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Ankle sprain?


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I have sprained both ankles in the past and suffer from nagging ankle pain across the top of my foot on both feet. Everytime I go out in softies I am in some pain but manage to get by. If you ride in softboots you will suffer from more ankle pain, it's like taking away an ankle brace.

How stiff are your hardboots? I found that hardbooting in stiffer boots eliminates the irritation in snowboarding; not to mention stretching everyday.

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A year ago I sprained my ankle pretty bad playing basketball the early afternoon before a GS race. I really didn't want to miss the race and figured a hard boot would actually be the best brace possible to have on anyway. The hardest part was getting my swollen foot into the "tight" boot, which was super painful! I raced and when it came time to take off the boot the swelling had gone away. Not only did the hard boot make a great brace, but being in the cold all night was like having the needed ice pack on. The pain lasted weeks after and although I stopped playing basketball for a while I continued to snowboard (just not as aggressively).

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I sprained my lead ankle in nasty wipeout years ago. The doc gave me a sheet of ankle exercises which helped, but my season was done for that year. It took almost 3 months before I could walk without limping, and nearly a year before it didn't bother me. I'd suggest you follow your doc's advise. Don't snowboard if it hurts or that will only aggravate it. (I tried a month after I sprained mine, but realized before the first run was over that I couldn't do it.) Injuries really suck, and unfortunately you have to let time heal them. Hope your up and running again soon.

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Originally posted by eddie

I can't argue with that. It has been so many years since I sprained my ankle that I can't recal exactly when it happened. I felt pain even today.

I know exactly when I sprained mine...and it was over a decade ago...it's still painful at times:mad: Time isn't a cure but it is a good reducer of pain

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I guess the point we failed to mention is to take care of you ankle. See a doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, or whatever you perfer and have the problem resolved properly. If it hurts, don't ride. That way your first two or three warm-up runs for the day wont be painful like mine. I can't carve well in softies because of the pain.

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Guest howell3

Good luck, I wrecked hard six years ago presidents day. thought it was just a sprain, x-rays later showed nothing. Years later another x-ray showed nothing. Last year MRI shows I broke the talus/ sub taylor joint, oops. Still hurts some days.

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I agree with the others that hard boots will definitely give you more support, and severity of ankle injuries vary enough that only you'll know what you can do.

I sprained my ankle at the 2nd ECES, and was dying to ride. I tried everything, including binding and boot adjustments to find a comfortable position, but all pain aside, the ankle just wouldn't work.

I tried again a few weeks later, thinking that because I was walking better I'd be OK, but after one run I realized I wasn't going to do it any good.

I got some good PT from my chiropractor. He had a muscle stimulator unit strapped onto my leg while also using cold water, and in addition used some massage to loosen up the tissues.

I pushed things faster than I should have because I didn't want to miss more of the season, and as soon as I could, rode my board, my bike and got back into other stuff.

I did it too soon and my ankle still hasn't healed properly, I lost some degree of flexibility.

TAKE TIME NOW and save yourself for the long haul. The 'visualization from the bar' was the best tip yet.

Good luck,


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Guest AllMountain

I, for one, am extremely concerned that two people in this thread have reported injuries due to binding failure. Why are Bombers releasing people when they are carving at speed?

I've been riding my TD2s only a few days, and I've already once found my rear-foot Intec step-in loose, after both screws had been securely tightened. The part that was loose was the part attached to the binding, not the part attached to the boot. It had not released me (thank goodness), but it was loose and was no longer aligned enough to step in.

Is this a common problem with Bombers? Are there there any solutions?

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Originally posted by AllMountain

I, for one, am extremely concerned that two people in this thread have reported injuries due to binding failure. Why are Bombers releasing people when they are carving at speed?

I've been riding my TD2s only a few days, and I've already once found my rear-foot Intec step-in loose, after both screws had been securely tightened. The part that was loose was the part attached to the binding, not the part attached to the boot. It had not released me (thank goodness), but it was loose and was no longer aligned enough to step in.

Is this a common problem with Bombers? Are there there any solutions?

Yes, there is an solution which comes with the bindings in the box, called the instruction manual: always check your bindings before you go riding!!! Secure the screws anytime when you go out for a ride. It's that simple. And no, I have never had any problems with prereleased screws/bindings or what so ever, because I always check them first before riding.

Greets, Hans.

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