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Bode Miller can lay down a carve too...


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shivers up and down your spine...

straight outa Cannon, right Justin ?

Damn right. Sometimes you can spot him there, but I'm pretty sure that the thing that he likes so much about cannon (other than the fact that it's where he grew up...) is the fact that nobody cares that he's there (for the most part). You see him, say "hi, how ya doin", and go on your merry way. Unlike when he's over at Bretton Woods where all the flatlanders go "OH MY GOD! ITS BODE MILLER!!!" and knock on the door of his condo until 2am saying "hey bode, you in there?". He really is an interesting guy to talk to, if you happen to catch him on a lift or something, but for the most part he just tries to hide in the crowd (haha yeah right, crowds at cannon?) and ski.

I'm giving strong consideration to moving into franconia when I finish school next year. I've actually only been in the town once (about 3 weeks ago) and I totally fell in love with everything about it. It's just the same as the mountain that I love so much. Long live the cannon spirit!

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