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Leg Pain???

Guest Tim Tuthill

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Guest Tim Tuthill

This comes up every year. Here is a sugestion. Sport legs?? Costs allot and may or may not work? The serious weight lifters have been using L-Glutamine for years with total success. A T spoon in a glass of water or juice before you hit the hill and a T spoon after your done should do it for leg burn. Give it a try! A LB of the stuff costs $24 at a health food store. Will last a season.

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Lactic acid pooling in my quads has always been a huge problem for me... even when I was in great physical condition. Many days on the hill and cycling have been cut short because of this.

I have used Glutamine and it does help, but sometimes makes me feel sick on an empty stomach. To me... Glutamine seems to support the muscle system more than simply reducing lactic acid burn.

SPORT LEGS seems to be the ticket for me. When I first started taking it (earlier this year) I went with the recommened dose which helped... but didn't do enough good to make it worth while. I increased my dose by two caps over the recommened and WOW!!! The results have been truely amazing! I take a dose before I ride... one during... and another dose after I ride for recovery. There is no doubt that I can ride longer in a day... but I now can ride many consecutive days which I have never been able to do with any amount of stength.

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Good info/ thanks I will look into the Sport leg supplement!

My thighs get so burned up ! I have been searching for something to help for yrs!!

As always I Intend to exercise my legs all yr long in preparation for winter/ but it never happens !

Just for kicks & Giggles I will share this: I read in a Major Ski magazine's a article about high altitude sickness/ & fatigue !

The article recommended (Viagra) as it opens up capillaries increasing blood flow to all the major muscle groups !

((( It said it helped with Attitude at altitude also!))))

Last yr I tried it & yes it Works! However the first one caught me by surprise a-little ! Went to the Dr. got a 10 day sample pack ! (Free!!) sooooooo order yours today !!!

Should be a standard issue item in our SES package!

One pill per lift ticket !!!! OK Mitchell you have been put on notice !

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the banana and the stronger legs..... :biggthump Thor I don't think you'll need to buy bigger pants, just have your current ones altered a little in your nether-regions.... :lol: Man, I can just hear the questions in the lift line now...."Hey is that a snowboa....whoa! You must REALLY like what you do!" :biggthump

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It happens the first few weeks every season. I tried experimenting by doing leg exercises in the off-season every other year. Didn't make a blasted bit of difference. I came to the conclusion that there is no exercise that targets the specific part of the quads that burn in the early season.

I tried a combination of magnesium and calcium and I think it helped a little but I can't say for sure. All I know is that after a few weeks of riding the quad burn abates.

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This comes up every year. Here is a sugestion. Sport legs?? Costs allot and may or may not work? The serious weight lifters have been using L-Glutamine for years with total success. A T spoon in a glass of water or juice before you hit the hill and a T spoon after your done should do it for leg burn. Give it a try! A LB of the stuff costs $24 at a health food store. Will last a season.

You da man Tim - L-Glutamine it is...works great! $16 for 14oz. at Wally World.

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