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Folded the Board--(Ultraprime 156)


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Was doing the bumps at Alpental (Seattle) today. Corn snow, 60 degrees, couldn't have been nicer. Dropped off a little headwall to a little trough and heard the sound that I've been dreading all year-crick & snap. Such a nice neat fold right in front of the forward binding.Ate a little bit of snow, but that was it. Still a marvelous day.

Ya ever know that haunting feeling that your favorite board was gonna die. Had that feeling this whole year, and have been looking for a replacement all season. KlugRiding had them, but sold them out, and I was feeling a little desparate, and I knew it was gonna go, and damn it, it did. So off to search for the Burton Ultra-Prime 156, at least there's some time to find one for next year.

Otherewise,what a great weekend with so much snow left. I guess we'll have a couple of weekends left, but "sniff", I'll miss her so much. They say 2 more weekends of snow. 110" still left at the base. Join the last weekends of the season, for great conditions, it was still unbelieveable fun.

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Folded Laundry yesterday, today was the day I folded the board. Will be up for sure next weekend.

Actually yesterday was a day with the lawnmower, the chainsaw and best of all the woodchipper (remember Fargo the movie). Being originally from Duluth Mn, the sound of the IronRange accents coupled with that hilarious woodchipper scene, always brings a smile to my face whenever I hear one or get to pull mine out.

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Tell 'em you were just trying to keep up with somebody on a Sims and it was apparently too much for the board to handle.

If that doesn't work, a little duct tape oughta fix 'er right up. Better yet if you can get some cargo pit tape or speed tape from an aircraft mechanic.

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I'm not passing judgement on your board. I ride a FP myself. I'm just using some strategery to get Burton to slide you a replacement... um, if there is such a thing anymore. You could say anyone of their competitors names. Ooooh! How 'bout Kemper? That would be a true insult.

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I'm weighing at 150, and this was the 5th year on the UP56. A lot of usage for it, considering I was averaging 40+ days a year on it. I do have a bunch of longer boards including a UP162, but find them a lot less maneuverable in the bumps. Bigger is not better in this application.

Other boards that I've tried are Burton; Factory Primes, Alps, Coils, Amps, Airs. Also had couple of Rossi's, F-2 Speedster, Oxygens, AirWalk, SantaCruz, etc. Have never been on a Prior, Donek, Coiler, Virus, Mad and many more.

I'm sure that most of you guys have had a board or piece of equipment that fit and was absolutely perfect for that endeavor, and that's how the UP was for bumps and steeps. Now carving on harpack, it sucks. Just plain carving, marginal at best. Anything over 6" of powder it's miserable, or can be, but for what I used it for "Perfect". Never had a moments doubt from the first time I strapped it on, and ran it though the mogul field in hard or soft conditions.

The Carrier Bindings have also been pretty outstanding for the bumps and steeps. Been on the plain Carriers on the front, and the Carriers Step-ins on the rear. I'm regular, and my Son's goofy, so we've stretched the mismatched pairs out. The added bonus is that they're so ugly, nobody wants to steal them, especially when they don't even match. I've used the same bindings on the board for 5 years also, and that's not too bad for a flexible binding that tends to take a lot of sudden impact. They haven't been subjected to extended high stress situations like that of a full laid out carve at high speed, becuase that's not what they're good for.

Side note on the Board was that this was the first year that I mounted the bindings to the full forward position, and that gives the board a lot less area to flex and absorb. Next one, I'll mount a little further back.

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Yep, I know that, but I figured if I came up with a wild enough story they might at least let me buy one of their old stock cheap, if they had them.

Their old stock is on the klugriding site......or maybe stuck in the back of one their stores back east....I read somebody scored a FP at their Waterton store a while back for about $50

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