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Loon/WV Opening Days


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yous guys look good..real good!

jd- that's a monster sidecut you got goin on the NSR...only you could pull it off bro

polaris- you animal..always keeping it at the redline

gleb- you've made bid strides mon...lookin good

enzo- no film of BBW?? I know :1luvu: she was all ova you, a true grit luv connection :eplus2:

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whats your status? was this an end of the season injury or are you day to day. when and if you show up, polaris is going to need to see a doctors note excusing you from dtmfh!

also no more giving glebony verbal bleau jobs. were in the middle stages of knocking him down a peg or two before we can build him up again.

hope to see you this weekend, and do i have a topsheet for you! its perfect for your recent actions. ova !

big duke 6

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JD's got a point. Don't go messing with a program that works. We have many team members who owe their success to our program. Tear 'em down -n build 'em up again. Some guys couldn't take it and dropped out. Some guys got in too deep until their wife blocked BOL and JD's email address with the NetNanny.

Gleb: You joining us on Saturday? I'll trade you two fluff sandwiches and a pile of napkins for a ride to the hill.

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whats your status? was this an end of the season injury or are you day to day. when and if you show up, polaris is going to need to see a doctors note excusing you from dtmfh!

also no more giving glebony verbal bleau jobs. were in the middle stages of knocking him down a peg or two before we can build him up again.

hope to see you this weekend, and do i have a topsheet for you! its perfect for your recent actions. ova !

big duke 6

jd- had a MRI done friday am...waiting for the results............:sleep:

hey can you guys film a few 360's and put that "da ultimate challenge" thread out of its misery? :AR15firin

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Bad news, willy. Turns out I'm semi-retarded. I can only go the 29th which is a saturday and I thought it was a sunday. I gotta lay off the booze...I'm just kidding, that won't happen.

You guys might be lucky enough to see my goofy parents this weekend. That gaper pic is about as close as you'll get to describing them. Last time they were on the slopes was back in 02 or 03.

Stevo, thanks man. It seems when I ride alone, I make no progress, but the moment I ride with someone else, I instantly learn something. Next season, I'll suck up the crowds and just go to loon instead of sunday river. Aren't you guys getting the New England pass though? T-32 at SR?

Hope the MRI results go well. I had one on my knee and waiting for the results made me pretty nervous even though i was sure nothing big was wrong. I did love getting it done because I passed right out. Good luck and keep us posted.

Polaris, I'll pick you up free of charge. I'll be making myself plenty of fluff sandwiches with brand name stuff now. I know, I'm eating like a king:biggthump. Email me your addy and # and you will get to share a ride with some very Russian parents.

Just talked to Bruce yesterday. I'll have my new stick by next Thursday. Lets hope it stays icy so I can use it at least once, and have a skiier crash into me blowing it apart after the first run.

JD, sorry you didn't enjoy watching me eat the sandwiches as much as I enjoyed eating them. They're good. If you behave, I might even bring some extras. You know you want one.

Also, you can't tear down something that was never built up. So I guess I beat the system right? By the way, I don't think that Enzo's sticker is right for your new board at all. Here is something more appropriate:


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is anyone working today??? I step away from the computer for 12 hours and next ting I know you guys have a full blown im chat going on.

I can attest to the T32 program. They seriously knock you down...jeesh...they pushed me so hard last year that i broke my pelvis.

But...hey... What doesn't kill ya, only makes ya stronger!!!

Alright it's time to throw some elbows around this place.....

Gleb, did that ting fall out of one of your fluff sandwiches??? you gotta take the "T32" off the tammy sticka. Dissing JD is one thing...the guy needs a taste of his own verbal diarrhea once in a while...but draggin the Team into this on the Team's official chirp line is reprehensible. There are very clear guidelines that stipulate and define how the Team 32 name, logo, and likeness can be used. We've got a few things in store for you on Saturday.

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I always thought what doesn't kill you now, will kill you later. Although in your case, I think the tree stump won't mess with ya again, so I think you're safe.

I think it would make my sandwich way too fluffy. I can't really afford any more legal fees so I'll change it up a bit.

Would this be better?:


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not only does that look like my coiler canadian pride topsheet, it also looks like you after fluff and strawberry sandwich. f@ck guy, you wear more fluff and jelly than you eat, you shaky drunk. i think saturday we'll put you to the test. ill bring a breathalizer from the state police, and if you can blow a higher score than kencamackenziegus, your for real. hope your up to the challenge, he usually ties a good one on friday nights! dth

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only old woman count! just come preppared, excuses are like a$$holes everybody's got one!

lawn bod, shot bod, bodda cross bod, faw by faw bod, caws bod, shipyaad bod, guy mustachio bod!

i found new powder mustaches walking my japanese fighting dog over on south mountain! its wide open, hopefully enzo can still guide in the trees?

