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K-mart, mangled fingers, mangled exhaust, softboots and willywhit


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K-mart, mangled fingers, mangled exhaust, softboots and willywhit

yeah, it was a long day!

so willyqhit takes the comuter rail out close to me, on the way to pick him up I manage to mangle my thumb

we commence on the drive to killington(K-mart!)

at some point I lose the key to my car, thats rough!

we ride the bumps of early season killington, the tanker 177 handles them nicely but it's certainly no donek on ice still a rippin' board though.

Today was crazy, it was for some reason about two to one with asain folks, they must of had some sort of trip up there, felt like I was in korea.

Talked to a mighty pretty thai girl for a awhile, other than the snowboarding that was the highlight of my day.

as we are leaving my exhaust busts off from the catalytic converter, we limp to the nearest gas station.

the guy there finds some coat hangers, as I am wiring it up I cut my pinky, ****!

so we procede to drive back to MA with the world's loudest ford aspire, Bill nearly misses the last commuter rail back to boston.

a long day indeed

Pics to follow.

YES! I was riding softies!


so the total damage for the day was a exhaust, two fingers, my spare car key and $20 in gas, I love compact cars.

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Sounds like Murphy's Law, bobdea. I had one yesterday too. I was out in snowmaking, and the water discharged a massive air pressure (its not supposed to), and the snowgun shot out like a serious whiplash and nearly killed my co-worker. And then when I got to race training, I had nasty shin bangs. -sigh- I hate those days. But yesterday when I was headin' home to Vail from Copper, saw a thin slit of the moon. I sincerely believe new moon's coming, and I usually have murphy's law happenin' during new moon. Jeez. Bobdea, Ill drink beer for ya and myself when Im done with race training today and when I get home to Grand Junction for a night to do my laundry and fix up my husqvarna dirt bike (needs new ring on my piston). Corona's my type of beer. Hope things will go better for you, bobdea (and me!).

EDIT: Not to mention I passed out yesterday with my contact lenses on. #@!&.

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Ya really gotta love to snowboard to rally up like bob and I did yesterday.Bob's new little Ford jitney isn't the fastest rig out there but she did get us up there and back. Bob forgot the part about getting to Killington and parking in the first parking lot,wow, it isn't crowded at all. We can see the gondi running way off in the distance, sweet. We boot up and head for the chair.....as we approach the...chair..it's the bunny hill. DOH ! Bob's a cool guy...we just start laughing cuz it's not connected to the rest of the mountain. Boots off, back in the car, rally up a mile to the gondi.

Riding was decent, not too crowded, definate Asian invasion and they're all stoked.

It rained all day in Boston, Vermont looked like this.




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Dude sorry about the mangled fingers and car issues, if it wasn't for the fact that you got to snowboard that would've been a bad day.

I laughed when you called the 177 a Baby Tanker, any place but Bomber and that would have received some serious chatter. You're right it's not the 200, but definitely has it's place in the quiver.

Looking forward to more war stories, take care.

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btw, Bob did mangle his thumb pretty good getting all aggro with the gas pump. It was a bloody stump when I met him at the train.

HIGH FAIVE ! whoa, dude what happened ? :eek:

left the house at 6:30am(looks like rain) got home at 11:00 pm(tons of rain)-but well worth it getting that first day behind us, still kinda sore.

The snow IS all manmade but it was so warm it was fairly soft.

Considering how warm it's been, they laid down enuf to make it fun and it was all ADVANCED terrain up top so plenty of carnage, patrol was busy with sleds and banged up newbies. :smashfrea people were walking down with thier rental skiis.

Rutabag Bob and his 36 MPG jitney GOT 'Er Done. :biggthump

Good thing we never opened that bottle of whiskey in the back with the rutabagas.



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are in there because I work on a farm, assistant gardener I am

the bourbon is there because I can home with a bottle and I never took it out

last night I took out my old wagon, my other car and there was a pumpkin in the back seat of that car

RJ, the 177 really is great, I don't have use for a anything much bigger in the east because we have trees that are a hell of allot tighter than anything in the west I've see, for what I want to do it beats the pants off of most other wide freeride boards out there

the way I would descibe it is take a burton canyon 173 or 181, fix all the problems with it and you have the tanker 177!

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