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Anybody doing "Extreme ski carving"?


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I didn't get on the SCX until the mid 90's (liked the 183's, really liked the 173's, and totally loved the 163's!) so 15 years ago that was really revolutionary-it would have taken an open mind. I remember debating 205 or 203cm for slalom! You know, the 203 might be just too short...

That Magfire does sound like a nice all around ski-and a little wider might be nice too when it's tipped way way up.

I don't have any recent video of my turns but here are a few easy turns from 2001 just to give you an idea. I've improved my skiing since then....mostly by thinking about these crazy alpine turns.


You know, this is a great site with some friendly folk. A couple of the ski-oriented sites are just full of really annoying people-yuk! Thanks for all of the comments :)

I have been teaching for the Aspen Skiing Company for 21 years now. Initially skiing, but now some soft set-up boarding, and hard boot carving. I was fortunate enough to be one of the initial testers in Aspen for the SCX 15 years ago.

I still ski on Elans. This is one of their new skis, it is absolutely phenomenal. I am 5-10, 195 lbs. And the 168 I am on is plenty long enough - remember - the shorter you go, the smaller the radius.

Elan, Magfire 10

Length 168,

Radius 13.3


This ski can do it all!

I think your basic descriptions of being "long legged" in the middle of the turn, and flexing/absorging legs between turns is a great way to begin the process of getting further over on your skis. Keep the feet way apart, and keep rolling the outside ankle into the side of your boot, try to get it to press hard towards the edge you are trying to carve on. Work on the carve all the time. On flats, try to leave only "railroad tracks."

If you are in the Aspen area, let me know, and I can try to get you on a pair of these skis to demo for a couple of runs. And of course, there are lots of us who teach who love to rip, and lay it over as far as you can. I have to always put in a plug for some coaching.:)

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See the lead guy, has his front leg in back, e.g. Telemarker. Much tighter turn radius. As noted in a couple posts to get low the Alpine skier has to bring the inside leg way up. The Telemarker, by spliting the stance can achive much lower angles and be more stable with out having boot interference problems. You just have to have a ski/snow that will hold. The Alpine boarder has an advantage as the binding is designed not to hang over the edge of the board, allowing the board to be driven deeper into the snow giving more hold, which results in more possible force (G's) adn a lower body position. The skiers are at a disadvantage as the binding is draging in the snow at a much lower tip over angle.

Try Telemark carving in softer spring like conditions (hero snow) or when there are deeper piles of stiff snow, then you can lean over more.

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Is this "Extreme" enough?

Carve-dar Tele-Extreme

hmmm, i don't see any tracks behind him, and I don't see any snow being kicked up into the air by either his skis or his body... i also doesn't look like he's even flexing those skis.

looks like a still shot of the guy lying down on the snow... :rolleyes:

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I do ski quite a lot too.

Stopped skiing some 13-14 years ago at age of 7-8. I never was a great skier back then on those straight skis.

Now I came back last season and it was a blow. Got some Race Stock Slalom skis and they're just a blast.

I mainly use them on steep an icy slopes. The harder the slope the more fun. I usually take em out when it gets too icy for my snowboard (very low resort with 80% man made snow).

On flatter resorts I prefer women GS race skis with 21m radius (newer ones moved up to 26-27m radius). I did try some mens 205cm Atomic SuperG skis for a race but it's a level too high for me. I just freaked out trying to bend them (well I was as well 10kg too light according to the Atomic rep).

However I prefer raceskiing technique.

Stepping over from my GS Snowboard to my slalom raceskis is easier than going to my slalom raceboard. I bet most hardboot snowboarders rock on skis on their first day. Best is never to have skied before IMO. Snowboarding IMO heavily improves skiing technique.

For ski-extremecarving I would recommend some 80-90mm midfats in 165ish length with short radius like Metron B5 (which is a copycat from the original Snowrider that is 80mm/162cm/12m radius since 1993 - being one of the first carving skis - The developper Herbert Riberich had plans for carving skis since 1980 but ÖSV didn't like his ideas). Most good skis are all 2x titanal/sandwich production. However except from snowrider, available in Europe only (you may contact ex worldcup racer Nicola Zeiss at Edelwiser for US-imports - they may do it) there are not many wide carving skis with top notch construction.

Kessler carving skis are supposed to be great too I've heard. However consider paying the price of 2 snowboards.:eplus2:

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hmmm, i don't see any tracks behind him, and I don't see any snow being kicked up into the air by either his skis or his body... i also doesn't look like he's even flexing those skis.

looks like a still shot of the guy lying down on the snow... :rolleyes:

No sneaking one by you guys! :lol:

This is one of our very own long time members at OES 06, doing a little clowning around. Just so happened it played into this thread nicely.

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