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Posts posted by D-Sub

  1. Hey...glitches or not, anyone who overlooks the LOVE that goes into these things is a fool.

    Criticism is perfectly acceptable, as Fin pointed out, and should not be met with derision, but it seems like it's a case of missing the forest for the trees.

    I didn't even go, and actually might not ever make it, but I still thank Fin and Michelle and Bordy and and and and...there're just so many people who put effort and heart into this sort of thing!

    So, from someone who may well never see the slopes of aspen, ROCK ON.

  2. I never thought I'd live long enough to see the words jazzy and metal used in the same sentence. It's like the words government and accountability in the same sentence.


    LOL! I used quotes, man!

    Jazzy not in sound, but in theory and the use of it. odd time signatures, or conflicting time sigs between instruments, etc.

    interestingly enough it's true! Doesnt sound like jazz, but the patterns are there.

  3. I don't own any of their records, and ran across them in my recent searches. I dug some of their riffs for sure, but...a bit too much for me. Im not a fan of bands that so obviously try to be "artistic."

    You might like Mastodon? Kinda similiar to meshuggah in that "jazzy" metal way.

    Me...more into slow, heavy, lots of bass, GRINDY tunes. Sabbath started it, Melvins kinda continued it, and there are many, many bands in between since.

  4. D-Sub, yea Stratos (not Pro's) but wouldn't even think about getting rid of them, just would like to try different tongues.

    Thought you might want to upgrade to the pros

    same boot, stiffer a bit, but you're trying to soften up your stratos so I guess that's kinda moot

    I shoulda just kept the stratos I had.

  5. Your pretty brave to air a fauxpas like this !

    what is the "fauxpax" here? talking about wearing headphones?

    I do sometimes.

    care to share a picture of youself carving an imperfect arc as well!

    I may be misinterpreting this, but it reads like a dig at the OP, insinuating that somehow you know his skill level and that it isn't good, OR that somehow headphones make it harder to ride?

    enjoy the tunes but watch your heel side turns you will never hear them comming.

    That's what your EYES are for. If you rely on your ears only to gauge your environment it is you who is the hazard.

  6. Colin, if Divebomber didn't take the tongues, I'm interested . I'd like to see if they'll work on my Head Stratos (27) boots.

    You have the regular Stratos, not pro?

    interested in a trade? I have black SPs with black and orange tongues. Mine are modded to allow BTS installation (Id probably keep my BTS, or...) so...if at all interested in a your boots plus some cash for my boots, hit me up.

    D.L.Spang at gmail dot com

  7. Sabbath was the first concert I ever went to 1977/1978 those days are very cloudy.:eplus2::eplus2:


    I knew a guy that saw every tour from Black Sabbath to Sabotage. Said he kinda lost interest after that. I was too young, kinda...but would have loved to have seen them.

    funny how things...eras...pass...a "black sabbath" is impossible now...it's just emulation, and the vibe they probably had since no one sounded like them was probably amazing.

  8. Kyuss no Sabbath influence?

    Cmon, dude! Maybe they don't sound like Sabbath, but...they wouldn't exist if weren't for.

    OK, so

    Acid King

    Electric Wizard (check out Dopethrone!)

    Sleep (Check out Holy Mountain)

    Boris (named after a Melvins track)

    Zex Thoth (sounds like Jefferson Airplane meets metal!)

    Yob (more metal than rock, but still gnarly)

  9. you hate specifics, but you wanted me to specify?

    There is an established consensus that calls bands who carried on the sabbath tradition as "stoner" or sometimes "doom."

    I know the bands...and definitely know Kyuss.

    I've found new bands like Acid King, Zex Thoth, Yob, Circle of Misery...the list goes on and on. There's a local band called Whores of Tijuana that's pretty good

    yes, it's all just rock / metal, but semi-specific subgenre classification helps distinguish. :nono:

  10. any fans on here?

    I've always loved Sabbath, and never realized how many bands had continued burning that torch.

    really digging bands that are new to me

    Electric Wizard

    Acid King

    St Vitus

    Sunn 0))))

    TONS of others out there

    anyone into this stuff?

  11. PaulK does not get tired; the mountain gets tired of PaulK*

    *plus he rides really slow, so it takes longer for him to get tired


    You looked good in that vid, too, man.

    I literally would not be able to keep up with anyone anymore

  12. Here's some more, hope I got the name attributions right:

    <object width="425" height="344">

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kobaq5dOHCI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>

    ...or... HQ version

    nice Vid, T. So was the other.

    every year I think Im gonna go, and every year I don't. Maybe next year I'll be healthy enough to do so.

    man...Gilmour on softboots...wow.

  13. forgot to mention the rollover I saw on the way up. It was bad. I sure hope those people were ok.

    I think I'm done going to big bear, unless I can go up at a leisurely pace and crash for a day or two and ride a couple or few hours at a time as the time, plus crowds, plus dangerous drive just make it not worth it to me anymore.

    by the way...aaron and erwin...I saw both of you guys riding on a couple runs, and you both looked pretty damn solid. nice work.

  14. sorry I didn't ride with you guys. I tried to catch you on 7 or 10 but the girl I was with thought the lower part was too steep

    I was also having serious pain that made it very, very not fun to ride, at all. I don't know if it's just from being out of shape, boots not fit right, or what, but it was the same when I went to mammoth in December. It's saturday morning and what I believe is my "extensor digitorum longus" on my left leg is still killing me.

    overall, while you guys had a great day, I just couldn't get the groove. I went to the car to get the WCR as it's more edgy, and got a few good turns but the pain just ruined it, no matter how hard I tried to focus on ignoring it. I'm either a huge sissy or something's wrong with me.

    oh, and we left about 1:45, and...I gotta say...that ride down wasn't worth even the most epic of days. Took me two hours, and i was nearly hit TWICE once in the rear when I had to slow down after a curve due to some DIP**** stopping in the MIDDLE OF THE F-ING ROAD to put on chains, and the 2nd time when some DIP**** decided to pass a long line of cars that were STOPPED for an accident. I look out my window and I see the nose of a truck pointing directly at me, but sliding sideways fortunately. Dude pitched it 90* and stopped facing directly at me.

    idiots. I hate SoCal.

    glad you dudes had a blast, and I wanted to be in on that, but even without the pain the drive reminded me why I ride so little down here. :(

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