8 bells pbr, ova!

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i may head up there today to scope out some of those lines with the coilah all-ova bord. i'll keep an eye out for the world record cliff hucker kamakamenzie schooling the punks in his softies.

Loon's showin 4" and it's lightly snowing.

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whats your status? was this an end of the season injury or are you day to day. when and if you show up, polaris is going to need to see a doctors note excusing you from dtmfh!

big duke 6

deere guys,

At the risk of pubic humiliation, please accept this official T32 pardon for stevo not D'ingTMFH OTH this w/e after enduring a lingering injury on Thursday, February 28, 2008. Although he made valiant attempts to make a dthmetal comeback; they were futile. The recent MRI report was full of $10 words I don't remember but basically he's burnt toast....or some sh!t like that. He will be working out early mornings before work and having PT/chiroquacker adjustments after work to get ready for the next winter riding season.

Howeva, this pardon does not excuse him from any summatime team functions where there will be binge drinking and excessive hotdog eating.

Thanks to you guys for making this a great season for him while it lasted OVA!!



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deere guys,

At the risk of pubic humiliation, please accept this official T32 pardon for stevo not D'ingTMFH OTH this w/e after enduring a lingering injury on Thursday, February 28, 2008. Although he made valiant attempts to make a dthmetal comeback; they were futile. The recent MRI report was full of $10 words I don't remember but basically he's burnt toast....or some sh!t like that. He will be working out early mornings before work and having PT/chiroquacker adjustments after work to get ready for the next winter riding season.

Howeva, this pardon does not excuse him from any summatime team functions where there will be binge drinking and excessive hotdog eating.

Thanks to you guys for making this a great season for him while it lasted OVA!!




You'll be missed for the remainder of the season.

Man, your guys' system does really bring everyone down. Last year it was enzo, not its Stevo. I'm begining to see a pattern. Good thing my name isn't Glebo.

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just picked up this board real cheap, looking to unload it fast! this is a 170 something/18 something waist/?? sidecut/with the wicked pissa conshox system for optimal chatter on anything steep. comes with a pair of catek 0s2's that are already set up for water skiing on the lake this summa! the edges and base look like they were dragged across the eastern front during WWII! also the board stinks like cheap c.c.c.p vodka. it has a years supply of fluff on the topsheet. it is now sitting in a tubb of skoal dip spit getting ready for the vermeer 92hp turbo diesel chipper over on the south mtn expansion.

this board was used by gleb "the siberian pot leaf" debowski in the 2008 mountain dewsh vertically challenged race series. with only bad results to show for his efforts, so it has plenty of wins left on her.

trades only!!!:nono:

but be creative.

if you want to see the board in action it will be tied to the tow hitch of my cummins turbo diesel heading down 93 south sunday afternoon!

big duke 6

t32 chiefs world head quarters

22 sasparilla ln

lincoln, nh 03251

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yeah, yeah, yeah I know. Wait, it can't be mine. Mine has os1s on it. And $9.50 a bottle isn't cheap for C.C.C.P. standards. you'll be surprised to find out that "cheap" vodka screws you up just the same as $100 vodka. Those edges sliced through many Nazi necks from what I heard from my local historians. They also say that Russia won the Cold War.

All the fluff is there to make sure I can survive the mean backcountry of loon. I don't think that the wood chipper will get along with my baby. He'll mangle and tear her all up leaving her for dead and unwanted.

I think it'd be healthier for the board to be put into loving hands again. I'll trade it for 3 fluff sandwiches...and an extreme mountain dew!

Party just got wrapped up. See ya guys in a bit. :biggthump

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I'll trade you a large McD's vanilla shake, autographed pictures of Yuri Andropov and Yuri Gregarin, and a set of matryoshka dolls covered in lead paint.

Wait..........I think I left my car in the parking lot yesterday. JD, can you check if its still there. :AR15firin


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i just turned off my lights and put a strobe light on to read Gleb's post....it put me into an epileptic seizure. pretty cool. the wif almost called 911 after finding me on the floor with the dog lickin up the fluff that was coming out of my nose & mouth. :barf:

guy were they serving you mind erasers??? how much friggn morning dew does one need to drink to totally black out?? :smashfrea

rode JD's AM172T today, it was SICK!!! you'll love your new 177. it's gonna be primo!!! better not leave that sucka behind....finders keepers b'yatch.:D

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