daughter is directly in front of me and down slope, I get hit in the back making me fall forward a little almost over my daughter. I get up and turn to see that the person who hit me is a ski instructor. He did apologize and asked if I was ok. I said I was ok but was a little upset with the fact that the only person to hit me was an instructor. I take ALOT of precations when taking my daughter riding. I try so very hard to stay out of the way of other beginners and reckless skiers and riders. It's hard to do that being that my local hill is in New Jersey and I get every ding dong that is either reckless or has no idea how to ski or ride on the mountain. I just thought that of all people to hit me an instructor would be the last. I think for now on, we will ONLY ride when there is nobody around.

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Had a similar incident with an instructor about a month ago. Our paths were convergeing, so I turned uphill to duck behind him at the same time he turned downhill to duck behind me... and BLAMMO!! glad I was wearing a helmet, for I dove for the snow and whacked my hugh mellon on his knee. No damage to either party, but kind of ironic since we were both trying to avoid each other.


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that really sucks I was at MC on Tuesday and if it was just as busy yesterday and it was on Tuesday I can see why. But it still does not excuse the fact that it was a instructor. He or she of all people should know the rules of the mountain. What I did like about MC is that they completely blocked off that trail from the top of the mountain.

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I had a similar incident last year. I was riding down one the widest trails on the mountain all alone. Standing halfway down the trail off to one side was a lone instructor. She was just standing there watching me go by. So I pass by her, really making some aggressive turns, and four turns later on a heelside I hear a load s**t. Then I feel her slam into my shoulder and her skis hit between my front foot and nose; next thing her skis release and she's cart wheeling down the mountain. Luckily they do race training on this trail and there was netting set up, because she slid 300'+ into it. So I pick up her skis and ride them down to her. I'm fine, not a scratch on me, but a hunk taken out of my topsheet and a gash in my TD's. I ask her if she's OK or needs help. She just glances at me and grabs her skis and takes off without saying a word.

It was the most bizarre incident.... hopefully it was just a bruised ego and nothing serious. I was grateful that we bothed were able to walk away from it.

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Had a similar incident with an instructor about a month ago. Our paths were convergeing, so I turned uphill to duck behind him at the same time he turned downhill to duck behind me... and BLAMMO!! glad I was wearing a helmet, for I dove for the snow and whacked my hugh mellon on his knee. No damage to either party, but kind of ironic since we were both trying to avoid each other.


Heh, that's a tough one for the code...let's see...both of you were actually moving uphill and there was no "downhill skier/rider" so who gets whacked with the wet noodle? It is sometimes hard to slow down and carve above/behind somebody, especially if they're doing 180 degree turns too.

I sympathize with you on this problem tho....I like to ski or snowboard with my wife and she seems to like it but she's not fast, on blood thinner, and not exactly going to win the slopeside in the 08 X-games. We move down the hill slowly and it's usually OK but when out-of-control skiers or boarders shoot by us going fast it can cause a bit of "slope rage" in me. I can just see the headlines "Man kills youth after ski collision" or something LOL! We just try to go on days that are not busy and keep our "straight runner radar" activated at all times.

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Guest aydx0001

Speaking of strange collisions, I got rear-ended by a markie (telemarker) a couple years ago in near Mid Vail...he said he was annoyed that I was turning so much. Yeah, I'm turning too much and being annoying! Been hit by a couple kids, too, but haven't we all? Oh, hell, yeah, I'd be having words with management if I was hit from behind by a staff member AND was treated like it was my fault! I'd be fuming if I was in JBS's position! :AR15firin

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I think it might be like driving, you just gotta be defensive. I try to look uphill every couple of turns, more if it's busy. Yeah, the downhill rider has the right of way but that doesn't matter if you get nailed by somebody out of control. And probably most of us have been guilty of the same kind of thing, maybe frightened people and didn't even know it. When I was a kid skiddering around I hit a guy who was laying on the ground. Not exactly sure where I was looking but obviously not in front of me. It can be a frustrating issue, that is for sure, but a quick check uphill can make it safer.

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