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Aargh -- broken wrist


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Last Sunday, kind of crowded, narrow icy section of trail. I started a skid for 20' to slow down & not overtake a slower boarder ahead; straightened up a bit, when BAM! Caught an edge, before I knew it my arm was out to break fall & that did it. 24th day out; not like I was jumping, going fast, etc.

ER was great, put me out & set it perfectly; no pain so far at all.

Sign me up for wrist guards! Anyone been through this, let me know what to expect...probably no more riding this winter; will have to wait until fall for surfing (my other passion) to kick in....

What bothers me most (besides not being able to get out with my kids any more) is the seeming random nature of the accident. Kind of like slipping on your front porch where you've been a million times before....


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Sorry to hear Michael - I have always used No Gomers / they are a pain in the ass but no wrist injuries. Unfortunately, wrist guards sometimes sacrifice the thumb. I have had a nagging thumb for a few weeks now. Not sure if the No Gomers are still available, but they offer very good protection.

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Been there, done that. The cast may come off before the end of the season but, the wrist will feel weak and fragile. No matter how good a wrist guard you use, it'll be awhile before you'll be confident enough to ride again. Right now I'm trying to recover from a bruised hip and pulled groin I got just getting off the chair. Got tangled up with the kids I was on the chair with and some that had fallen getting off in front of us. I hit the clear ice at the bottom of the ramp with my hip joint. It bruised so bad that the INSIDE of my thigh turned black and blue!

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Ouch, to both of you.

Luckily I've gotten into the habit of breaking my fall with my forearms. It'll probably end up hurting my shoulders eventually, but there are many times that I've saved my wrists. I think it helps to make a fist and put the bottom of your fist towards the ground. It's hard to think of when you're falling, but if you get it into habit then it helps out alot.

Anyways, that's a pain in the (wrist) ass. Hope it heals quick.

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Umm, maybe this is a stupid question, but isn't a good fiberglass cast the same as a wrist guard? I can see taking a week or two off, but why the whole season. I remember my senior year of high school I broke my thumb in our first race (crashed through a gate and onto the ice at Crotched Mtn.). The next day when I realized it was broken I had the doc put a really sturdy fiberglass cast on it. I then had a great tool for breaking gates the rest of the season. I couldn't articulate my wrist, which made it harder to plant my pole properly, but it worked great. I bought a big rag mitten and shell and it worked until the cast came off. It helped that the doc was a neighbor and a skier. He totally understood that I was going to ski with it, no matter what he did.

I sure don't miss those solid bamboo gates. I've tried wrist guards and hate them. I wear plenty of other protection (helmet, back, butt, sometimes shoulders & knees), but can't bring myself to do the wrists.

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A broken thumb is a lot different than a broken wrist. Any movement of the thumb or any of the fingers is transmitted to the wrist and hurts like he((. I've had both, and a broken thumb is like a booboo in comparison. I know a lot of athletes play with casts but, they have very understanding doctors who build special cast to protect from further injuries. You could probably have the hand completely encased or maybe thread on something like the caps they put on O2 bottles when riding. :p

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Ouch, to both of you.

Luckily I've gotten into the habit of breaking my fall with my forearms. It'll probably end up hurting my shoulders eventually, but there are many times that I've saved my wrists. I think it helps to make a fist and put the bottom of your fist towards the ground. It's hard to think of when you're falling, but if you get it into habit then it helps out alot.

Anyways, that's a pain in the (wrist) ass. Hope it heals quick.

Sorry to hear about your wrist... but from expericence... don't be tempted to go out again... it won't take much to break it again...

As for the fist thing... I've been doing that for years and it definitely saves you from breaking wrists... Forearms are the best way to fall but like Trikerdad said it was real sudden... unfortunately when it happens so fast you can't react then you gotta take what comes..... better than smashing your face though....

I wish you a speedy recovery!!!:biggthump

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Umm, maybe this is a stupid question, but isn't a good fiberglass cast the same as a wrist guard? I can see taking a week or two off, but why the whole season. .

Depends on the break Sinecure... if it's half serious then falling on it again could cause misalignment and/or worse... Could become a compound fracture where the bone(s) pierce the skin....meaning surgery and metal hardware put into the wrist/hand to help it heal better...

and ask anyone who's had a metal plate with screws into their wrists what it does for their movement and sensitivity to cold.....

Also it's worse as you get older... it takes longer to heal once you get over mid to late 20's 30's etc...

I know I did my shoulder and ended up getting a plate and 6 screws to hold it together... I missed one season because of it... I mean I didn't even get a chance to ride at all for a year.....

I say let it heal up before you start riding again... you don't wanna tempt fate..

Well unless you get 3 feet of powder that is... :eplus2:

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Been there, done that. :( I broke mine in 95 after a poor landing in the park.

Since then I always wear wrist guards. They are made by Dakine and fit under most gloves. They are a pain but better than a broken wrist again. Be aware, they won't prevent all hand/wrist injuries. I broke a bone in my right hand one time while wearing them. That was my own stupid fault though.

My sister actually broke her wrist from a standing position. She was waiting on someone, lost her balance forward on a steep slope and fell forward. Stuck her arm out and it broke. Season done.

At the area I patrol, wrist/forearm fractures are EASILY our most common injury amoung snowboarders. They really like it when you suggest they should maybe have been wearing wrist guards as you splint them up. :rolleyes:

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Thanks for listening guys! I was heelside; hit my trailing arm...it did happen so fast there's no way I could have "protected" myself by falling differently. Yes, I'll definitely wait until next season to get on the slopes again. Funny how safe it feels to be carving at full speed (assuming you aren't hit by someone else) low with balanced stance; compared to skidding...

And now I have a new skill, typing with one hand!


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I fractured my wrist on the second day of the season 3 years ago.

I wouldn't risk going out until it's fully healed. If you fall again, you could easily do the whole compound fracture thing, or just a regular refracture. However, the thing that you're a really high risk for is developing necrotic bone tissue. Essentially, the blood supply to the bone gets cut off, and the bone dies... not fun.

As a direct result, i now hit the spacebar with my left thumb (and i'm right hand dominant). Anyway, GL with that, i wouldn't risk a lifetime of pain etc. etc. and would just wait until full clearance - whether next season or end of this one.

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I fractured my wrist on the second day of the season 3 years ago.

I wouldn't risk going out until it's fully healed. If you fall again, you could easily do the whole compound fracture thing, or just a regular refracture. However, the thing that you're a really high risk for is developing necrotic bone tissue. Essentially, the blood supply to the bone gets cut off, and the bone dies... not fun.

As a direct result, i now hit the spacebar with my left thumb (and i'm right hand dominant). Anyway, GL with that, i wouldn't risk a lifetime of pain etc. etc. and would just wait until full clearance - whether next season or end of this one.

That reminds me of an RN at a hospital I worked at years ago. She broke her femur in a motorcycle accident. Two weeks later she broke it again...in another motorcycle acccident. Two months later she came back to work less on leg because of necrotic tissue. She was riding on the back during both accidents. Where's the fun in that? And how did she keep the cast from getting in the way? I didn't want to ask, but I believe her cast hit a picnic table the second time. Sad

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