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Posts posted by D-Sub

  1. Guys, providing we can get up there the conditions should be incredible. Carvealicious as Big Mario likes to say over on the CO ride board.

    Theyre going to be incredible thurs, fri, sat, sun, mon...probably past that even! and more snow next week maybe?

    crazy. I hope baldy gets the goods...that place just plain ROCKS it.

  2. Dave, with the discounted tickets does this mean you are coming up???

    on the fence. please don't take offense, dude, and don't assume anything.

    here's the info for anyone. Im gonna start a thread, too

    No need to make reservations.

    Most of our regular day tickets are only $40. Details are below.

    We have 3 kinds of tickets. They are Anytime (holiday), Anytime non-holiday (weekends) and Monday - Friday tickets. The holiday periods are: Dec. 20-31, 2008; Jan. 1-4, 2009; Jan. 17-19, 2009; Feb. 14-16, 2009

    Anytime tickets are valid any day during the snow season, including holidays. We have these tickets discounted to $50 which is a savings of $16.

    Anytime non-holiday tickets are valid any day except during holiday periods. These tickets are discounted to $45 which is a savings of $21.

    Monday - Friday non-holiday tickets. These tickets are $40 which is a savings of $13.

    Let me know if you want to get some. We are in PB. Local pickup at our offices is no problem or we have free overnight shipping while our prepaid envelope supply lasts.





  3. What is this "skid" technique that you are speaking of?? What works for me is to transition sharply to the downhill edge while board is perpendicular to the fall line, all the while, keeping shoulders squared down the hill and arms extended stiffly out in front. This way I can go from edge-to arms- to head -to edge-to a laid out eurostyle pose with a full body 360 slide down the hill. My carves look sweet! Like morse code almost. dash-dot-dot-dot dash.

    dude...I am a little.uhh...red eyed right now and I was reading that all seriously like it was a technical paper on proper speed scrubbing...


  4. I can usually avoid skidding on greens, but anything on a real blue in less than ideal snow will require equal parts skidding & carving for me.

    Unless there's no one else around, ever, we're all gonna skid sometimes. (Im slippin)

    how would we stop without skidding :)

  5. So you're not always going to have a wide groomer available, sometimes the trail is tight getting to the good stuff. Is it OK to skid like you would on a softboot board?

    Seems like an odd question...

    of course it's ok to skid. There are no carve police who will pull your ticket. I skid all the time to scrub speed (oh and cuz Im a terminal intermediate weekend warrior :))

  6. What's that, a metal 4WD?

    I have ridden my 4WD in powder, and it did fine, but I've never ridden a powder-specific board so what do I know?

    no, it's not metal. It's just a customized 4WD I scored here. Best board Ive ever ridden. Im pretty simple though.

  7. It took me a few minutes to stop laughing at the picture of this woman emptying a gravy boat into her nose!

    Seriously though, Johns Hopkins University did two separate medical studies, the latest one in 2001, in which they found that over 90% of chronic sinus infections were found to be caused by fungus. These fungal infections were untouched by antibiotic therapy (duh) but were diminished by saline solution therapy. So, why do most US doctors keep prescribing antibiotics for sinus infections?

    Some folks add anti-fungals like pau d'arco, olive leaf extract, and grapefruit seed extract to the saline solution, too.


    You tell 'em, Mark!

    Sup, brother?

  8. Dave, just checking out the pic of your pavement monster a bit closer. Did you swap from ape hangers to a lower handlebar?? It seems that there is quite a bit of extra cable, speedo, brake, throttle hanging down and around the front end. Was there any motor work done on that thing?? what is the cubic inches?

    FWIW, I like the low bars personally.

    Looks like Summit will be opening in the next few days. Have Bullwings pick you up, he lives near you I believe.

    Good eye, dude. Yes it had 16" apes on it. I've since changed out all the cables, and the bars have been changed again. Unfortunately it has more dings and dents because I'm a klutz but it looks a bit different now

  9. good to have you back D-sub. maybe you'll take Aaron up on his offer this season?

    there's an ok number of us that go to snow summit and meet every now and then.

    you know...I made the 100 mile, 2 hour trip last year on my birthday, and i got carsick ont he way there (crazy...I was driving!) but did have some fun riding with...gosh what was his name...forgot...but it was fun

    just kind lost interest in 200 miles in one day to ride. I know, I'm not "down"


  10. Dave, welcome back. Good to see your name on the board!! Nice bike, still driving the Subie too? We will have to hook up this year, lets not let another year go by without riding. A few weeks ago we lost a great BOL member, Jim Pryor(dark clone) from Running Springs. Life is too short not to take a few hours out of one day and spend it with new and old friends!! Lets make it happen!!

    Uh oh, check out my post count, should I be scared??

    What happened to Dark Clone?

    oh, and your post count will never compare!

  11. Wow. Gone for how long and Im still what...4th? 5th? sheesh.

    Couture Lesnar went how I thought it would...dude's just too strong for someone randy's size. all he needs is to land a blow or two and anyone goes down.

    Very good night of fights, though! Last nights WEC was disappointing. There's a show on my birthday next week, too. Hope that's good.

  12. Hey all...I'm unbanned. You'll find Im a bit...uh...renewed. No time to battle internet idiots, but still recognize the value of this site. Plenty of very cool people on this forum. I apologized to Fin and was released from my lockdown. Thanks Fin!

    anyway...this is what I did this summer:

    a few changes made, no pics yet, but yeah...been ridin that loud stinky summabitch and havin a blast.


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